6, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 17,_1982 Did, you know... Prime Minister Trudeau in conversation with Davicd Frost David Frast's recent interview with Pierre Trudeau an the Global Television Network was lauded by viewers and reporters alike as one of the most reveahing and personal interviews the Prime Minister has ever given. Syndicated colum-nist Doug Fisher noted that Trudeau had rarely spoken as openly as he did with Frost on such topics as fatherhood, abortion, his chiîdren and his own private life. Beîoyw are somne of the Prime Minister's answers ta the veteran British broadcaster's questions: *6 On runining again for Parliament - 1 have ruled it out in mny own mmmid but ta be perfectly honest, when I was elected in '74 1 had aise ruled it out of my own mind. I didn't say it with as much brutal frankness. I feltI1 had ta say that in '80 because after all 1 had resigned from the leadership of the part-y and I had ta Iook as though there was a time>- in mny life when politics ve-uld be over. Alsa my chiidren are growing up, and there are young people coming up in the party that 1 think shauld be given a chance. Sa I arn more-certain of resigning now than ever before. * On his brief stint as Leader of -the Opposition - 1 think people who saw withdrawal symptons really don't know me very meIl. There may have been withdrawal sym- ptorns of Trudeau the politician. I ca't say I hanestly Ioved rry raie as Leader af the Opposition. But I sure en- joyed my freedom and in.that summer there wvere several weeks in the great outdoors canoeing clown the wild rivers af the Arctîc, and there was time spent with my childre «n and there was a, sudden rediscovery of freedomn and1 guess a iack of pressure Which I nat anly enjayed, but which I think kept me going. If I hadn't had that eight manths in opposition 1 don't think I would be feeling heal- thyand ready for a f ight on the Constitution or energy or the economy. 0 The effect on his chiidren of his separation with Mar- garet Trudeau: - I can't honestly say. I don't think if's a question yau can answer in the absolute. It's obviously better that children have two parents but there are no absolutes and the parent may die or the separation may take place, and my father died "hen I was in rny teens and it was a tragpdy, but life goes on and I think any breaking up of thefamnilyunit is atragedy, but life goes on and I think any breaking up of the family unit is a tragedy, but every event can serve ta help the developrrent of a child as \ý-_l as ta hinder t and it depends how the event is dealt with. * On the fact the Prime Minister is 62 years aId: - As I look at it now 1 don't caunt myseif in years. WMat are the aId cl iches? You're as young as yau feel and sa on. Some- timnes when I'm tired and fed up, I suppose 1 feel výli, look, you're 62 so that is whyyou can't run up the steps as fast as you used ta. But mocst of the time I can run up the steps as fast as I want and 1 forget that I'm 62. 1 Iearned to do o forward f lip.on a trampal ine when I was 61, SO there's prabably afew other things I can Ilearn. * On his plans after retirement from pol itics: - (There are> many books I sill want ta read. Perhaps Iearn ta play the piano better. See the few remraining countries I've neyer visited. See my children grow up and begin ta fulfil themnselves. Maybe write. I guess i always wished,,I had been able ta be more of an artîstic creator. I wvould have laved ta have been a gaod musician or a goad poet or a goad novelist. I think I can write prose pretty v4II but 1 don't have the fantasy ta learn ... 'm fanciful but I don't have the creative genius of a real artist. I vvuld like ta, try some of those things. - -------- ------------------ --------------------- - Sugaring Off at Purpie Woods As te harshness of wnter tion of, the maple syrur cames to a close, the anticipa- season is now upon us. Tht IT'S THE ANNUAL e BOWMAN VILLE ROTARY CLU BS Easteâr. Seal Campaign OUR LOCAL OBJECTIVE Please ...HeIUs HeIp Ouir Kids Please drop your donation off at the Bowmanville branch of the Bank of Montreal, and help us save on increased postal costs. Merrili Brown, Campaign Chairman. WE ýKNOW YOU CARE. SHOW YOU CARE. i a I sounds of sap dripping into the buckets, wood cracklîng àp in the tire, and sap boiling in e the evaporating pans will soon be heard in sugarbushes across Ontario. