ADULT Visions of Glory by Barbara Harrison (a history of Jehovah's Witnesses) Vet in the Clouds by Don Lavers (adventures with a flying Australian Vet) Patent, Trade Mark, and Copyright Law in Canada by Peter Burn Our Future King by 'Peter Lane <an intimate look at Prince Charles) JUNIU1-, The Facts about an airline by Alan Road The Creek Armies by Peter Connolly How to plant a bunch of stuff by Ed Hume (plants te indoors) Chionis and the Freaks by Kin Platt (novel of today) The Dingle Ridge Fox and other stories by Sam Savitt EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Flutterby by Stephen Cos- grove Pepper and ail the legs by Dick Gackenbach Tiny spooks guessing gamne by Inger Sandberg Elsa in the Night by Anna Virîn. Madeleine Hadley. The Christmas Star Almost concert at Cla rke The Clarke High School Bands and Choirs are once again presenting an "Almost Christmas Concert". This is the fifth annual concert, promising to be a great success. t will be held on Monday, December 18,1978 at 7,30 in the Clarke High School gymnasium. Guest artists thîs year will include a young teen-age pianist, Eric Lambier, who lives just East of Kendal but attends the CNIB School in Brantfod, and the Pines Senior Public School Choir under the direction of Char- maine Proule. The three bands and two choirs of CHS wilI also be performing, of course. The Music students of CHS have made it a tradition in the past to serve refreshments to those who corne, with the cost included in the price of admission. The funds collec- ted through the sale of tickets to the concert will be used in helping to finance the propos- ed exchange of the Senior Band and Choir with Paul Kane Secondary School of St. ,sday, December l3th,_ 1978-7 Albert, Alberta. It is hoped that the exchange will take place towards the end of Janaury and will last about one week. The St. Albert group will probably corne to CilS for the Victoria Day weekend in May. In addition, attendance at Music Festivals and similar activities, is usually paid for from Band and Choir earn- ings, and the students have often contributed towards equiment and special furnish- ings in the Music Room. They have provided scholarships on occasion, and are hoping that a "Camp Fund" can be established to assist those who attend Music Camp in the summer. mmumimm mmmmmmmU VîsitI Santa Saturday, I Dec. l6th 1-5 p.m.I at 4 CHARMIE PEAKE'S GULF I 'Q ' ~Hwy. 115 and 35,I jNorth of the Village of Newcastle ZW -M7