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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1982, p. 2

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1, Oreno Weekly Times,Wednesday, Mach 31. 1982 Second Class Mail Registration Number OOB6 Publlsbed Every Wednesday et the off:ce«fPubflcatin Man Street, Ormoo Roy C.Forrester, EButor CONFRONTATION NO ANSWER Indefinite layoffs of 1750 autoworkers at the Oshawa GM plant on April l2th along with the loss of an export sale to Iraq of somne 12,000 ZOsbawa-built cars and loss of future ex- port sales bas to be an cconomic blow to this area which will have an adverse impact both social and in cconomics for the area. The cancellation of $100 million export to Iraq for Chev. Malibus on the grounds of a number of defects does nothing for the local auto industry and only puts its furtber in- to the doldrums. It-is further rpoof that major adjustments have to be made and confrontation between labour and the company bas to cease as one measure to improve the industry. It is possible the most important aspect at this time even above high interest rates and foreign competition. Unfortunately most of wbat we read and hear is con- frontation espccially from the Union brass. There is no evidence of co-operation even under the adverse conditions that now exist in the industry and througbout Canada and the rest of the world. Like the provinces and 'Fcd' basbing its labour and company bashing. It solves nothing, neyer has nor neyer will. Neyer do we bear of Union interest in helping to solve absenteeism, increasing productivity or a pride in the finished product. It bas been increased benefits with nothing in return as to quality and quantity. This bas neyer been so evident as today. It exists bowever not only in tbe auto industry but in many other sectors. Political basbing bas risen to sucb a point tbat few today bave any faitb in any government.. Provincial leaders have been tearing apart the federal frabic to enbance tbefr own end and then we wonder bow corne a separatist can- didate,,as such recently in Alberta, runs away witb a by- election. Yes the news media shares some of the blame always looking for tbe spectacular and printing sucb for readersbip. But tben it corne down to the individual. . . be gets what he catis for. The Secondary School teachers do bave concerns, from wbat we read about changes in secondary education. Wbat did tbey debate at their recent conference? Not the proposed cbanges in education but rather officers' salaries and retire-. ment benefits. Tbere is no objection to that discussion but wbere is the concern for the educational systcm and surely the teachers could bave made some impact on what rnay happen tbrough open discussion at open sessions. They last a golden opportunity. The auto industry bas to make a definite move ta be competitive and to provide quality if the Canadian sector of tbe industry is to bounce back. Asking for controlled interest rates and controlled imnports will not in total answer tbe woes of the industry. It mnust first corne from witbin and that is the worker and tbe company agreeing to bring it about. DuI",tch OvenTye "A " champs at Minden Orono 12 Woodlille 0 Saturday, March 27th. Orono Dutch Oven Tykes wcré in action at the Minden Tyke Tournament. The boys were cxtrcrnely excitcd as they got rtady for the first. game against Woodville. Tbe Onono bays proved ta, be too strong for the young êVoodville team as tbey %katcd ta a 12-0 victary. An wàrellent effort by ahl the 6bys was led by Scott lwilliams with four goals and (incg Hooper witb three. Ryan 'Marsanis, David Shmyr, John Buttigicg, Brent Gates and Christopher Yeo each had anc goal. Assists wcnt ta Scott Hall, Shane Jones, Branden Overden, Sean McKenzic, Ryan Rock, Trevor Lomnax and Jarrett Prcscott with Stephen Standlemrann gettîng the shut out in goal for Orono. Orono 5 Hun;tsville 2 In thie second game the local boys played a tough Hluntsvîllc tcam. Scott William-s gave Orono a 1-0 lead when he was able ta, score a pass from Christopher Yeo. A few minutes late in the first pcriod and again early in the second ta tic the garne 2 Late in the second period Jar- rett Prescott put Orona out ini front again assisted by Ryan Marsanis. Orono was able ta contrai the Huntsville attack and cbarged abead in the third period with goals by Trevor Lomax unassistcd and David Shmyn assisted by Christopher Yco and Scott Williams. Stephen Standclrnann in goal for Onono made several fine saves hclping win the game 5-2. Orono then advanced ta the "A" Cbampionsbip garne against Bracebridgc. *Orono 4 Bracebridge 0 For the third time this season the Onono Tykes ad- vanced ta the finals in a tour- nament. They were well aware of what they bad ta do and started skating rîghit from the opening faccoff, controlling the play in the Bracebridgc end of the ide, firing rnany good shots at the goal.