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is conducting a maple syiup production demonstration at the Purple Woods Conserva- tion Area, located on Simcoe Street at the lth. Concession Road, just north,of Raglan.- This wilM be the sixth year of operation. During Mardli and Aprîl, over 3,000 local students wîll visit the demonstration. Since- this educatianal event has become very popular with the school children, aIl tours for this year have already been book- ed. The public is welcomne to attend the tours during the week of the March break from March 22-26, and on the weekends of March 20-21 and March 27-28. The tours beg in at the parking lot at 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P. M. Th;s year, the annual Pan- cake WVeekend will be held on April- 3-4. As usual, the Durham A.M. Kiwanis Club will be cooking and selling the pancakes. There will be horse-drawn wagon rides for children at a cost of 50 cents each. Tlours will be 'con- ducted every 20 minutes from 9:20 A.M. until 3:00 P.M., beginning at the parking lot. There is no charge for park- ing. tours or admission into the area. Freshi maple syrup produc- cd at thec sugarbush will be, sold at $8.00 per litre and $5.00 per haîf litre as it is available. Came one, camne aIl and enjoy this festive season of the year! For further infor- mation contact the C.L.O.C.A. at (416) 579-0411. Approve Homj7 HealIth Care The Durham Region Board of Health has given approval ta a $1.1 million Home Health Care plan for 1982. In 1981 the Board had a budget of $650,000 for the vlan. The Health Board operates the plan with full funding- from the province and through the services of the Victorian Order of Nurses. Dr. Jean Gray, medical of- ficer of health for the region points out that the cast per day for home care runs about $15.00 while the cost for a day in hospital is about $300.00. The Board has also seule a one-year contract with its non-union staff and as well members of the Canadian Union o f Public Employees. Non-union staff will receive a, 10 percent increase across the board with a max- imum of $3,000.00. Union members have accepted a nine percent increase retroac- tive to January lst with a fur- ther twa percent addition as of JuIy lst, 1982. DURHAM REGION DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL THE MEMBERSKIP SEARCH COMM- ITTEE 0F THE DURHAM REGION DIST- RICT HEALTH COUNCIL WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that: there lare cpeinl for new persons wîishing to serve as members nr a voluntary capacity an trie Durham Region District Health Council. The District Health Council is an eighteen member advisory body ta the Ministry of Health on ail matters related ta health care planning wîithin the Region of Durham. The full Council meets monthly and there are variaus sub-commrrittees of Couincil that would require member participation. Approxiinately 110 - 15 hours of valuntary work per month would be required of members. Applications from interested persans with a broad interest lnIelh care withln the camnmunity and who have the time and willllngness ta be a memrber of the District Health Council would be most welcome. Nominations of persans who you f eel would have the interest and tîme would also, be welcame. Please suit applications and- or nominations along with curriculum vitae ta Chairman, Membership Search Committee, Durham Regian District HelthCouncil, 575 Rassland Raad East, Whitby. Ontario, lN 2M8 by na later than March 31st. 1982. iii The Northumnberland And Newcastle Board of Education NOTICE TO PARENTS 0f Chiîdren Eligible To Attend Kinidergarten In September 1982 Applications For French Immersion Kindergarten Children are elligible ta enter Kindergarten who are f ive (5) years of age an or before Decefnber 31, 1982. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board af Education offers French Immersion Classes at Ontario Street Public Sehool in Bowmanville. Parents or guardians who are interested in having their children attend French Immersion Kindergarten Classes in September 1982 should make application now ta: Mr. WV. R. Heinbuch, Principal, Ontario Street Public Sehool, 116 Ontario Street, BOWMAN VILLE, Ontario. LiC 2T4 Telephone: 623- 5437 Detailed information cancerning the classes and application f orms will be made available ta yau when you contact the school. Information shet and application forms are availlable in yaur home school as well.