4, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 3, 1982 SPO RTS c Stutt's Bantams give ail at Manvers meet On Sat. Jan. 23rd. The Stutts Pharmacy Bantams travelled to Manvers for an O.M.H.A. Bantarins Tourna- ment. Orono defeated the host club Manvers by a score of 5-2 to start the tourna- ment. Greg Vey scored the bat trick with singles goîng to Stephen Murree and David Dawes. Richie Dupe picked up 2 assists with singles going to Keith Vey, Paul Henry, Guy Brachvogel, Paul Rosseau and Greg Vey. In Orono's second game they were matched up with North Oshawa. Orono won by a score of 8-1. Greg Vey scored 4 goals with singles go- ing to Paul Henry, Paul Rosscau, David Dawes and Stephen Murree. The assists went to Paul Henry 2, Guy Brachvogel 2, David Dawes 1, Robert French 1, Richie Dupe 1, Greg Vey 1, Jim Wood 1, Keith Vey 1 and Stephent Murree 1. The Orono club moved the puçk with a lot of authority in this game. Paul Rosseau and Keith Vcy played well on the defence. The Stutts Pharmacy Ban- tamns had now qualified for. the Championship gamne. Otonabee dcfeated Orono 4-3. Greg Vey scored 3 goals with assists going to Stephen Murree 1, Paul Henry 1, Richie Dupe 1 and Guy Bracbvogel 1. A bad first period and some bard luck around the Otoniabee net was Orono's downfall but the boys neyer quit until, the final buzzer. Grcg Vey was Orono's most valuable player in the final g4me. The Stutts Pharmacy Ban- tams then returned home to play a league gante against Omemnee. Orono won the gante by a score of 6-2. Paul Henry scored 2 goals with singles going to Guy Brachvogel, Stpehen Murrce, Jim Wood and Greg Vey. The assists went to Greg Vey 2, Paul Hcnry 1, Robert French 1, Richie Dupe 1, Stephen Murree 1 and Guy Brachvogel 1. This was tihe Stutts Pliai- macy Bantamas 4th. gaine of the day and the teamt came up with a real big effort to win this game. Paul Henry played a strong gamne for the local club. I.OO0.F PeeWees take win over Baltimore Orono I.O.O.F. Peewccs were at home to Baltimore of the United Counties league and came away tise winners by a 3-2 score. It was a fine effort by the home team as tbe coaches juggled the ine Up completely giving the boys a chance to play with dif- ferent linemates and defense partnerg. Robert Snoek open- cd tise scoring in tise first period witb assists to Brian Hill and Tim Mercer to give tise home side a 1-0 lead. Chris Richards made thse score 2-0 assisted by Cory Melville and Wayne Atkins as tise I.O.O.F. Peewecs dominated play at this point. Robbie Jerome made the score 3-0 for Orono assisted by Brian Soucb and Wayne Atkins. Going into the third pcriod Baltimore came on stronger and managcd to nar- row the score to 3-1 aftcr they had pressured the visitors continuously only to come up empty handed. Baltimore narrowed tise score te, 3-2 at tise end of the third period to cap off tise scoring. Special mcntion to John Toon, Chris Richards, and Deon Dias f'or fine games. M'I&H PeeWees tie with Newcastle On Monday, Jan. 25, 1982 the Mattisew 'aand HillI ms. O.M.H.A.. PeeWecs played host to Newcastle for their final league gaine of tise seasori. Tisis turncd into one of thse best ganses of tise year witis lots of end to end action and some great goaltending at botis ends. After a scoreiess first period Orono opened tise scoring in tise second perîod attise 6:36 mark on a power play goal by Brad Roberts assisted by Scott McCuilougis and Stuart Irwin. Newcastle tied tise garne at 1-1 at tise 4:25 mark witis Wiliie McGarved putting one in assisted by Lee Riddle and Greg Turk., Tise third period saw Newcastle go aisead 2-1 a goal by Todd Yarrow unassistcd only to have Orono come riglit back 0:35 seconds later to tic tise gaine 2-2 on a goal by Vatrick Woods assisted by Kevi Hartwig. Final score Orono 2 and Newcastle 2. This was an ex- cellent team effort by tise boys who bead into playoffs starting Monday, Feb. 1, 1982 and wili have to keep Up tise teain effort to move ahead in tise playoffs. Tise