Open "Challenger" at Ski Hill at Oshawa Club The "(ChIallenger", the latest addition to the existing eighteen ski runs at the Oshawa Ski Club east of Kir- by was officially opened on Saturday morning by local M.P.P. Sami Cureatz. Neither a bowling winid or swirling wind dampened the enthusîasmn of club officiai and members in the officiai opening which adds aniother dimension to the facilitie-s at the Ski Club. Thn e "Challenge-r" developed over the summer months on thie west property ,has a vertical drop of three hundred feet ai-d runs for over 1000. It is classified as an expert run along with such as Ben's Bumps, Ridge Run and Tower Run. During developirenit the former hil on the site was raisedl somne 40 feet and ex- tended 130 feet. The Challenger is also equipped with snýow,-making equipment as are m nost of the runs on the property. Futuredveonnt in the area include a furthier T-Barý to, twin with the existinig and the planting of trees. Thle Oshaw,,a Ski Club is one Of the major wînter recreation devellopmnents in the district and this year lias (Contmnued page 3) with the officiai opening of the "Challenger", an expert run on the west property. In total the club now lias 20 runs for novice up ta experts. Taaxmg part ini the oficiai oPening ceremonies are: Chris Davis Sr., President of the, Club-, Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Durham-East; Mike Eades who named the and Dick Rutherfc Manager of the Ski Operation. Eý UAL MEETING AT 8.:30 P.M. town Businessmen's Association annual titis Monday evening in the Orono Town :30 p.m. A summary of the years business the election of directors to the Board of ield. Make a point ta be on liand. èGESTIONS nittee for the Orono Arena are open for Dration of the complex. They invite sugges- Is or groups which could lead to im- your comments ini writing to Box 165, Suggest $323,OOO0 parking proposai A report was received from the Bowmianville Business Centre proposing additions ta downtown parking in Bowmanville at an estimated cost of $323 ,000.00. The report states there is presently a deficiency of parking spaces in the downtown of 169 (Continued page 2) Puîblic viewing of Pine Ridge? Mayor Rickard at Mon- day's coundil meeting asked council to consider a recamn- mendation that the provincial Minister bc requested to open the Pine Ridge school proper- ty to viewing by the general public. During the first attempt council turned aside the recommenation in the mnorn- ing session. In the afternoon session of council a second attempt was made which gained support of the majori- ty of counicil. It now stands that through Sam Cureatz the request is being made to have the pro- perty open for viewing by in- dividuals and groups in order that an assessment can be made as to the future poten- tial value of the property to the municipality. Mayor Rickard stated that a number of people had been asking about the potential of the property and that there was still interest i the pro- perty from the general public. Hé said there was interest as to industrial development, accomodation for seniors and a varîety of other uses. Hle said he had arranged a vieýw- ing of the property recently for local council memnbers and staff and he questioned if there was flot a potential for the property for the corn- munity. C ounc. Cowman said the Mayor was being amnbiguous and asked what was the pur- pose of bis recommendation. She noted that the Minister, Mr. Wiseman, had toid the council on at least two occa- sions that the Province would xiot be giving the property away. "Are you trying to suggest to the Province since they had flot sold the proper- ty they should give it to us," she asked. Quotmig fromt her own notes Counc. Cowman said that Wiseman had said at (Continued page 2) New Officers Installed at Orono Masonic Lodge FAIR BOARD ANNUAL MEET The Orono Fair Board hold their annual meeting this Saturday afternoon in the Community Centre at the Orono Arena. Reports for the year will be presented and plans undertaken for the 1982 edition of the local fair in Orono. TOWN JOINS ASSOCIATION 0F MUNICIPALITIES, ONTARIO The Town of Newcastle approved membership in the Associa- tion of Municipalities of Ontario at a cost of $2,117.50 on Mon- day. Counc. Prout questioned the amnount of the fee. Couinc. Hamre has asked that coundil consider at the General Purpose Committee just wliat section the Town should be involv- ed witli, small urban or rural. TELETHON RAISES $41,677.84 FOR PARTICIPATeON HOUSE (DUR-HAM REGION) The Telethon held on CBC and affiliated stations over the weekend raised a sum of $41J,677.84 wbich will be directed to Par- ticipation House Project (Durham Region) Inc., Oshawa General Hospital. According to Mrs. B. Campbell the amnount is somie $10,000 over that of last year and the local group is more than happy with the response. Participation House (Durhamn Region) has intended ta construct facilities in Bowmanville for a number of years andi is awaiting approval of their project froru thse Pro- vince who will assist with some of thse funding. Mrs. Campbeil points out that tliey own l'and on Concession Street in Bowman- ville west of Pine Ridge School which could be used for facilities and as well Participation House is also considering the possibllty of renovating one of the buildings at Pine Ridge if it were to become available. Officers of Orono Masonic Lotige were installed last Thursday evening at the Masonic Temple, Orono. Mr. John Duvail was instailed as Master of the Lodge with lis Mayhew, L. Gatcheli, Bob father, Herb Duvail, being Rosseau, John Berry; Middle thse installing Master. Row - J. Ogden, Wm. Pro- Pictureti above taking af- cter, H. Braclivogel, W. fice are: Back Row - Ken Courvier, Gary Ormisýtn, Front Row - Tom Hender- son, H. Elson, John Duvat, Herb Duval andti Jm Murreeý. ai i.