Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, May 12, 1982, Il IlTH JPHOTOI ISHOPI Phone for appointmeflt Anniversary Weddlng and Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanvllle. OZ3.2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Cail 983-9547 For prompt, -courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of praperties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFIELD INSU RANCE 983-9438 We Check And Double Check! Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 NOTICES If you have any questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free ta cail me at either 983-5505 Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment and information. Hooper's Jeweliers Ltd. WORK WANTED TOM'S Furniture Repair and Refinishing Custom Cabinet Maklng Cali Tom Lycett 983-9475 J Me Fashions MýIn St., Orono, Phono 983-9341 Tite latest in fashions for ail times and ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL Hait-Day Enrichment Program 3-5 Year aid children Qualitied Staff Licnced Prenii'se Telephone 983-5402 a.m. 987-4012 p.m. WORK WANTED PROPERTY SOLD AUCTION SALE Selliiug Friday, May l4th at 6 WOODALL CARPENTRY P.M Sharp the furniture, Fuliy icenced carpenter. hausehoid goods and utiiity 10f years experience. Old style goods of The Reid Boys (Kir- renovations, sundecks etc. by Store.) Phone 983-9759. Seliing without reserve. 12,p.d. Lawn mower, portable dish washer, antique radio, caiculator, chrome table and FOR SALEchairs, electric stove, propane FOR SALEfurnace, coffee vending machine, 2 dlock radios, PANSIES FOR~ SALE carpet, pressure system, anti- Ready to plant outside. Br- que windows, mirrors, ing container., Norman folding chairs, mailbox, Groot, R.R. 1, Orono, 3 bicycles, ling room chairs, miles east 35-115 at Twin recliiiing chairs, plus many Oakes. Cail 78 6-2413. more items too. numerous to 28,5,12, p.d. mention. Charlie Reid and Ciiff Pethick, Auctioneers. Lawrence Harris and Charlie FOR SALE Harris, Cierks. 12,ac. Box plants, potted plants, hanging plants. Manders Farm. Phone 983-5179. 12,19,26,2,9, a.c. COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS FOR SALE Club 62 - Past Noble A small quantity of seed Grands - Afternoon Tea, onts, cieaned and treated. Draw and Bake Sale. Phone 983-5690. i.O.O.F. Hall, Wednes- 12,a.c.- day, May i9th. - 2 ta 4 p.m. 14,28,12 a. c. FOR SALE FIREWOOD Orono Firewood for Sale. Seasonal and Uniseasonal Woods. Prices negotiable or cail after 6 P.M. '983-9590, Frank. Cut and Pickup Only. 12,a.c. FOR SALE In Good Condition, Al Coppertone Gas Range - Moffat Epicure. With Rotisserie and' Meat Probe. Aiso matching hac 983-9372. YARD SALI Orono Southeast( Sommerville and Mai Saturday, May 15t] Ramn or Shine. YARD SALE Saturday, May 15ti Plains resîdence, N~ Coffèt& table, irdiiing new lamps, and mai useful articles: Starts AIJCTION S2 AUCTION SA] Third Annual Eastern Aberdeen Spring Sale, Saturda 22, 1982, at Maimoi Arena, Blackstock, P.M. Sharp! Featuring 50 femal sale wilI inciude mai with caives at foot, si cows, bred and open Ail enteries are Brucelosis free listed The sale features from many of the tc in eastern Ontario. Catalogues availabl quest or at the sale. Sale Chairman ar tioneer Ross Baiiey, Britain, Ont. 705-786. 28,5,12 ORONO HORTICULTURE PRESENTS "Spring Flower Show" May 20th,' Thursday 8:00 p.m. Ail Entries must be in not later than 7:30 p.m. Speciai films wiii be shown "Hawaii and Holland Tulip Time." Green Elephant table, so bring your extra bulbs, seeds, plants etc. Check book for classes. -12,19 a.c. d., Cail COMING EVENTS FEDERAL BUSINESS 12, p.d. DEVELOPMENT BANK Our representative - JOHN E MOULAND, wiil be in the Orono area on TUESDAY, corner - MAY lSth, ta discuss FBDB in St. Services: th. i. Fînancial assistance for 12a. business. 