local boys cnded up third in tise iglit team league behind Bewdiey and Newcas- tle. Tues. Feb. 9 - 8:00 Orono at Bobcageon Mon. Feb. 15 - 7:00 Mindc at Orono Thurs. '7eh., 18 - 7:00 Orono at Bewdley Mon. Feb. 22 - 7:00 Bewdley at Orono Sat. Feb. 27 - 4:00 Orono at Minden Mon. Fcb. 1 - 7:00 Bob- cageon at Orono Tues. Feb. 2 - 8:30 Orono at Roughley Novice team see plenty of action The'O.M.iA. Novice fac- ed a tougli weekend witb back to back garne, witb Lindsay. On Friday night Lindsay was in Orono, open- ing tbe game with four first period goals wbile Orono could only get one bigli into the corner passcd along by Roy Mitchell and J.B. Brachvogel. Lindsay was held to, three goals by Sbawn Har- dy, in goal for Orono, during the second period. Thse third period also saw Lindsay get three goals, but to end the game, Kevin Roberts made no mnistake on a break away, beating the Lindsay goalie who bad stoppcd hum on a previous break away. Scott McAllister and David Sheridan made excellent passes on the play. Thse game ended Orono 2 to Lindsays 10. Jeff Hartwig and Roy Mitchell played well defen- sively as well as Camerson Esler wben thse boys were short handed. On Saturday morning before tbe annual team pic- tures were taken, tbe team played an exhibition game witb the Oshawa L.N.H.L. Bruins. Dustin Reid put Osbawa on the run with the first goal of the first period. David Sheridan and Kevin Roberts assisted on tise play, Oshawa tied it up to end the period. The Bruins took thse lead ini the second period but not for long. Dustin got bis second of tise night slipping in a Kevin Roberts rebound. They regained tbe lead before this period was over. The tisird period had just started when Craig Andrews Nemis let a bard shot go from deep in the corner. It went in off the goalie's skates to tic the game up again as J.B. Bracbvogel had fired the puck in to start the play. Un- fortunately, the Bruins got another goal with just four minutes left in the game to take the win 4-3. Jeff Devolin and Hartwig played well. The return match in Lind- say was played late Saturday afternoofn. The Orono squad was ready to give thein a good figh(-while Shawn Har- dy was ready between the pipes. Shawn allowed thern only one goal in tise first period and two in thse second wiie Orono carried the play to, their end to be stopped by excellent goal tending by the Lindsay goalie. David Sheridan put Orono on the scoreboard drivinig one past tise goalie witb the help of Cameron Esler and Jin Part- ner. Tise second goal was scored by Brad Minnîs, work- ing bard on the left side and banging in a rebound from Sean Winning and Jason Ma- jor. The game ended Lindsay 7 to Orono's 2. Next game in Orono on Friday night at 6:30 against Millbrook. Tennant Atoms reach Peterboro semi-finals This past weekend saw the Tennant Fuels Atoins play somc of the best hockey of thse season to tise delight of tiseir coaches and fans as tbcy competed in thse Peter- boroughs Ciurch- League Hockey Tournainent. Our teain participated in tise "D" division for teams. from towns of 5,000 popula- tion or less. Tisere wcre t wen- - ty teains entcred in this divi- sion split into five groups of four teains. Tise four tearns in cacis group played one gaine against each otiser with the teamn witb thse bcst record ad- vancing to tise playoffs agalnst the winners froin the. other groups for tise charn- pionship. We competcd in Group IV against Lakefield, Ennismore and Peterborough Churcb League teain from, St. John Baptist. In our first gaine on Thurs- day, January 21, we trimphed over Lakcfield 4- 1, setting the stage for bigger and better things to come. Our next game was played brigist and early on Saturday morning against St. John Baptist whom we humblcd before tiseir home town fans 5-2. Tisis win prctty much assured us of advancing to eitiser tise chamipionslsip or consolation Quarter finals. 