Orono Weekiy Timies, Wednesday, March 31, 1982, '11 PHOTO IHOPI LI TED Phone for appointment Annlversary WVedding and Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 King St.. W., Bowmnanville &2i.2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Calil 983-9547 For prompt, courteous officient service when buying or soiiing and for the largest selection of propertios in the aroa. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFIELD INSURANCE 983-9438 We Check And Double check'. Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 NOTICES If you have any questions or concerns about your mnunicipaiity, please feel freeý to cali me at either 983-5505 or 983-5851. Diane Hamnre, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment and information. Hooper's Jeweliers Ltd. WORK WAI TOM' Furiture R and Refiniç Cuistoms Cabine Cali Tom1 983-947 WORK WA Will care for cl home, any age, with geod refi 983-5771. HELP WANTED Progressive Company with timeiy products reqire career sales representatives. Ex- cellent training program with company benefits. Cal Margaret 983-9341 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 17,24,31,7 a.c. kNTEDTENDER 4,TED Tenders will be received by Repair the undersigned until 4:00 shing P.M. Friday, Apri 9, 1982 Lettkn Testing of Fire Extinguishers, LycettAil Schoois. Specifications may be ob- ANTED tained from the office of: -hildren in my J.A.. Bird, Business Ad- ,experienced ministratorý and Treasurer, rences. Cail The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- 17,24,31 a.c. tion, Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ont. MMMMUMnq K9A 4L2. J"Me Fashions Main St., Orono Phone 983"341 Thte latest in fashions for ail t/mes and ail needs ORONO NURSERY SOHOOL HaIf.D ay Enrichment Program 3.5 Year oid children Qualified Staff Lconced Premiisos Telephone 983-5402 am 987-4012 p.m. 24, 31, 82832 COMING EVENTS Orono Hockey Mothers Annual Meeting Wed. April 14, 1982. 7:30 P. M. Orono Arena Election cf Officers Ail Hockey Methers Welcomel COMIING EVENTS Watch For Sornething Special On Saturday, Aprîl 24th. At Orono United Church FOR SALE 1973-18 Ft. Traveliner with Washroom, Shower, Steve, Fridge. Sieeps 6. Add-A- Reom 8x12 - $3,500.00. Cal D. Lowe 983-5479. 24,31, 7, 14, ac. E CIElSI CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like te thank my friends, family, Ministry cf Natural Resources, and Heather Rebekah Lodge for cards, gîfts, flowers and get welI wishes. Aise my grateful apprecia- tien te Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Must, Dr. Sivan, and the staff of Peterborough Civic. Sincereiy, Bill Bunting. THANK YOU The famiiy cf the late Margaret Graham would like te thank the staff of Marn- wood for their ioving care and kindness te Marg durîng her many years at Marri- weod. We wouid aiso like te thank the staff on the Medicai Ward for their devoted care and concern. Speciai thanks te Dr. McKenzie, Morris Funeral Home, Rev. W. Wright and the Rebekah Lodge. Our heartfeit thanks te our friends and relatives for their thoughtfui acts, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes. Jean, Rosie and Families. DEATH NOTICE WHITE, Charles A. - At Scarborough Centenary Hospital on Friday, March 12, 1982, Charles A. White cf Green River, Ontario, in his 96th. year, beloved husband cf the late Gertrude. Grand- father of Carl White, Orono and 81 other grandchiidren and 115 great grandchildren and four great, great, grand- children. Funerai was heid at Dix-on Funerai Home, Markham on March iSth. 31,a.c. The Bancroft Community Cantate Choir Will Present Werds and Music by: Bill and Gloria Gather and Ronn Huff Orono United Church Palm Sunday April 4th. 11:15 A.Mi. FRA Tennant Fuels Ltd. R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. PREMIÙM OUA LITY PRODUCTS for HOME - FARM - COMMERCIAL -FURNACE OIL- -STOVE OIL- -DIESEL OIL- GASOLINE -OIL & LUBRICANTS- (cases or drums) AUTOMATIC DELIVERY- BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE- i1-(416) 983-5693 Petro-Canada St. Francis of Assisi News On Sunday, March l4th. there were three baptized into the Faith Community. Those baptized were: Meale Christopher, sen cf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Berutskie of Orono. Andrew Charles Ed- win, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riiey. Brian Michael Ernest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Giibank. Our card party was March 25th. at 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. There was a dance on Saturday, March 27th. aise in the Parish Hall. Sunday, March 28th. was Rose Sunday. The knights of Columbus soid roses at the end of each Eurcharist. C. W. L. will be having their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 3lst. with mass at 7:00 P.M. and meeting feilowed. Obitua ry MARGARET ANN GRAHAM Margaret Ami' Graham, beioved wife of the late Cecil Graham, Orono, died at the Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on March 18, 1982, in her 69th.- year. The deceased was the daughter of Williamn and Elizabeth MacLean and was born and educated in Toron- to. In 1953 she married the late Cecii Graham, Orono, residing in the Village until some six years ago. Mrs. Graham had recently been a resident of Marnwood Rest Home suffering an il- Iness for the past six years. She was a mnember ef the United Church and a member of- the Heather Rebekah Lodge, Orono. She leaves to mourn, her death, Jean Breen, Newmarket, a sister and was a sister-în-iaw to Roy Graham, Ceokstown, Don Graham, Bobcaygeon, Dora Gaynor, Fenelon Falls, Ver- non Graham, Orono and the late Edward Graham, Orone. The furieral service was heid from, the Morris Funeral Chapel on March 20th. Rev. Wayne Wright, officiated. edvan s lesKImm 8T. %' W,, UmgSI For a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm, or for information on purchasing, cail one of our area representatives. CHRIS STAPLETON 983-5093 623-4439 987-4733 J:rd"SFruit Market Sweet Specials MAPLE %Sr UP * 540 MI.- $e 6 Ib-$1 .89 Assorted Ma pie Sugar Candies Fred's own 'Cider and Apples Large White and Browne Eggs- $1,20 A Dozen. It Pays to Stop At Fred's Frsd's Fruit Market - Hwy. 115.- South oi Orono PRO-GARDCN IAMDSCAPING....