OruFnoWeekly'Times, Wedmeday, February 10, 1982, 7 "aJoýfckey ý,sports (Continued Fromn Page 6) soi-e lucky break for their tearn the score could have been much higher as we out shot thern by a wide margin and passed the puck better than in any other garne ail season. Ail the passing and hard work did nesuit in one goal as Todd Hutton scored assisted by Jason Burnham. Keep passing the puck like you did in this one guys! On Sat. Feb. 6th. Ornemee came to town lookinig to con- tinue the dominance they had held over us in regular season play. This tirne however, they found us to be much tougher opposition aithough the out- corne was thre same as they went home with a 5 to 2 vic- tory. The game was rnuch dloser than the score indicates as we opened the scorýing at the 5:18 mark of the lst. period on a goal by Todd Thertell assisted, by Brian Goodwvin. Less than a minute and a haif later Omneme carne back to tie then take the Iead before the p)eriod ended asO nes Scott McQuade scored the first of four goals. 1 wish the Leafs wnuld draft this; guy and get hirni out of our hair. We weren't about to fold however and our hardwork finally paid off half way through the 2n1d. period as Ted Gaudett tied thie score fron Brian Rodd and Anthony Webb. Unfor- tunately, though Omernee c ame back a few minutes later to get another goal and take a 3-2 lead into the third period. We tried desperately to get that tying goal as the minutes ticked off the third period but our efforts feli short as Omernee scored an insurance marker with 1:27 rernaining on the dlock to foil our corne back, atternpt. ýverybody carne up with a super effort in this one especially Mýke Goodrnurphy iý goal. We out played Orernee for rnuch of the' gane and certainly had our chances to put this one away. 'We'Il get them next tirne Camsport'A toms look for playoff spark On Jan. 27th. Orono travelled to Ornernee to be defeated 7-4. Omemee scored three goals then at the 6:40 mark of the second period Brent Stapleton put Orono on the board unassisted. Onernee scored again 3:08 mark. Derek Zander assisted by Robbie Wagenaar and Stephen Hardy rnaking it 4-2 for Omernee. Qmnernee scored 3 mnore goals in the third. Brent Stapleton scored unassisted and Derek Zander scored unassisted. Final 7-4. On Friday, Jan. 29th. Orono had a return match with Ornernee tieing them 1-1. At the 8:43 mark of the first period Derek Zander assisted by Robbie Nixon to take the lead 1-0. The second period rernained scoreless with lots of end to end ac- tion. Orono played very defensively. Late in the thîrd 4:40 mark Hayden Lowes assisted by Steve Van' Schubut for Omernee Io tie KinsmenBan tams now' ready for playoffs, Friday,. Feb. 5th. Orono hosted Ornemee to be defeated 3-1. Blaine Bruton opened the scoring for Orono with assist THE NORTHUMBERLAND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION AULT PROGRAMS 1982-1983- at Cla rke High Sc'hool R.R. NO. 2, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO LOA 1iHO 987-4771 1 DiPLOMA FOR MATURE STUDENTS Equiva'ïLnt -credits towards the SECON-DARY GRAD- ATION ýDIPLO)MA may be granted to mature students who have return ed to day sohool. Normally, at Ileast FOUR Ontario credits taken by students in Grade il and 12 are required sLbsequent to being declared a mature student. Contact'the day sohool Principal, Mr. Jack Taylor at 987-4771 for details. 2 DAY COURSES i(Part Time) Adults are welcomfe to enrol in any of our day course-s on a part-time baà is. Special programs based on your specific needs ca n be arranged, whether you'need, job- training or diploma completion. The flexibility of the semestered systern at Clarke allows you to obtain cr ed- its in 5 months. 3 CORRESPOND ENCE COURSES (Ministry of Edi Educat ion by corre dence and individu, planning, flexibiliti and freedom of tin Each applicant may b( registration. s tudents and are assigned an Upon successf. cM credit towards a SEC( No fee is charged for1 ication) spondence allows room for inclepen- ality in course selection and program y' in starting and completion dates, e and place of study. e enroled in one course at the time of initial may obtain courses at any time of the year ssociate teacher for each course. pietion of a course, students are granted a DNDARY SOHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMA. fuli ange f couse rogradem. 