* At the 7:37 mark Orono's David Sbmyr fired in a pass from Grcg Hoopen ta get the scoring startcd. Stephen Standelrnann stopped the Bracebridge at- tack many tirnes wîth ex- cellent saves and clearing the puck into the corner. Nean the end of the second period David Shmnyr dazzled everyone with twa quick goals, 49 seconds apart, assisted by Jarret Prcscott and Shane Joncs. At 3:20 of SAsk for Kendal inquiry (Continued fram page-,!) Newvs this council resign and take the necessary steps ta cail an immediate election to resolve who the Newcastle taxpayers wisb to direct the control of the administration of this municipality, Holliday also stated that the committee was determin- ed to pursue this matter to its final conclusion until council provides a reasonable response for its conclusion. George Pollitt also spoke to council regarding the 'Negotiated Resignations". He called upon council for newspaper front page apologies within a one week period. He said there was a moral obligation. Pollitt said as to the settle- ment of $84,000 to $85,000 counicil would answer for this at the next election. On the other band he said there is a feeling of a miscarriage of justice. He said there wcre disclosures of information before sucb as the police report and others were presented to council. Pollitt also pointed out the Mayor bad not been inform- ed of tbe complaint laid against the two men until six days after the happening. He aiso pointed out that the Town's solicitor had recom- mended that the two men be invited to attend meetings in this regard. He said on November l6th reports showed no illegal acts by the two mcii but information prior to this date was cir- culating that should not bave been out. Whcn the rnatter came before council later in the- meeting Counc. Prout' found no support from council members ta take some action on- the requests. Counc. Woodyard stated that some, action should be taken and a motion ta acknowledge the delegation and receive for ini- formation gained the support of Councs. Hamre, Hub- bard, Taylor and Woodyard. Mayor Rickard and Counce. Prout voted against the resolution. Mayor Rickard1 stated he noted concerns presented by the, delegations and these should be answered he said. the third period David struck again witb bis fourth goail of the game assisted by Jarrett Prescott. In spite of repeated efforts by Bracebridge t-> get back in the garne the fine work of the Orono forward and defense proved ta be too much for tbe boys of tbe north. Final score 4-0 for Orono. Tbe Orono teamn received a tropby ta keep in our arena and eacb boy receivcd a gold medallion and a button to wear. Congratulations boys on a super taurnament victory. What a great way ta end the season. Thank you Shirley Hie and the Minden Minor Hockey Association for in- viting the Orono Dutch1 Oven Tykes ta your tournament. Orono Dutca Uven Tykes Play Newcastle Thursday evening, March 25tb. Orono Dutch Oven Tykes visited Newcastle for the final game of tbe schedule. Orono dorninated! the play in tbe first two periods taking a 3-0 lead. Christopher Yeo Oh, ta be in England, Now that April's there! Secs, somne morning, unaware, Tbat the lowest boughs and the brusbwood sheaf Round the clm tree bole arc in tiny leaf While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough, In England - Now! Robert Browning. Some of us were fooled in- ta, believing that spring bad come on Marcb 2Ist. when in fact it turned cxtremcly cold March 26th. and 27tb. freez- ing people's pipes. Then rnild lamb like weatber followcd. Last wcek I told you of our, trip ta Virginia when Easter came in March 1929. While we were away a terrific storm caused great devastation ta the railways and highways. 1 thought of it as an cquinoc- tial storm. Not sa, all week there bad been frequent downpours then on Friday nigbt April 5th. it poured, wasbing away the founda- tions of the road and leaving the rails suspended in the air. A freigbt which was ta take the siding at Bowmanville C.P.R. Station was unable ta do so because of a wasb out in the yard. It was given orders ta burry ta Newcastle and take the switcb there. Because of the deluge Fni- day nigbt the noad bcd was undermined near Gibson's Fruit House an the Clarke- Danington Tawn Line. The fneigbt was dniven' by Engineer John Kennedy of Toronto. It plunged into a chasm and he was killcd. The brakeman jumped ta safety and walked ta Newcastle for hclp. Eighteen horses were on anc of the cars haîf of tbemn were killed or destroycd later and the rest put in a farmer's pasture. Other cars carrîed automobiles that werc wreck- cd. 