nettes aCo-ordinator's' Message M 1 arn pleased to extend m ry greetings to al! nimembers of the Kinette 4 ~*~ ~ Club of the Great Pine * Ridge on the ocç:assion of our organizations 4th. Anniversary. ~ x ~ * Kinette Clubs in District 8 have made a significant contribution to com- munities throughout the country. The many ser- vices, you as Kinettes have unidertaken for the benefit of your citizens are indeed worthy of special recogni- j_ tion. 1 arn sure you ail take pride, as I dIo in being part of this organization, Who woktgte4Y prto Rose Mvary Hartwig and Charlotte Anderson pre- uniyye.osi n senit Arena cheque to Charles Gray cornrunity pride. ____________________________________ On behait of the District Executive we wish ln -a*in ta you the best for your an u d ra-n e e t niversary year as wvell a success in ail your endeavours. Rose Mary Hartwig M District 8 Kinette Co-ordinator. Janl Hyland and son Chris enter Bike-A-Thon Comm unùty Service with ourSeirM î t Bingo fund raising A fali ot for the Seniýors M * Refreshment tirne President 's Message * The Great Pine Rdge ù. Kinettes have had a busy year thus far and a-, Presi- dent of our club 1 would lie to say "Hats OffT You" Kinettes for suppor-, ting our projects with A binoutn nothing less than 100 per- cent. Ail our endeav,'ours have been successFul thanks tothe won rfu pople in our com LU ty and the nhsarco 4Chave showntho ou the year. Thistsis an Mj An.niversar-vyyear w hî always rernember.