3i viabe o nom ation arnd apictofrms, corne to our meeting on! February l8th. THERE iS -A ENERAL MYEETING FOR ALL IN T ON FEBRUARY 1 ERESTED ADULTS 8, AT 7:30 P.Mê. IN THE LIBRARY going to Todd Mercer at the 4:19 mark of the first period. Omemee carne back late in the second scoring two quick goals. -Orono had good scor- ing chances but couldn't put the puck in the net. nemee scored latte in the third to in- sure a win. On Saturday, Feb. 6th Orono hosted Fenelon Falls defeating thern 3-2. The first period ý rernained scoreless with lots of scoring oppor- tunities. Fenlon's Tim Jen- ninson assisted by Todd Growden at the 1:25 mark of the second period to take the lead. Blaine Bruton assisted by G il Wood Tied it up) at the 12:17 mark of the second. David Little assisted by David LaFrance at the 11:09 to take the lead. At the 8:30 mark Fenlon's Dave Felîrnan assisted by Timn Jenninson and Brad Tait to tie it uip. ith just 1:52 re- maining Peter Armnstrong assisted by Mark Sargent and David Little to win the garne. Sat. Feb. 6th. Orono hosted Little Britain in the afternoon corning uip with a 2-2 tie. David Little assisted by Mark Sargent and David LaFrance to put Orono on the board at the 5:18 mark of the first period. Little Bni- tains Doug Sangwne assîsted by Sc ott Field at the .43 sec. to tie the gane. The second peiod saw lots of end to end action wîth bothi teamns hav- ing lots of goal scoring op- portunities. Jeff Pearson assisted by Doug Sangwne and Scott Field for Little Britain to take the lead., At the 0:21 sec. rernaining in the game David Little scored for Orono assisted by Mark Sargent a great team ef- fori. Now on to the playoffs. Let's go Guys you cari! Resigns from O-rono Fîre department The General Purpose com1- rnittee on Monday received the resignation ofMr Donald Tennant fromt the Town of Newcastle fr departmieni, Orono Station. Mn. Tennant in his letten called for his resignation to bc effective January 18, 19821 the gamne. A great gaine and tearn effort. Keep digging guys. On Feb. 4th. Orono travelled to Little Britain for thieir last league gane to be defeated 5-0. Orono just couldn't sceem to get it togethier in this gamne. Little Britain dorninated rnost of the gaine. Corne on guys you cani keep working hard. Now on to the playoffs. On Friday Orono hosted Bowmanville Kinsmen for 4n Exhibition game only to be defeated 6-0. Orono had some good scroring chances but just couldn't put it bet- ween the pipes. Corne on Boys Let's Go. Playoffs! You can! Dutch Oven Tykes-take two wins, one loss Orono Dutch Oven Tykes visited Blackstock Thursday, February 4 and carne away with a 4-1 victory. Greg Hooper scored Orono's first goal assîsted by Steven Stadlernan and Shane Jones. Orono was struggling to.get ahead of Blackstock ail night. Orono finally broke a 1-1 tie when Ryan Marsanis spun around in front of the net and shot it past the goalie. Assistîng on the goal were David Paynton-Stewart and John Buttigieg. Trevor Lomnax and Christopher Yeo had one goal each to round out the scoring. Saturday rnorning the team played in Millbrook. Brent Gates and Branden Overden shared the goal-keeping duties. They shutout the Mîllbrook team while David Shmyr scored two goals assisted by Sean McKenzie and Jarret Prescott. Scott Williamns fired the puck itito the net after recevig gd pass frorn Christopher keo and Greg Hooper. The line of Ryan Marsanîs, David Paynton-Stewart and Tim Hallowell up front with Scott Hall and John Buttigieg on defence, played well ail day. t paid off as David carried the puck up the ice, took a shot which the goalie blocked and Tim blasted the rebound past the frustrated goalie. Final Score 4-0 for Orono. Then along carne Suinday's gaine in Port Hope. The local boys were bombed 6-1, losing only for the second tirne this season. The lone Orono goal was scored by Christopher Yeo assisted by Scott Williams and Greg Hooper. Port Hope cornes to Orono next Saturday and the teamn members say they'll do a lot better because they know they just had a bad gamne. JOB PRINTUNG' ORONO WEEKLY TIMES I I 1;lý