,airy Herd awards presented at Orono By: Rod Stork, Asaoc. Agrlcultural Repreustadve Dairy Herd Improvement Awards Presented: Members of the Durham Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation held their annual banquet and awards presentations on March 24. in Orono. Each year, top producers are recognized for their 'ac- complishments in varions categories of production. Gordon Barrie of Bowman- ville chaired the meeting with Carol Gonder and Don Knight, Dairy Herd Imrprove- ment Supervisors, announced the award winners. Winners of the Ceresdale Fertilizers Ltd. Award for Top Production Herd in, the Supervised Program were William and John DeVries of R.R. No. 4, Bowmanvilie. John Bandstra of R.R. No. 2, Newcastle for the second year in a row, won the Durham Farmers' Co-op Award for, top herd in the Owner- Sampler Section of DHIC. The Shur-Grain Award for Most Imâproved Herd in Supervised went to Bruce Hendry of R.R. No. 1, Port Hope. The Surge Award from Modern Agro Systems for Most Improved Owner- Sampler Herd was presented ta Paul Whitney of R.R. No. 3, Port Hope. The Toronto-Dominion -Bank, Bowmanville Branch, Award for Best Calving In- terval, Supervised Section, went to Maurice Edgerton of R.R. No. 1, Blackstock. The herd of Dwayne Boughen of R.R. No. 2, Port Hope had the best calving interval in the Owner-Saxnpler Section and was presented with 'the Plaunt's Farm Service Ltd. Award. The Royal Bank (Bowman- ville Branch) Award for the Best Plus Production Cow nominated by its owner was presented to Peter Hooge- veen of Blackstock. Guest speaker at the An- nual Luncheon was Marilyn Sewell, Farmn Safety Consul- tant and a former winner of a Junior Farmer Travelling Scholarship ta the United Kingdom. Reports were also given by Bruce Hendry, County Representative to the Provin- cial DHIC and -Don Chambers, Regional Super- visor for DHIC ini Peter- borough. The'Dairy Herd improve- ment Program is a producer owned and operated, produc- tion testing programn and, along with ROP, provides dairy producers with two worthwhile production testing programs in Ontario. In Durham, over 70 percent of the dairy are on DHI or ROP Prograins. If you would like to enrol on one of these programs, contact Gordon Barrie, Sec- retary, Durham Milk Com- mittee; Bill Tamblyn, Secretary, Durham Holstein Club or the Agricultural Of- fice for the information. Ralnbo ws and racers NASH~ILLE4DAY i M., ing Dýpas '1 1 r-t T, e DEPAF', 1MAY,-,. JULY I 1~ 1982 We.RL.DS FI (Eveing Oepart, Nï h Taet DEP,!RT NIAY21, JULY 30 DEPAý1TiY2 NEW Y(VEýK C-ITY (Even,ng tur(- Nigb' Tvei D EP'4RT MA (21 WOCHi-iTER LILAC FE STIVAL 3 I3AY DE-PART MAY 14,21. DEýFzPART tMAY .4 Dp 7HT S 13, U î î 3UDEP,4 *DEPART A'f1 L3 TUPME 40/tV D~ATMAV 10, 13 POCOOS4DAY CEPAýi~T MAY 110, . NE 21 PENNSYL VANIA DUTCH COUNTRY DEPART JUNF 14, JULY Î2 SHL-NAN0GO*,ý:I VALLEY DEPi- -A>R 'JU"J 2, >U13 UDSPA R T MAY e ",.j U12 ~-82 WORLYSFAI *Enrjy T,~teWrd D L ART JUNEý, 13, JULJ -Y 1l ForDe 4G :TOLL FREE 1-800-461-7615 Orono WWeUY Im, -Z, 7È "Sà%'econd to,,none"5 states principal Mr. Robert Bolton, prin- cipal at the Pines Senior Public School, has a lot of praise for students -at the school and their activities. He said the kids have had a high standard and in their achievements both in school and through extra-mural pro- grains are second to none. Over the past year Bolton points to many events in which students from the Pines, as. individuals, an d groups, has been most suc- cessful in competitions. In public speaking Jim Brown placed first in the Bowmanville Legion contest and later second in Zone Fl comtnetitions. At the saine time Deanna Knight placed second in the Bowmanville competition. Just recently Kristin Synder followed the foot steps of Jim Brown winning the Bowmanville Legion public speaking competition and then placing second in the Zone competitions. At the Peterborough Music Festival last year Donna Boudreau placed first with à trumpet solo; Tricia Frank first with trombone; Jim Brown first in tuba. Sherry Morrison and Kelly Ander- son were first in a duet. Other winners at the festival included Janne Tamblyn second, flute; Maurice Nesbitt, second, alto Sax, David Brown, 3rd french horn; Rob Cox, fourth, alto solo;Kelli Buckley fourth, flute and Lisa Hoy fifth with flute. At the Regional Science Fair -at Trent University the Pines earned the Intermiediate