6, Orone Weely Timnes, Wednesday, Februar 3, 1982 AECB wants fuli study Wotten asks 'Why' at Eldorado., Port Hope n nn<nuri I'ire feit a bit like a voyeur the last few niglits, reading the third volume of Charles Ritchies diaries. This book, like the others, written while -Ritchie was earning bis living as a diplomat, provides a glimpse of the man wbo was coir- ered up ail that time, the real mnan, a man wbo was sensi- tive, cutivated, and full of a wonderful zest for life. He wasn 't covered up to bis friends of course, but -n those who observed him merely in his officiaI role, as the Cana- dian Ambassador to Bonn, the United Nations, and then Washington, lie was the quintessential diplomat. A slim, distinguished figure with a mid-Atlantic accent, quick with the riglit sort of cocktail party small talk, circumspect about matters of substance. When 1 was a correspondent in New York and Washington, and I'd spent some time in Ritchie's company, 1 always feit my suit needed pressing, that my feet were too big, and that my tongue was tied. When 1lfinally managed to blnrt something out, I longed to lie able to recaîl it before it was entirely ont of my mnoutb. None of this was Ritchie's fanit, of course. And F'us sure that my suit did need pressing more often than not. But- the reason l'ire felt like a voyeur wble reading this current edition of Ritchie's diaries is. that 1 had sncb a one dimen- sional view of him at the time. And having known him at the officiai level, and hiaving watched bim at the UN -- in the delegates louage, the security counnil, the general assembly -- 1 am now allowed to glimpse what hie really thonglit about New York (lie loved it), about tbe ambass- ador's apartusent (lie detested i), how lie really feit about Dag Hammarskjold, other diplomats, some journalists, and the whole business of life. Consider this delicions quo- tation about bis first ambassadorial job: "Developing an anonymous public face whicb expresses only cautions benevolence, controlling the spasms of nervous exaspera- tion or bigb spirits, getting into the groove, the ambassa- dorial groove. Wbetber it is a game worthy of a grown mian, 1 cannot say". Who would bave suspected tbat Charles Ritchie bad doubts about it, even now and then? Knowing that lie did makes bim an even better ambassa- dor in retrospect than lie seemed at the time. That's not news, but that too is reality. %IS % u 6M P129%0M àww %W E. Arnot Wotten addressed the Town of Newcastle count- cil on Monday evening at wbicb time he said he was a concerned taxpayer trying to gain some insight into the tbinking of council. He said be dîd not wi sb to enter into a debate but simply was asking thave a question answered. He said it seemed to him that the circumnstances sur- rounding the resignations of the two senior emplqyees of the Works department, whicb have not and possibly cannot be discussed, are quite questionable and irregular. He said efforts seemed to have beeni made to keep tbe matter internaI and quiet. Also he commented that every effort bas been made to prove that these two men are of good character. He also pointed out that the reports wbicb bave been made available show that they have commritted no disbonest or criminal acts. In making bis fourth point Wotten said, "This Council, our elected respresentatives, appear to have entered into some agreement to assist the resignations of these reputable gentlemen, whicb will squander thousands of taxpayer dollars. -Wotten said it now appears tbat there is great haste to fil the position of Director of Works. My question is simply, "Wby was the position of Director of Public Works, The Atomic Energy Con- trol Board bas demanded a complete inspection of tbe Eldorado Refinery in Port Hope by representative of Eldorado, the AECB and by Labour Canada to identify a ny potential dangerous con- ditions which could lead to further accidents as bad bap- pened in 1981. Further AECB renewed the licence for only six months rather than the usual yearly renewal. The regulatory agency is concerned about higlier than normal emissions from the plant in 1981 and as well an industrial accident in December which brought about the evacuation of six Dairy fildman now at Bowman ville Mr. Jan Visser, Dairy Fieldman, Farm Products Quality Branch, Milk In- dustry Section of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food bas moved from tbe OMAF office in Uxbridge to the OMAF office at Bowmanville effective on January 1, 1982. persons when ammonia was released from a storage tank. It was pointed out that arn- monia spill was an industrial accident rather than a radiation-related accident. It was said that Eldorado could have prevented the spill witb proper management. The AECB feel there could be other hazards of this type at the-reflnery. The inspec- tion should uncover such ex- istance, it was stated. The AECB have also demanded a firm schedule for improvement to Eldorado's monitoring facilities., The agency bas become concern- ed over the effectiveness of stack emitions at the 'Port ,Hope plant. As a pa rticipant in the, work coverage of the Branch with the Peterboroughi area