1The third andi finai gaIne amongýt our Group IV rivais was against Ennismore wiso pïovicJed some tougis opposi- tion. The resuit was an ex- citingý 0-0 tic which was enougli for us to finish on top of our group and advancc us to the quarter finals of the cbampionship -round. Mike Goodmurpisy Jarned the sisut out with a brilliant effort bet- %aien the pipes as he did throughouithtie entire tourn- mànet. Mike won the Mother's Shut Out Award for bis efforts in this gamc. As if we weren't already very proud of the boys for thse way tbey played in advancing to thec quarter finals tisere was still more excitement to come. Oui opponents in tise quarter finals turned out to be our arcis rivals fromu Omemec wbom we played tbree timnesý in league action and who soundiy beat us al three times. Today isowever, tise outcomne would be dif- ferent as the boys dug down deep and came up witi tise greatest gaine tisey've played ail scason. Omeince started off as usual, jumping out to a 3-0 lcad but the boys wouldn't .givc up, finally brcaking througb on a goal f'rom Todd H-utton. Omeine wasn't dead yet, however, as they came right back to make tise score 4-1 in tise tiird pcriod. Most teains wouid probably bave folded- rigbt (Continued Sunderland Mon. Feb. 8 - Sunderland at Orono Orono travelled tol Hamp- ton Arena to meet tise Bowmanville Toro Minor Midgets on Saturday evcning. Orono opened tise scoring but Bowmarsville scored tise three before the period was over. At the end of tise se- cond period tise score was 5-3 for Bowmianville. Thse local boys scored two in tise tisird to tic the gaine at 5 ail. Orono got a penalty witis 1 V2 min. Icft in tise third period and Bowmanville scored with only 53 seconds left in the gamte. It was a fast bard paced gane witis tise local boys playing vcry weIl. Scoring for Orono: Matt Willes 1, Jeff Gray 2, Scott Prescott 1, Ted Oster. 1. Assists going to: Mike Hamel 1, Paul Morton 2, Glyn Jenkins 1, Derek Muns- ford 1, Paul Lane 1, Murray Dennis 1, Matt Willes 1. Orono 4 Little Britain Feb. lst. Playing their first gaine of the playoffs Orono hostcd Little Britain. It was a fast paced game with L.B. going abcad 4 to 0 before Orono scored 4 goals in 5 min. to tic the score. Scott Prcscott almost scored the winner with 5 seconds re- 7:00 maining but was pulied down in front of the net and the puck went wide. Glyn Jenkins opened the scoring for Orono on a low shot froin in front of the net assîst from Mike Hamel. Scott Prescott scored Orono's 2nd. and goal assist froin Matt Willes. Seven seconds later Mike Hamel ,scored with a nice snap shot low to, the stick side unassisted. Thirty-nine seconds Orono raced down the ice and Murray Dennis taking a pass from Iq M1Tï Hamel scored again on tise stick sîde low for the score to tic it Up. Two of L.B. goals were deflections off tise Orono defencemen's skates chang- ing dircction on goalie Geoff Green who played a strong game. The local boys isad thîce goals disallowed by tise referees. Defencemani Paul Lane bad bis skates pulled. out from under hlm in front of bis net and was sent to the isospital witis pulled knee ligaments, sure. hope be recovers soon as be will be missed. Ncxt game is Tues- day, at 8:00 p.m. in Orono against Bewdlcy. O.M.H.A. PeeWee Playoff Sehedule' Bowmanville edge Hamilton midgets STARTABILIITY CUTAÀBUJTY DEPENDABILITY AFFORIABILITY That's Pioneer's inid-range maxi-value lineup!l P41 For heavy pulpwood and light timber cutting. 4. cu. in./65 cc power to hande 1" -28"gui de bars with ease. Chainbrake option available. ~~an le16 -28" OnIy $409-95 P28 Top-of-the-line utility chainsaw with effective 4-point vibration isolation system. Hand guard and chain brake 7 option available. Only $299.95 à e P26Field-proven performance in a simple, dependable package. 3.1 cu. in./51 cc with electronic ignition to handle 16" sprocket nose guide bar. I only $259.95 The Farmsaw For woodcutting chores on the farm -4 cu. in,/65 cc, electronic/ignition, 6-point vibration isolation system and a lot more value! - pINW~~ OnIy $339.95 Less1Oo ROLPH HARDWARE (Dominion) PIM NEER