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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1982, p. 1

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Does exceptîonally well at Canadian Meet Coun cil reverses rExApresses Brooklin decision concernc Scott Maybee, 17, representing the Orono Figure Skating Club in the re- cent Canadian Figure Skating Championships heid in Bran- don, Manitoba, placed fifth ini the junior Men's Division and against competitors who have been competing in the division during the iast cou- pie of years. There were seventeen in competition in the division from au across Canada. Scott showed his abiîity and strength in the long pro- grami puIing from an eghth position piacing to fifth overali. Scott piaced tenth in his figures and eievated to eighth foliowmng bis short program and to fifth foliow- ing bis long program. CONGRATULATIONS! Town council on Monday evening reversed a decision of the Generai Purpose Com- mittee in respect to Official Plan amendmnents concerning Brookiin. At the Generai Purpose committee meeting a week ago Monday' counicil members had passed a recom-, mendation to council in which the committee propos- ed that the Town of Newcas- tle oppose officiai plan amendments allowing major residential deveiopment in Brookiin. At that time it was feit that d eveiopmnent in Brookiin of such magnitude wouid deter future deveiop- ment in the Town of Newcas- tie. That ail changed on Mon- day when the majority of counicil ruled out their op- position to the Offical Plan amendment. The Ministry of Housing had asked the Town's opi- nion in the matter. Counc.,Hubbard said she couid not understand the position of the Ministry as aiready the Region of D3urham and the Town of Whitby had approved the Over change to the Officiai Plan. I U UJ Counc. Hamnre said she had opposed the proposai at the Region and further stated that ail planning depart- ments, Region, Whitby and that Newcastle had spoken against the proposed develop- ment in Brookiin as being prçmature. Hamnre said site couid not support the amend- ment to the Officiai Plan. Counc. Cowman said basicaily it was a matter of wheeling and dealing. Following the meeting of the Town of Newcastle council on Monday both Counces. Cowman and Hamre said that ail members of counçii had been phoned by interests in Brooklin to kili the pro- posai te, object to the amen- ding of the Regional Officiai Plan. Don Smith said it was routine for the province to ask for such comments from other municipalities and did point out that the Region did have an abundance of service land not being used at this time. He said it was not his intention to fight Whitby in their proposai to develop Brookiin. Councs. Cowman and Hamre voted to maintain the recommendation from their committee meeting while the rest of counicil voted against such a mnove by the Town. Counce. Woodyard said the Town of Newcastle shouid not deprive businesses in Brooklin the services of water and sewers. Nuclear On Decemnber 14, 1981 The Honourabie John Roberts, Federai Minister of the En- vironment, was written the following letter: "The Conservation Coum- cil of Ontario is concerned about a num.ber 6of issues reiated to the new uranium hexafluoride faciity pianned by Eldorado Nuclear Limnited in Port Hope. We wrote to the Chairmnan of the Atomic Energy Con- trol Board, Mr. Jennekens, last January 29 stating this Councii's concerris, aLnd again on October 1,j re- questing of hini furtber ex- planation of bow the site ap- proval for tbe proposed faciity bad been arrived at. We are flot convinced tbat ail of the relevant factors bave received adequate assessment and wish now to register witb you our strongest possible expression of concern. This concemn is- based on four items also sup- ported by the Port Hope Eni- vironmentai Group. These are sumnmarized as follows: 1. The approved site in Port Hope Harbour does not allow for an adequate buffer zone as is apparentiy, ac- cepted industriai practice. 2. A proper ani tborougb environmental assessment bas flot been undertaken. If Eldorado Nuclear Limited is (Continued page 2) Raise S11111.00 F ~aptuùî~.. Ior Fyirc * MME WWEW If EALTH COUNCIL SETS GROUP HOMES 'AS A PRIORITY The Durham Region Heath Council are to support the Co- operative Residence Program of Mental Heaith. Durham in endeavouring to obtain funding for the establishment of more group homnes in the Region for persons with a history of mental il- Iness. It bas been reported that 2,000 people were discharged from the Whitby Psychiiatric Hosptial in 1980. At present 26 such peo- pie are accommodated in Group Homes in the Region of which 13 are accomm odated in three new homes in Oshawa. TERRY EDWARDS APPOINTED PLANNING DIRECTOR Terri' Edwards has been appointed Director of Planning for the Town of Newcastle taking over the position previously held by Don Smith who now holds the position of Chief Administrator Officer for the Town. Edwards bas been on staff in the Planning Department of the Town for a number of years associated with long-term planning. In the past few months E".dwards has acted as Planning Director. 10 REVIEW PARKING ENFORCEMENT At the recent meeting of the General Purpose Commnittee' meeting of the Town of Newcastle -a motion by Councs. Woodyard and Taylor cails for staff to review parking enforce- nient in the Villages of Orono and Newcastle, and report back to the comnmittee. At the presenit timne there is no such enforcemrent of the parking by-laws other than through complaint to the Regional Police. J.A. ALDRIDGE APPOINTED DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF The Town of Newcastle council bas appointed J.A. Aldridge of Newtonviile Deputy-Fîre Chief for the Town of Newcastle. The position is a new position in the Town of Newcastle and Aldridge will work under the direction of the Fire Chief, Jim Hayman. Aldridge bas been a member of the Toronto Fire l'epartmient for the past fifteen years and is acquanited with al ý_,pects of tbe fire fighting. On January 23rd. the Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club heid their 31d. annual PUB NIGHT a: the Orono Community Centre. Despite the fact of poor weather con- ditions there was approx- imately 200 in attendance and $ 1,111 was raised in support of Cystic Fibrosis. This is a childs disease that attacks the respiratory system and can only be detected when the chiid is 6 months oid. This disease, has no known cure as yet, but since its discovery in 1941 a lot bas been accomplished through sceintific research. As Most of us know researcb cos many dollars and we, The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club, are pleased that we have been able to contribute in a very small way. We wish to thank aIl who attended our PUJB NIGHT and also for those people who donated their time to enter- tain that evening. Anyone wishing to know more about this disease please feel free to contact any Kinsmen or Kinette and we will do our best, to get the answers for you. The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club. To compete at Uxbridge - i Jackie Hood, Andrea Bur- nbam, Lori McNeil, Kristy Fintoff and AndyHaines wil be conlpeting at a Skating meet being beld in Uxbridge on Saturdai' and Sundai' Februari' 6th and 7tb. Along with tbe above but not available for the photo, Michelle Henry and Donna Lowery will also be represen- ting Orono Figure Skating Club at the meet. The Orono group are ex- cited in being part of the comrpetition and spurred along witb the tremlendous sbowing bi' Scott Maybee in the Canada meet look to a mnost successfui outing in Ux- bridge.

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