office team, the primary work areas of Durham Region, part of Simcoe County and Northumberland County as required will be served by Mr. Visser. Beside bis regular work of Dairy Farmn Inspection, Qualîty problemr assistance to Milk and Cream Producers, including Sanitation and related milk production ma- ters, any questions and corn- plaints witb regards to milk and dairy products at the constiumer level will, also, be dealt witb by Mr. Visser. Town of Newcastle, listing the responsibilities and qualifications necessary adivertised in the Toronto Globe and Mail and The Oshawa Times before the by- laws outlining these respon- sibîlities and qualifications came into existance?" Council bas turned the matter over to the Ad- ministrator for a report to be presented at the General Pur- pose committee meeting. The CO is to answer Mr. Wotten's question. The Town of Newcastle counicil at a meeting of coun- cil on January fl8t passed a by-lawv establisbing the pos- tion of a Director of Public Works and as weil outlined - the duties and qualififca- tions. WAKEFIELD INSURANCE AGENCY McL aughlin Gallery The Art of Quilting A Quilt Block Design Competition is being held by the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in conjunction with the exhibition The Art of Quilting: Past and Present, 18 May to 13 June 1982. Entries are to be of original design, quilted into a sixteen inch square block. Each entry must also include mounted artwork to show four adjoin- ing squares. Specific details are available on the entry forms. There is a $5. fee per entry. Forms can be picked up at the Gallery, at libraries and somne craft and fabric stores. Entry deadline is 30 April. Prizes will be presented to competition winners at the exhibition opening, Tuesday, 13 May at 8 p.m. A list of prizes and sponsors will be announced later. Judging will be based on originally of design and quilting technique. There will be first, second and third prizes plus a number of honourable mention awards. These will be displayed as part of the quilting exhibi- tion. Judges for the competition are Kimi Ondaatje and Sandy Small. Ondaatje is weil known across Ontario as a painter and printmaker, and bas conducted numerous design workshops as weIl. Rer collection of bistorical and comtemporary quilts will form the nucleus of the quilt exhibition. Small bas been a quilter for over twenty years. She opened a home studio, Quilters' Workshop, in 1974 and was thse founding Presi- dent of the Etobicoke Quilters Guild. Small bas ex- bibited ber quilts in a number of craft galleries. One of ber quilts is included in the On- daatje collection. Other activities related to the quiiting exhibition will be detailed at a later date. W. Frank Real EstateL[mlt.d BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH 1.13 ACRES - $69,900, 170' creek on this Orono area property. 3 bedrrom bungalow, six years old. Separate heated shop for th" handyman. Cali Evelyn Davis, Rep., 623-3393. STOP!!! Don't pass Up this opportunity to have your own business! Service Station wlth 2 bay garage ln Orono. Prime Location. Land and business priced to selt at $68,900. Cali Cindy Luck, Rep., for furtiier detaits. 623-3393. RANCH BUNGALOW- KENDAL HILLS 41 Beautifut wooded acres in the beautifut Kendal His. Super recreation area, one hour f rom Metro. Good finan- cing 'titi 1984. Cati John Shewchuk, Rep., for fuil par- ticutars. 623-3393. Durham Agrn-News B Y* Rod Stork, Assoc. Agriculturat Representative Rtecomnwîmend Crop pulanning,, for '82 During the past couple of weeks, a number of farmers bave, been questioning us about the prospects for crop production in 1982. If we look at the market side, the prospects for 1982 do not appear brigbt, especially, corn, soybeans and spring grain. The pro- spect of large crops in Brazil and Argentina, as well as the possibility of an embargo by the United States against Poland, do not give promise for strengtbening prices. The Soviet Union bas not placed any significant orders for grain and this bias meant stockpiling in North America and elsewbere. 0f course, on the other side of the coin, is that unpredictable factor, weatber, and wbat surprises it holds this coming year. The price of inputs for the upcoming season bave gone up in price in mnany cases. However, there does.appear to be some uncertainty in the area of crop input costs. Wben you combine this witb continued bigh interest costs and storage costs, many farmers are hesitant to mnake large purchases of sucb tbings as fertilizer, seed and chemnicals. Farmers, however, should be budgeting out their pro- posed cropping programs for the upcoming year. Hopeful- ly, your soil testing is comn- pieted and you have the recommren dations. The 1982 edition of "Crop Budgeting Aids" can bielp you to pin- point costs for the crop year. Wben assessing the crop production plan for your farmi, be sure to assess tbe market opportunities and alternatives avalable to you. Sucb things as: forward con- tracting, contract acreage, the futures market and otber alternatives need to be assess- ed carefully. Risk reduction is a vital part of any farm management program.