Durr PHOTO SHOPI Phone for appointment Anniversary Weddlng and Famuly Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home,, Or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Cali 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or seiliing and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Job Printing 983-5301 PRO-GARDEN LANDSCAPING Lawn - Maintenance FaIl ear.up Rallway îles Interlocklng stone Speelallzing in fruit tres pruning Free estimptes Firewood Pickup or delivered Snow Piowving 983-591 5 WAKEFI ELD INSURANCE 983-9438 We Check And Double check! Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 IlliiCLASUIIM NOTICES, If you have any questions or concernis about your municipality, please feel free to caîl me at either 983-5505 or 983-5851. Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. o f N. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointmnent and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED TOM'S Furniture Repair and Refinishing Custom Cabinet Maklng Call Tom Lycett 983-9475 HELP NEEDED If you don't need our help, we need yours. The Salvation Army needs used clothing and furniture. The used Clothing Depot is at The New Dutch Oven and 130 King Street in Bowman- ville and also a drop box at the Gulf Station in Newcas- tle. Help your community, give your used items to the Salvation Army. 3, 10 & 24 a.c. WANTED Cleaning lady wants work in the Orono area. Please cal 983-9352. 2,a.c. AUCTION SALE 4-H Beef Caif Sale selling 45 Lots carefully_ selected Pure-Bred and Cross-Bred Steers. Location - Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ont. Saturday, March 20, 1982 - 1 P.M. Sharp! For information cail Ross Bailey Auctioneer - Little Bni- tain 705-786-3074. 3, 10, 17 a.c. j 'Me Ilashions Main St., Orono Phone 983-9341 The latest in fashions for ail times and ail needs i NURSERY SOHOOL Half-Day EnriChment Program 3-5 Year old children Qualified Staff Liocned Prerrises Telephone 983-5402 a.m. 987-4012 p.m. The Northumberland And Newcastle Board 0f Education Custodian (25 Heurs Per Week) The Board requires the ser- vices of a qualifled Custodian at Central Public School in Port Hope. Applicants must be physically fit and have prac- tical knowledge' and ex- perience in school custodial procedures, materials ap- plication and cleaning methods, and must be able to performi duties from oral and written instruction. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are essen- tial to deal effectively with students, staff and the public. Apply in own handwriting to the undersigned by March 12, 1982 stating qualifications and experience: Mr. B.G.R. Davidson Personnel and Employce Relations Manager The, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion P.O. Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2. 3, a.c. 82471 NOTICES Income Tax service for Seniors on a fixed income will be provided by Community Care by appointment or by Mr. John Winters at 23 Silver Street, Bowmanville, on March lOth. from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For further information caîll Gommunity Care at 623-2261 or Zenith 20630. 24,3, a.c. COMING EVENTS Annual Scouting Parent's Dance to be held at the Orono Community Centre on March 27, 1982, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Disc Jockey and Buffet. Tickets available from any Beaver, Cub or Scout leader' at $ 10.00 per couple. 3, 17, 24, a.c. COMING EVENTS Werid Day of Prayer Friday, Mardi t. at 1:30 Main Hall, Orono Church. Theme Ireland. Everyone Welcome! 3,a.c. FREE INCOME TAX CLINIC at Bowmanville Public Library 62 Temperance St. by John Manuel, C.G.A. Tuesday, March 9th. beginning at 7:30 p.m. Appointments Necessary 623-7322 If you have a limited income, we can help you. Please bringý al relevant documents. Newcastle Puibic Lihrary Board. WEDDING ANNOUNCE- MENT Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black, R.R. 2, Orono are happy to an- nounce the marriage of their children Janice and Doug on February 27, 1982 at Courtenay, B.C. 3,a.c. IN MEMORIAM WILLIAM A. REID- Each day we stop and think of you and the special things you would say and do You left so much for us to share - Family and Friends and memories to spare 1A debate at the Senate, an axe to grind, the card games and hunt club ail come to mind A constant tease and head of the store A gardener, a carpenter and so much more When we took stock of ail you we found it was the greatest' gift that anyone could ever have A Husband and Dad and Grand-Dad Dear. The Reid Family. F.R,. Tennant Fuels Ltd. R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. PREMIUM QUALITY PRODUCTS for HOMIE - FARM - COMMERCIAL -FURNACE QIL - STOVE 011 -DIESEL QIL- -GASOLINE- - QL & LUBRICANTS - (cases or drum3> AUTOMATIC DEL1VERY - BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE- i -(416) 983-5693 SHEA Wanted Tree Tr Shears,1 preferred. make, pric Box 300, Times. AL Are bel Are yo separat Meet Apply O' Please Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Mardi 3, 1982, Il IN APPRECIATION The fainily of the late Mry- tie Jean Lewis wish to express their sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and A~RS WANTED neighbours for their expres- i to buiy Christmas sions of sympathy and kind- rimming Hedge ness shown during the recent Rubber bumpers bereavement of the loss of a 1.Reply stating, dear mother and grand- ce and quaritity to mother. Orono Weekly Heartfelt thanks for the many cards, floral ar- 3, 10, 17 a.c. rangements, donations to charities- and your prayers. Thank you to Doctors Dubinsky, Harrison and Shrives and the nurses and-e staff of first fioor Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital and thie ambulance attendants. L O N E? Also to Doctors Langar, you tired of of the 8th. and 9th. floor aing alone? Eaton Wing South of the ou unattached, Toronto General Hospital for their care and kindness. ited, single, or t A special tnank you to iivorced'? Rcv. Keith Henderson and 1 that special Rev. Wayne Wright for their person prayers and comforting words. To Mrs. Arlene Ayre, organist and to the Heather O0. Box 104 Rebeckah Lodge and the wen Sound Barlow Funeral Homne. N4K 5PI Gord, Lorna, and Family. stateage Kay, Marie and Family. edvafl1s For a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm, or for information on purchasing, cail one of our area representatives. CHRIS STAPLETON 983-5093 623-4439 987-4733 Fruit Market We have a good supply of A PPLES Maclntosh - Spies Red and Golden Dodous Sýpeciaàl -- - 50 Ibs. Potatoos $5.75 î We make the best CIDER at this time of year Freds Fruit rMarkot Hwy, 115 - South of Orco