6, Oromo Weeky Tims Wednesday, March 31, 19821 Plaques to fin alists / IÎ Fred Graham represent.ing Renwick accPrts the trophy teamn plaque for the Orono the Orono Oddfellows for the chamnpionship tean I.O.O.F. Peewees who were presents teamn plaques for the front Peterborough while in the finals with Peter- finalists in the recent PeeWee Robert Snoek accepts the borough. tournament in Orono. Mike Reconîze Orono'Oddfellows Orono Tops hold annual awards night Orono Tops on No. 2927 gathered together at Orono United Church on March 3rd. 1982 for our Annual Awards night. We had as our special guests Pauline Shaw - Area Co-ordinator. Carol HTughes Area Captain and pianist Esther Anthony. After a delicious meal which was prepared and served by the Orono Hockey Mothers group, we gathered in a semni- circle for our presentations. A sing song led by Carol Hughes opened- our ceremonies. Pauline Shaw presented Phyllis Lowery with her KOPS award and crowned her as alternate Queen. She then crowned Maria Murree as Queen with loss of 341/4lbs. Jim Murree presented his wife with flowers. Carol Hughes sang a solo to our Queen. Beryl Clarke then presented our division winners Division No. 4: Chris Vandervelde, Maria Murree, Phyllis Lowery, Joan Cochrane. Joan was ab- sent for the ceremonies but was our runner up for Queen. Division No. 3: Irene Ten- nant. Hilda Gathchell then presented Chris Vandevelde wîth a perfect attendance award and high loser award. This was an afghan and pillow which we ail had a part in making with each member donating squares. Bett Sawyer presented Maria Mur- ree with a gift on becorning a KOPS, then presented our other KOPS - Sandra Hud- son, Rhoda DeJonge, Joan Cochrane (absent> and our KOPS in waiting Pat Storsbergen. Carol Hughes sang a tribute to the KOPS. Rhoda DeJonge then called on Pauline Shaw who gave a beautiful speech on TOPS and KOFS. The total loss for our KOPS was 1391/2 lbs. Sandra Hudson gave Audrey Vey a remembrance for being a past co-leader and also presented gifts to our outgo- ing executive Maria Murree - leader, Rhoda DeJonge - co- leader, Beryl Clarke - treasurer, Marlaine Kennedy - weight recorder, Phylils Lowery - assistant weight recorder. Maria then spoke on her year as leader. Rhoda thank- ed Maria for al her work during the past year. lnaa candlelight ceremony Carol Hughes presented our new executive for 1982. Phyllîs Lowery - weight recorder; Chris Vandevelde - assistant weight recorder, Marlaine Kennedy - treasurer; Joan Cochrane - secretary, Maria Murree - co- leader; Bett Sawyer - leader. Pauline Wilson ended our evening with a thank you to our guests for coming to our awards night. DARREL DEVOLIN Ken Hockin Real Estate Limited Ils pleased to an- nounce the appointment of Darrel Devolin as Sales Representative for the Bowmanvllle office. Darrel, la well known in* the areas where he has taught high school for many years. Darre lis a welcome addition to our staff and wiII be pleased to assist you with your real estate re- puirements. Cali Darrel at 623-4115, Ken Hockin Real Estate Limited, or at his residen-ce, Orono 983-5817. Bob Boumne (right) co- ordinator of the Orono PeeWee tournament, presents a trophy to Fred Graham representing the Orono I.O.0.F, who assisted with the promotion of the eight teani tournament held at the Orono Mrena last Fni- day morning and afternoon. Teams in the tournament represented Grafton, Orono, St. Francis of Assisi Monthly News Looking forward to Spr- ing, here we go wîth a run-' down of happenings and events for the month of March. Our C.W.L. usual Mon- thly Meeting for March had to be cancelled on account of a sudden storm coming Up. Confirmation was held in' our Parish on Thursday, March 11lth. with 27 being confirmed. We also welcom- ed 3 new children through Baptism ::ïto our Chistian family on Sunday, March 21Ist. 1Thursday, March 25th. another enjoyable Euchre Party was held in the Parish Ha with Aif Oraharn and Mary Brown taking high- prize for Man and Lady and Betty Kelly and Rolanda VanHezewyk for low. Door prize was won by Doreen Grox. Saturday, March 27th. a very enjoyable and successful Spring Dance was held in the hall. Sunday evening -March 28th. saw the closing of the Ecumienical Services to kind of wind Up the month. WIe would like to take this time to thank a-nyone and everyone Peterborough, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Ennismore, Napanee and Bewdley, and Peterborough won the final gaine and charnpionship in a game with thé Oron'o I.O.O.F, Peewees. Who hielped in anyway to make allI these events turn out as successful as they do. C.W.L. meeting (For April) will be held early on Wednesday, March 31st. at 7:00 F.M. wth mass and meeting following. Again this is early because of other events comning up early, in April. Were also rerninded that our Membership drive will be starting next Sunday, April 4th. So try and renew your membership early or corne join us for the 1lst. time. St. Vincent DePaul Society wiIl meet next Sunday at 8:00 P.M. April 4th. Anyone in- terested in learning more about this Society are moore than welcQme to attend. IT'S THE ANNUAL BOWMAN VILLE ROTARY CLLJB'S Eastero Seal u Crampnaig"n OUR LOCAL OBJECTIVE $1 03000.00 Please . .. HeIpUs HeIp Dur Kîds Please drop your donation off ai the Bowmanville b ranch of the Bank of Montreal, and help us save on increased postalcosts., We are right on target. We are half-way in our campaig'n. Let's go and take care of the important-Iast haif in our goal of $1 0,000 for our kids this-year. WE KNOW YOU CARE. SHOW YOU CARE. u I k»-