Plaque. During the year David Brown took the first place trophy ini the elemen- tary school mathematic con- test with a perfect'paper. In sports the Pines were se- cond overaîl in -the Western area Tlrack and Field spring meet. During the meet Lana Veselinovic won a gold medal, Matthew Yates a silver along with golds to Rhonda Lauchlan,, Stephen Swpping drugs Sawyer and Teresa Rosa- mond. Jim Beam also won a bronze rmedal. In County Gymnastics Terri-Lee Carleton won a bronze in competîtian of the balance beamn white Mark Ma.zur won gold ini both tuie floor exercise and in vaulting. In the fall meet of the Western Area Track and Field competitions the Fines were first overall with in- dividual medals being won by various students. Jacki van- Dolleweerd earned a gold, Erin Parker bronze, Camn Langstaff bronze, Annette Harness silver, Viýcki ]Kimbali bronze, Richie Dupe gold, Deanna Knelangen bronze, Mark Forsythe silver, Bill Storesbergen bronze, Tony Gregg silver, Laura aldridge silver and Rhonda Lauchan silver. In the Western area Vollebaîl competitions both the girls and boys at the Pines won chamnpionships. In the Legion Remnem- brance Day Poetry contest Collette Webb placed third. Lia Morielli placed thrid in the Legion Remembrance Day Essay contest. Request school repaired At a recent meeting of the Clarke Museum it was passed that the board ask the Town of Newcastle to make repairs to the east wall of the Kirby Schoolhouse Museum and as well ta have the ceiling in the museum insulated to a minimum of ten inches. At the samne time the board decided to postpone any renovation plans for the schoolhouse museum base- ment. The board is to complete formIS requesting two Ex- perience 182 students to work wîth the museum during the summer., SA M QS, a Le m a MI, NI .......... em e M'e'à coup 5th M D ýCARD USELI. Y W-5 OV, omis -?J pegyl les ýý 1 : t (416) di 595 ci: son, a - -w extremely dangerous Accordig to the Victorian Order of Nurses, a visiting ho me nursing association' with branches across Canada, swapping prescription drugs a be extremely dangerous. ýWhat happens it that one per- son mentions -a problemn and describes symptoms. A friend says he's had a similar pro- blem andoffers his medica- tion. Although the symptoms may be similar, the problems may be completely different. What happens is that one person mentions a problem and describes symptoms. A friend says he's had a similar problem and offers his medication. Although the symptoms may be similiar, the problems may be com- Dletelv different. A medîicatior that is right for one persan can be a serious danger to somneone else. The Northumberland And Newcastle Board of Education NOTICE TO PARENTS 0f Childron Eligiblo To Attend Kindergarten In September 1982 Applications For French Immersion Kindergarten Chi ldren are eligible to enter Kindergarten who are f ive (5) years of age on or before December 31, 1982. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education offers French Immersion Classes at Ontario Street Public Sohool in B owmanville. Parents or guardians who are interested in having their children attend French Immersion Kindergarten Classes in September 1982 should make application now to: Mr. W. R. Meinbuch, Principal, Ontario Street Public Sohool, 116 Ontario Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 2T4 Telephone: 623- 5437 Detailed information concerning the classes and application forms wilI be made available to you when you contact the school. Information sheets and application forms are available in, your home school as welI. '1 on lthe, Ganaraska P. Smith, Fish and Wildllfe Supervisor Excellent opportunities ex- ist for the public ta observe "fish aerobatics" as large, migratory rainibow trout move upstreami through the Town of Port Hope, on their way to headwater spawning areas. Many thousands of traut negotiate the Ganaraska River- rapids in Port Hope. The Ganaraska fish ladder, operated by the Ministry of Natural Resources at Port Hope, allows trout to bypass the Corbett Damý and reach the spawning areas in the up- per river. The rainbow trout rua usually reaches a peak on the Easter weekend. Fishing season on the (Janaraska River does not open until the last Saturday i April, to pratect spawning trout. However, the harbour at Port Hope south of the CN4R bridge is open alI year for rainbaw and browa trout fishing.