Celebrate 6Oth Wedding Anniversary Over 200 irienas and Saturday evening. tne Canadian governiment. opposition in the Ontario relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Harry Wade and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer were legislature. Harry Mercer, Orono, at- Edward Schaxnerhorn present als o presented with a plaque The gathering enjoyed a tended the 6th wedding an- the couple with a plaque from by Mr. Graham on behaf of social evening with dancing niversary party held at the Prime Minister Trudeau and Peterson, the leader of the and refreshments. Orono Oddfellow's Hall on Each year the Town of Newcastle allocates various funds through grants to a number of groups and organizations within the jurisdiction of the Town. In 1981 the total of such grants amounted to $57 ,443. In 1982 the budgeted amounts for such grants has increased to $63.090. Listed below are those organizations and g-roups who benefit from the various grants: Visual Arts Centre 13,000; Heritage Comimittee 1,500; Newcastle Hall Board 18,000; Orono Horticuture 200; Newcastle Horticulture 200; Bowmanville Hor- ticulture 200: Bowmanville Santa Parade 300-, Crop Imn- provement Association 100; Environment Watchers 250, Social Planning Council 550; Oshawa Marine Rescue 500; Bowmanville Jr. Hockey' ,000; Durham Central Fair 12,000; Bowmanville Lions Club 5,800; Orono Figure Skating 2,000; Block Parents 200; Basebaîl Minor Baseball1 1,600; Newcastle Community Care 1,000; Bowmanville Jaycettes 300; Bowmanville Lawn Bowling 350; Bowman- ville Minor Hockey 2,000; VIA Train Com. 200; Haydon Hall 500; Newton- ville Hall 425; Swim for Han- dicap 565; Durham Mental, Health 500. [c>ptt~. PORT HOPE TAX RATE UP 20 PERCENT The Town of Port Hope now expects a municipal tax jump of an estimated 20 percent. The Town has made its final paring of thelbudget resulting in the 20 percent increase. KIDS WO RLD 0F MUSIC Don't forget the Orono Figure Skating Carnival being held this Saturday at the Orono Arena with both an afternoon and evening performance. The Carnival in entitled "Kids World of Music." This event is a worthwhile outing- for everyone. NO CONSENSUS ON BUS SEAT BELTS The miatter of seat belts for school buses came before the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education recently without a consensus being reached or a vote taken. The issue came forth thirough trustee Jackson Peacock of Hope Township stating the issue would be discussed at the Ontario Public School Trustees' Association conference and he would like 'some direction from the local board. George Cameron, Newcastle Trustee, said such legislation would be horrendous to enforce and was opposed to such a move. The board was divided on the matter. Hiealth council support Memorial rehabîlitation Memorial Hospital plans for rehabilitation of the burned- out 1950 wing at the hospital received a lift last week through the Durham Region Health Coundil. The counicil have their lîst of priorities to include the Memnorial $1.3 million scheme to second priority. The Bowmanville plan is now second to expansion plans involving the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital in Whitby and the Ajax-Pickering Hospital. Memorial Hospital in' Bowmanville has had space reduced by some 8,000 square feet due to a fire in the 1950 wing. Origînally they had asked for a new wing at an estimated cost of $4 million. This had been turned dow'n by the province with the result the.hospîtal board now proposes rehabilitation of the burnt-out wing at a cost of $1 .3 million. They are asking the province to support the proposaI financially in an amount of some $500,000. Richard Elston, adf- ministrator at Memorial said there is an urgent need for the space as the occupancy rate over the past year has increas- ed by 34 percent. Although the Health Coundil has upgraded the priority of the proposal at Memnorial there is sonie doubt the province will be interest until some time in 1990 as capital funids are committed to that time. The province has yet to agree to funding of capital works at Ajax or Whitby for expansion of chronic care which is the numnber one prîority with the Health Council. 