1ac. 2. Counsèlling ta imprave business or salve prablemas. 3. Management training and information on gov't pro- :h at the grams. ii11 St. FOR APPOINTMENT board, CALL JOHN MOULAND, iy mare (416) 576-6800 at 9:30. Federai Business Develap- 12,p.d. ment Bank 22 King St. W., Oshawa. 12,a. COMING EVENTS ALE Flower Arranging Workshop' Sat. May 15th 1:30 P.M. LE Orono United Church Hall Great Bring Container, Mechanics. Angus Flowers and Branches. ay, May 12,a. St Sales Ont. 1 les. The Coing E Eveuts ny cows The Kinsmen Annual ;priniging for Cyic FBitrz.UPoes heifers. frCsi irss from Sat. May. 15dm. Calling Door-to-Door. Sec hed. you then. For -information eneie 9nI83-9451 Or' 993-545.2 p herds aftrt.00 P.M. for both. le on re- id Auc- iLittle- 5-3074. ,19 a.c. CARD 0F THANKS 1 wouid like ta thank ail My friends, neighbours and fami- ly for their visits and cýards during My recent stay in Bowmanvilie Memorial Hospital. I wouid alsa like ta thank Drs. McKenzie and Shrives, nurses on the lst floor and nurses of the S.C.U. unit for their care. Bill Siater. 12.a.c. CARD 0F THANKS My sîncere thanks ta My neighbours and friends, for the cards and flowers and' visits, in the loss of a Dear Son. Thank you ta Orono United Church Session Leskard U.C.W., The Rebekah Lodige, Reverend Wright for his visit and, con- soling words. A special thanks ta Mrs. Violet Sutcliffe for ail her heip. My deep gratitude ta ail. Mrs. Sadie Hamilton. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM BEST. In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Bob, who passed away May 16, 1965. Beautiful memories are wonderfui things. They last 'tii the longest day, They neyer wear out, they neyer get iost, And can neyer be given away, To some you maybe forgotten, To others a part of the past, But ta us who loved and iost yau, Your memory wiii always iast. Lovingiy remembered and sadiy missed by his famiiy. 12,p.d. CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank my friends, neighibours, and family and members of Unit 4 of the U.C.W. for the many cards, flowers and visits while 1 was a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Betty Chatterton. The North unberland'and Newcastle Board of Education Sale of Vacant Properties By Tender The following parcels of va- cant land is being offeredl for sale by public tender: 1. Vacant Property - Town of Port Hope 18. 15 acres+I- situated north of Jocelyn Street between Highland Heights and Eastview Subdivision respectively. 2. Vacant Property- Town Cobourg. 14.18 acres +I- situated west of W-est- wood Drive and north of the H.E.P.C. right-of- way in the Town of Cobourg. Conditions of Sale: 1. Deposit of 5 percent by certified cheque, payable ta The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, to accompany tender. 2. Successful ýbidder must arrange ta ýpay balance in cash within 60 days of tender closing. 3. The Board reserves the right ta reject any or ail tenders. 4. Sealed tenders, cieariy marked as to contents, wili be received by the Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer, at the Board Office, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, until 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 28, 1982. 5. Appraised value availa ble upon request. For any further information, or an appoint- ment for inspection, please contact Mr. Gordon Savage, (416) 372-6871, Ext. 32. 12, a.c. 84132 PRO -GARDCN LAMDSCAPIMG... IN 0-1F ru it Market Sweet Specials MAPLE SYRUP * 540 mi.- $3.69 1lb.- $1.89 C A Macintosh C A Deliclous C A Ida Red Spy Appies We Seli Stokes Seeds Fred's Fruit Market Hwy 115 Orono.