1 The wncck of the freight prevented the possibility af an even more awful disaster. In the wake of the train followed the Chicago- Montr-eal express. Had the freight waited at Bowman- combined with Scott Williams and John Buttigieg for Orono's finst goal early in the opening period. Scott Williams sconed on a passing play set up be Brent Gates and Shanle Joncs ta make it 2-0. Late in th-, second period Ryan Marsanîs twirlcd around in the slot in front of the Newcastle goal and fircd the puck into the corner of the net. Stepheni Standelrnann and David Payntan-Stewart assisted an the play. Orana sccmed ta relax at this point but Newcastle came alive in the third period with anc goal early in the period followed by a barrage of shots in the final thnec minutes of the gaire. Despite sortie fine goaltending by Scott Hall in the Orono net, Ncwçastle picked up goals with 3:03 and 2:06 rcrnainin.g ta tic the game 3-3. With only 24 seconds ta go in tbe gaine Orono tnied ta bang an but the- determined Newcastle boys scored again ta make the final score Orono 3 and Newcastle 4. mlq&ja ville there is no doubt that the fast express would bave car- ried its passengers to destruc- tion and death. However, tbe fluer came to a standstill within a hundred yards of the wrecked freigbt. It had to remain there tilI Saturday afternoon when its passengers were taken to Trenton by bus. On the C.N.R. trackabout two and a haîf miles west of Bowrnanville FEngineer Robert Milne of Belleville stopped bis train when he came to a deep cut down wbich water had poured. Finally the crew decided it could be travelled witb great care. After coverîng almost the whole course the huge engine and tender toppled over anly a few yards from safety. The passenger cars re- mained on track. On Satur- day afternoon the engineer's body was found crushed beneath the coal. A party of four people returning to their borne in Peterborough front Oshawa on the Provincial Highway sbortly after midnight Friday crossed the Harnxony Bridge east of Oshawa in safety and proceeded on to the eastern bridge. Tbey found it washed away and the road barricad- ed. Tbey decided to return ta, Oshawa and were on their way back. Tbe foundations of tbe west bridge bad in the meantime been washed away by the swollen waters of the creek. Toward this gaping bole the car travellcd to plunge into the swirling waves belaw. Two lives were lost Walter Northop and Miss Helen Wrigbt wbile Mr. Nor- tbop's two sons Harry and Stanley succeeded in making their escape after being car- ried downstreamt by the force o f the current. Tbe autornobile also came to rest several rods down and stood on end ail night with the beadlights glaring tbrough tbe pouring rain.Tbe bridge was a splendid concrete struc- ture built only a few years before now it lay a mass of broken cernent. Work crews were rushed in and temporary bridges built. Late Sunday evening traffic started maving again. Sunday norning March 28th. was a beautiful sprîng like day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood brougbt tbeir visîtors ta worship with us. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright of Cookstown. Patricia Frank sang as a solo -"I've found the answer", accornpanied at tbe piano by Mrs. K. Wood. UNITED CHURCH O rono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright, B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY APRIL 4, 1982 ORONO UNITED CHURCH, Sunday Scbool 11: 15 a.m. Bancroft Cornmunity Choir 11:-15 a.m. Presents: "Alleluia" BIBLE STUDY -Thursday, 7:00 P.M. Friendship Room GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE April 9th. 11:00 a. m. Orono &' Kirby Congregatians KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Combined Service with Orona United Cburch 11:15 A.M. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontarlo Regular Sarnday Woruhlp Service - 9:45 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldboby B.A. L.Th. qS.uemq amM Mrs. L. Evans gave an outdine of the lessons she was tcaching the little folk. Rev.k, A. Tizzard chose as bis scrip- ture St. Luke 17:11-19. His subject was "Emptiness ta Meaning." As Jesus travelledi on the road ta Jerusalern he met many people and their lives were changcd. With a iving Christ there is a pur- pose and rneaning ta our lives. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Alil the winter shut in folks should bc back. Mrs. Jack Stapleton bas returncd fnom ber visit ta Jamacia which she visited with ber daugbter Mrs. Merle Dost of Newcastle. ,«9N4lý M. - 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Dr. John W. Hawrylak D.C. Chiropractor 270 ing St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004.

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