300 ENROL ON OPENING DAY 0F SWIM REGISTRA- TIONS According to Mrs. Jane Lunn, co-ordinator at the Newcastle Fitness Centre, registrations, reached some 300 on the opening day for registration -which continue on through the rest of this week. Mrs. Lunn said ail programs are about 60 percent full after the initial registration. The spring program for aduits, aqua-fitness, learn to swim, stroke improvemnents, parents and tots. pre-school and as wdll advanced swimmiag will begin on April 5th. and continue for a twelve week period. Both Lunn and, Caruana are delighted with the interest already sh own in the spring programn. ASK -MONIES FROM PARK RESERVE Mr. Ward speaking on behaîf of the Tyrone Comnmunity Centre has asked council for a donation of $30.000 fromn the Town's Park Reserve Fundfor kitchen improvemnents at the Centre. As well a request for $5,000 for playground im- provemnents at the Centre. The matter has been referred to the General Purpose Committee meeting for discussion and when information can be provided by staff. Request Minister conduct inquiry Jasper Holliday speaking from a prepared statement on behaif of the Committee for Concered Citizens o f Newcastle informed the Town of Newcastle counicil on Monday night that they were requesting the Hon. Claude Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Hous- ing to conduct a Commission of Inquiry under the Municipal Act to expose what they consider unproper un- justifiable actions of their council. The statemnent refer- red to the negotiated resigna- tions of Jack Dunham and Bill Ashton, former employees in the Public works department of the Town of Newcastle. Holliday said some 600 people have expressed their wish to disclose aIl informa- tion relating to the resigna- tions. He also stated that the two men were tried, conîficted and hanged without a defence. He said ail com- munications and directives with the affected employees were verbal and were not imn- mediately contîrmed. Comn- munications, he said, should have been in writing. Holliday somne information was released by- council but still other information has been withheld by council without explanation. He said this lead to the belief that counicil was either ashamned of its decision or could not justify any rational approach to its decision. It was also stated by Holli- day that it had to be conclud - ed that the estimnated unwar- ranted exjenditure of $85,000 was an ambarrass- ment to council as they (council) have neyer provided the comrmittee with an ac- counting of this expendîture as promnised. He said council showed no moral qbligation tLo its employees. He said there was only one council member (Counc. Prout) who believes, condones adconisistently supports the conmmittee's stand. "We as a delegation of tax- payers have lost any con- fidence we previoiusly possessed in the present council and you our council have abrogated any mandate to administer our Town's af- fairs," he said. Holliday demandeçl that (Continued page 2) Maple syrup day at Ganaraska Centre On Saturday, April 3rd. 1982, the Ganaraslra Region Conservation Authority will be offering the first of its spr- ing special events. The public is invited to join us in welcoming this season by par- ticipating in the Maple Syrup Day at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. Tours of the sugar bush will commence at 10:00 a.m. and proceed until ail involved have had the opportunîty to view the maple bush and evaporating facilities. The content of the tour will be aimed at all age levels and we encourage people to make thîs a faîly outing. This ex- perience will be free to the general public. In addition, pancakes and fresh maple syrup will be served up hot at a cost of one dollar per per- In the event of bad weather, this program wiil be held on Sunday, April 4th. 1982. The Ganaraska Forest Centre is located approx- imately 2.5 miles north of County Road No. 9 idway between the Towns of Elizabethville and Kendal. Please direct any inquiries to the Ganaraska Forest Centre at (416) 797-2721. Centres and arena workshop tonight The Town of Newcastle is holding a workshop for those învolved in the promotion and operation of Community Centres and Arena within the Town. The workshop is being held in the Tyrone Communi- ty Centre on Wednesday, March 3lst. commencing at 7:00 p.m. sharp with Counc. Bruce Taylor as Co-ordinator for the evening. The sole purpose of the workshop is to bring together Board Members of Halls, Arenas an-d Town Coun- cillors and staff to discuss mnutual problems as well as proposing ways and means of improving their programs and working relationships with the Towni. An introduction and general session will begin at 7:00 p.m to be followed at 7:15 by individual sessions on various aspects of operations. The individual sessions will include Constitutions~ and by- laws, agendas, rules of pro- cedures and chairmanship skills, programs and grants, budgets, auditors, and rela- tîonships with the Town and grants. Also included will be insurance coverages as well as things to consider when put- ting on functions which in- cludes liquor. At 8:45 there will be a genieral session and com-, ments followed at 9:15 with a film presentation, " Mee ti n gs, Bloody Meetings." The mneeting ,is to conclude at 9:45 with Feed Back and Where Do We Go From Here? Ali memibers of Hall Boards and Arenas have been invited to attend the workshop. Counc. Taylor hias been appcinted by counicil to prepare a handbook for ap- pointed boards and commit- tees. . .... . ... *rono Ukp>tt Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 31, 1982 Grant monies f rom Town of Newcastle