fly: M. Kari Lewlns it is a reaity. sign. has been pasteci in Earnings of $25.00 a week Narm Hoskin, a resident Hoskin's shop window; a on one of North America's of Hampton, is half owner of "result of flot being able ta hottest commodities may be the Texaco gas station came ta terms with Texaco." proo f of the shape our locateci in Hampton on Hoskin bas been operating econamy is in. For' Norm Taunton Rd. Since the first the Texaco for four yeas and Hoskin itis more than proof; day of Mach, a "No Gas" fortunately performs Province Proposes Action for Auto Industry These days it seems that no Government can be the bearer of good ncws, however, there were many positive proposais contained in Ontario's Throne Speech, brought down March 9th. For example, action is be- ing taken on job creation. The Provincial Government's capital warks program is bc- ing accelerated ini order ta create more jobs and oppor- tunities in the construction industry. Increaseci funding is also being made available for job creation an a year-round basis for out-of-school youth. There is no reason why the young should aways be the ones ta bear the brunt of aur sluggish ecanomy. But of direct interest ta Durham East are proposais to strengthen the automative industry. The construction of automobiles and automotive produets is the number anc industry in aur Province. Sa important is this industry that its success effects the jobs of anc out of five Ontarians. Tbat's wby the Province sees the weak state of the North American Automnotive Iadustry as the greatest single impediment ta the revitaliza- tion of the Ontario economy. Wbile billions of dollars have already been spent ta refit and retool autamative plants in order ta produce )raducts consumeis demnand,. 'he sles market continues ta decine. Highcr interest rates andi continued bard campetition fram lower cost imports, especially fromn Japan, are comnbining ta keep the North Anierican industry on the ropes. Ontario believes action must be taken by the Provin- cial Government and the Federal Governmnent ta shore up the domestic market and help rebuild aur automotive industry. The matter is too important ta let events con- tinue ta take their own course. As a result the Ontario Government bas entered into discussions with Ottawa, business leaders and labour ta develop an apprapriate response ta the current situa- tion. The Ontario Govern- ment beieves that, at least for the short tenu, some form import restriction should be introduced. .Whiie saying that, Queen's Park realizes that import restrictions are flot enaugh to revive the automative in- dustry. We believe ar- rangemtentsshoulci be made With foreign manufacturers ta increase the Canadian con- tent in their product ta nDot less than 85 percent. In addition, the Province_ will step up its advertisîng and educational campaigns ta persuade Ontarions ta "Buy Canadian" wben tbey con- sider their next automotive purchase. Goverament action, finked wihincreased consumer de- mand., and teamwork by bath business and labour, will result in a stronger, mor e resilient auteotive industry. While I was pleased ta see action taken an the auto in- dustry, I was disappointeci ta sec no direct reference ta the extension of GO train com- muter service ta Oshawa, or ta the Darlingtan Generating site or ta replacing VIA ser- vice on the line ta Peter- borough and Havelock. Reviews of GO services are currently under way by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. I understand the Minister already bas a report on GO rail in aur area, and i is my hope that we may see the start-up of partial, if not complete, service ta Oshawa sometime in the near future. I will be writing ta the Cabinet BILD Committee ta stress the the possibility, of capital infusion ta extend the services. When this service is begun, I would like ta remind GO Transit officiaIs of the need for adequate parkiiqg facilities sa that the cari. mutinrg public is nat inconve" nienceci, and I direct my com- ments ta rumors of cbarging for parking fadilities at GO Train Stations. I arn sorry I was late for the Annual Brotherhood Night, however, I ýcame just in time ta hear His Worship Mayor Allan Pilkey talk about "the dcvii under shets." Yau will have ta ask hlim for further clarification! supplies gas. Hoskin said the mechanical aspect of his business is "excellent", but for the month of January his gas sales totalled only mnechancial services as well as $ 103.85. -more than the cast of his gas; taking into ac- counit of course, lab costs, credit card costs, and rebate. However, the $103.85 profit does flot include expenses of heat, hydro, spillage or credit card charge backs. Providing that there is four and a haif weeks in each month, Hoskin's profit for each week in the month of January would total slightly less than $25.00. Hoskin said hie made about 9 or 10 cents off of one galion of, gas andi had "a pile of business. " He also said he served a lot of big cars and the majority of themn filleci up despite this, bis earnings are still relatively low. Con- sidering the consumer paid (at Hoskin's garage) a $1.60 a gallon, the profit is disgustingly low. The fact that our government takes appro,'ximately haif of that proves that they are not s0 bad after al. They at least know where they can collect the most tax money. Hoskin saici that hie couidn't raise the cost of bis gas ta the con- sumer because bis prices just wouldn't stand up ta the competition. A BP station is lacated righit next door ta Hoskin's garage. j 'Me Fashions Main Si., Orono Mmoe U339341 The latest in tashions for ail tirnes and si/ needa Oronio Weukl [Finm"'s Wednulday, M ir i 1,198 ý,3 Bottie Gardens subject Orono Jr. Gardeners *On Match 9, Orono Jr. Gardeners met at Orono United Cburch, Main Hall. Our meeting started at 6:30 p.m. witb 13 children pre- sent. We weicomed 2 new members. The ages of the chilciren are 7 ta 12, al cbildren 6 ta 16 are welcome ta aur montbly meetings, dues are $1.00 per year and meetings are once a month, usually the 2nd. Tuesday.' Mr. Leonard Koenderman was a special guest ft this meeting, he is framn Carna- tion Flower Shop in Bowmanville andi came ta, teach us how ta make bottle gardens. Mr. Koenderman explaineci each step as we made our gardens. It was very informatable and the childrcn each took 'home a lovely garden, which they. will show at a future show. New members are Andrea Levac and Wenda DenHollander. Furnitulre Sale Chesterf ields,. Chairs, Dinettes, etc.> Low Low .Prices MANUFACTURERS' SALE "Drop ln And Browse" Commencing March l6th Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Noan tili 9:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. ta '&& p.m. 22 CARISTRAP DRIVE BOWMANVILLE, (Off Baseline Rd. east of Liberty) PEROONSSLICK 50.FLSHNE Reduces Friction and Drag improves Lubrication Reduces Operatinig Temperatures !mproves Performance Reduces WVear Inreases Horsepower Reduces 011 Consump' tion> Increases Gas Mîleage GUARANTEED IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Or Your Money Back' ONE TIME INVESTMENT Contact DARREL E. DEVOLIN ORONO Out of business.. no Profit Sam ait Queen' s Park The Five 'N Dime SHOPPING SPREE Is Here At Ail RED & WHITE STORES IN ONTARIO Get Valuable 10c. Coupons ith every $5,.00 purchase -PLUS- 5c. Coupons on Special Bonus Save Items until May isi Coupons for PII Easter Hams, Turkeys or Groceries C O RN I SH 'S Phone 983-5201 Nom