.7 - ýlllffeyel2eà44keetll .1 . lUl-lýr-lu- 4, Or.. Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 7, 1982 ISeI 300) daffodil bouquets For those wbo ike it rough and rugged the weatberman is currently co-operating witb a. good dose of winter weatber when most are looking for- ward to spring-like balmy breezes. But the spring-like weatber was bere last week and corne Friday afternoon the urge was just too great to get out of the office ùito the great outdoors. That we did after setting up a date with our youngest grandaugbter, Mandy, who bad the afternoon off from kindergarten. She was sure she was up to a two to three mile ski so off we went to the forest and perfect sprinig ski- ing conditions. With some encouragement we completed at least two and a baîf miles and enjoyed the warmtb of the afternoon and corn-snow conditions. It made for an ideal outing and as well the opportunity to view some of the sigas of spring in the bush. Still there was a tang to the air and in most places still a couple of feet of packed snow on which to ski. By Sunday the weatherman had changed bis attack and provided a real winter day with howling winds and swirl- ing snow. During the night he bad as well covered the forest floor wth one to two inches of new snow. Travelling north out of Orono at 9 a.m. to pick up Sid Rutherford for the mnorn- ing outing of sking we were taken with the fact that we were about the only one on the bighway. In fact we met no more than three cars from Orono to Enterprise. With a couple of white-outs it was understandable but still there. was an eery feeling of being alone in a desvastated land. Not like Friday but rather a real winter outing right back to wbere we were in mid- winter. It has always been amnazing how one can leave Orono stripped of all snow to step into a winter wonderland in the forest. Th ere stîll could be a couple of weeks left for ski- ing and definitely somne spr- ing skiing yet to comne. Nothingexciting this week to report other than winter activities still prevail. METRIC We bear and read a lot about objection to the metric systemn of mneasuremnent. We were surprlsed to hear our oldest grandaugbter inform us that she was going to buy a litre of syrup from Mr. Downes, ber bus driver. It wasn't a gallon or a quart but a litre anid it was uttered with no besitation. An indication that the futu re generation wil be right at home with metric measure- ment and possibly an indica- tion that we have some cat- ching up to do to tbe younger set. Busy month for' St. John Ambulance The St. -John Ambulance Division of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Surrounding area, baving covered Hockey games, Broom Bail games, Judo competition, Scout and Beaveree winter camps and Public Skating. We wisb to inform you the general -public 'that above duties were covered by the following: 20 mnembers with a total of 283 duty hours. Tbey also- treated 32 Casualities. The above is for the, month of March only. This service is available to any group wishing First Aid. Also irst Aid classes are available for furtber in forma- tion contact AUf Brown 623-5034. SMr. Brown is very in- terested in starting up classes in the Orono area s0 if you are interested please contact him. New Durham College Governors appointed Durham College now bas Walters. four new Giovernors ap-- Dr. Zakarow is a Dental pointed since the start of the -Surgeon wbo bas served on) year. the College's Healtb Sciences Most recently, James Achmnatowicz and Maurice Wade were appointed to the Board. Mr. Achmatowicz is Direc- tor of Manufacturing Engineering at General Motors of Canada. He has been active in education, ser- ving as a member of Advisory Committees at McMaster University, Durhamn College and Mohawk College, and currently for Centennial Col- lege's Fluid Power and Robots Tecbnology Advisory Committee. Mr. Achmnatowicz has been close- ly associated with Durham College in1 connection with its new CAD/CAM program. Maurice Wade is President of Glitsch Canada Limited in Uxbridge. He bas been a member of Durham Collége's Industrial Advisory Commit- tee, Chairman of the Project Committee of the Oshawa Kinsmen Club, and Programr Chairman of the Foreman's Club of Sarnia. Mr. Wade is currently a member of the Research and Advisory Com- mittee, Glitsch Ine. of Dallas Texas; Chairman of the Board of the Uxbridge Hospital Foundation; Presi- dent of 'the Uxbridge Credit Union; a member of the Ux- bridge Library Expansion Commrittee; and the Steering Comnmittee of the Uxbridge Chamrber of Commerce. Appointed to the Board earlier this year are Dr. Peter Zakarow and W. Rex Advisory Committee, and who bas also supported the College througb Graduation and Undergraduate Scbolar- ships. He- was very in- strumental i n helping Durham set up the Dental Programs at the College. . Zakarow is a former Prî cial President of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. W. Rex Walters is the Area Manager of Ontario Hydro's Bowmanville area. A past President of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, he was also Chairman of the Memorial Hospital Board of Gover- nors, and is a memnber of the Hospital's Foundation. a By dak. s s, .Z, e * e e C.5 W. CheckLAd Double Check! Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To AUl Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 The Great Pine Ridge sales and from a booth at the Deremoc and Rose Hlartwig Kinettes in support of the Canadian Imiperial Bank of man thei booth at the bank on Canadian Cancer Societyv Commerce. Friday and were sold out sold somne 300 daffodil bou- Above Kinettes Joan prior to closing time. quets on Friday through pre- - A-raund K Home For Ail Your Decorating Needs Look No Further Don'f Oelay Cal! Today For A Writton Estimate ROBBUN WINTER 983-5545 DECORATING CONTRACTOR Ail Workmanship Guaranteed 77 -.7-7-7 *1 ~ ~4 .~ 2