-0ronio %Weeklv Tienes. 'ted'.lcmbrIt.17 TiheS'nf'nef Reniermnbrance ijay In Fianders Field the poppies grow, But few of us will ever know, The torment and the anguish feit, Of these poor men as on their knees they f eit. They fought the batties with much despair, And they wondered at home if we even cared, When they were shot down in the battiefieid, ~With only one hope that their wounds wouid be healed. Young men were taken from their home, And sent out in the fields to roam, Hunting the enemy with much disgrace, But trying to keep a smiie on their face. So when the veteran makes a sale, Just remember he is teiling a tale, Buy a poppy and wear it proud, For he is the proudest in the crowd. On November iith, rem- ember to save, One minutes silence to honor the grave, 0f the soldiers who fought to make this land, A better place for us to stand. Donna Wagar, 8B Gifts f or the whole family CHOOSE FROM Bone China - Sterling Jewellery Glassware - Cand les Brigham Pipes, Bar Accesories and Novelty Items MIDTOWN Conf ectionary and Gifts Orono 983-524'2 The significance of Remembrance Day Peace Solemn vow Secretly, harmony, eternally Endless hope for mankind Tranquil. War Battie flames Dieîng, crying, trying Killing haliow and virtue Confict. Soldiers Really brave Writing, fighting, uniing Heiping ail the time Warriors. PoppieS Flanders Field Growing, showing, glowing Found on soldiers graves Symbol . Handicaps Making poppies Easing, pieasing, reasoning Kind and gentie too Veterans. Remnembrance November eieventh Reminding, unwinding, find- ing A solemn uniformied event Keepsake. Lisa Mendonca, 7A- Pictured above is Donna Wagar (ieft) and Lisa Men- donca. Donna won third prize in the recent Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 178) Literary contest in the poetry division A! Santa's ;;~~vNFamily Christmas Party t \k.ORONOARENA Dec. l6îth iuntil 3 PRIZES GALORE CAN DY BAGS FOR THE YOUNG Sp"SoredFamily Skating ORONO & DISTR ICT Party CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE EVERYONE WELCOME whie Lisa piaced second in are students at the Pines the samne contest. Both girls Senior Public Schooi. *DX SE RVIC E-STATION * Highway 35 & 115, 1just north of Newcastle Featuring: *Premnium Quality Pout At the Most Reasona ble MIPricesI * Stove0Oil& * Diesel 011 Availae in any quantity I * Phone 987-4215 E * We have a complete Une of * POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save by I *buying these a case at a time. Cocrémci dry skin cremne and beauty soap beautif les your skin and you. Cocoa Butter marvel lousiy formu- Iated in both COCREMA Dry Skin Creme and Beauty Soap re2lly mnoisturize-s your skîn. Rid your face and body of dry, fiaky skin that gives that aging appearance GET COCREMA COCQA BUTTER Dry Skin Creme and BeaUtY Soap to help you look more YOLIthfuLI Available at: I MAIN ST.. gRWP. Oi4T. MAIN ST., ow»40, om.