y,, rr e -* e, l THE *5UL IPHOTOI ISHOPI {jMTED Phone for appolntment Anniversary Wedding and Fam ily Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville, ôi3.2404- Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Cali 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or sellrng and for the largest sel ection of pro)perties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Auto Services 251 Simpson Ave. (S.) Bowmanville, Ontario 6231551 Speciailts In: EXHAUST SYSTEMS CUSTOM BIENDING BRAKES, SMOCKS Alil types of Auto Repaira and Safety inspections GEORGE SUTHERLANLY RES. 579-3522 DAVE VAN DE VELDE RES. 983-9614 WAKEFIELD INSURANCE 983-9438 We Check And Double check! Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 l0.a.c. ORONO NURSERY SCHÇ)OL Half-Day Enrichment Program 3-5 Year old children QualifiedStaff Uicenced Premises Telephone 983-540 2 a.M, 987-4012 p.m. PRO-GARDEN- IAN DSCAPING Lawn - Maintenance Fali clean up Rallway ties lnterlocklng atone Speciallzlng ln fruit free prunlng Free estimâtes Firewood F'ckup or delivered Snow Plowlng 983-5915 NOTICES If you have any questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to cail me at either 983-5505 or 983-5851. Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED TOM'S Furniture Repair and Refinishing Custonm Cabinet Muldng Cai Tom Lycett 983-9475 THANK YOU On behaif of the, Orono Midget Hockey Club we \,would like to 'thank ail the merchants who donated prizes and to ail those who helped make our dance a suc- cess on Feb. 6th. COMING EVENI Vaientine E'uchi Leskard Church Hall day, Feb. l3th. Prizes, number. Lunch. Adn $1.00. BIRTH ANNOUNCEP WITHERIDGE-E Lady, Valerie and Jol to announce the safe of Robert Bruce (weil lbs. 13 ounces, 3,544 on February 5th, IS Bowmanville Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Ewc nurses, Grandpa Duk alh our friends. HELP WANTED CAN YOU HELP US? We need a responsible, authorative, possibly retired man interested in somne part- time work at the Orono Arena. Puties to include cleaning and polishing of both upstairsiand downstairs floors as weIl as some managerial duties one week- end a month through the summer months. If in- terested, please reply im- mediately to Orono Amateur Athletic Association, Box 165, Orono, ont. 3,16,a.c. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Reliable woman with two children will babysit in my home while your work. Phone 983-5446. 10.a.c. PAPER DRIVE Orono and Area Paper Drive on February l3th. Please bundle and tie papers. If storm it would be the followîng weekend. For in- formation caîl G. Lowery, 983-5840. 3,1Oa.c. COMING EVENTS The Annual Meeting of the Orono Arena and Communi- ty Centre Board will be held on Sunday, Feb. l4th. at 7:30 P.M. in the Orono Arena Community Centre. The Board consists of two Coun- cil Members, Two Fair Board Members, Two Amateur Athletic Association Members, who are appointed by their groups and the seventh is elected from the community. Everyone Welcome! 3,19a.c. COMING EVENTS The Clarke Museum and Archives wilI open Tuesday, 'February l6th. Hours open: Tuesday through Sunday. 2M P.m. 10,17, a.c. COMING EVENTS There' is a Bingo on Feb. 16th. 7:30 p.m.' at the Orono Community Centre. It is sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen. 10,a.c. ITS. ups et figure of $35,000.0(), re at The cost of the Master 1Satur- Plan is to be shared by Win- ýLucky tario accepting fifty percént ýmission of the cost, the Town $8,750 and a similar amount from 10,a.c. the Hydro account., The work is not to proceed until such timne as the ministry 'MENT has given approval to support MenT the fifty percent funding lin, sh from Wintario. arrivai The Town Committee on Monday as accepted the ghing 7~ Staff recommendation that a grams) Technical Co-ordinating 1982 at committee of Town staff and 1.a representative of Ontario iert, ah Hydro be formied to supervise ike and the preparation of the Master Plan. The Technical commit- 10,a,c. tee will be responsible for ad- vising the Master Plan com- mittee of the progress of the plan. E MacLaren Plan Search 'ronto 'have agreed to compile the fter a Master Plan at the price of y, Feb. $35,000 and expect to com- )rono, plete the work within a .Wife twenty-seven week period , dear from the time of initiation of SGor- the plan by counicil. ý,and ýDear Lycett, nother arlow ). Ser- Orono lednes- Inter- 10,a.c. Ready to go on Recreational Master Plan The General Purpose Committee of the Town of Newcastle on Monday gave their stamp of approval that côUncil agree to proceeding with the undertaking of a Culture and Recreationj Master Plan to be prepared by MacLaren Plan Search of Londdln, Ontario. The cost of the proposed plan has an UNIS EX HAIRCLrrrLNG For Professional Haîr Care Cali Anytime Evening Appontments Are Avallle For Vour Convenience THE J HOUSE 6 Peters Pike Orono, 983-5844 'Judy Lawrence DEATH NOTICE LEWIS, Jean at To General Hospital ait short illaess on Sunday, 7, 1982. Jean Lewis 0 Ont. in her 68th. year. of the late Tom Lewis, mother of Lorna, (Mrs. don Atkins), Orono, Marie Lycett, Oshawa. mother-in-law of Kay L Orono. Loved grandrn of seven grandchildren. Resting at the Bi Funeral Home, Orono. vice will be fromC United Church on We day, 2:00 p.m. Spring ment, Orono Cemeter). 10, 1982,-9 F.R. Tennant Fuels Lt. R.R. 1, Orono, ont. PREMIUM QUALITY PRO DUCTS for HOME.- FARM - COMMERCIAL -FURNACE OIL - STOVE 011 *DIESEL 011 -GAS0LINE. * 01 & LUBRICANTS - (caes or drums)> -AUTOMATIC Dr-LtVERY - BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE - 1-(<416) 983-5693 For a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or faim, or for information on purchasing, cail one of our area representatives. CH RIS STAPLETON 983-5093 623-4439 987-4733 ~d'A Fruit Market We have a good supply of A PPLES Maclntosh *Spies Red and Golden Deliclous Special -- 50 Ibs. Potatoos $5.75 We make the best CJDER at this time of year Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. 115 - South of Orono