8, OroumoWeekly Timon, Wuluuiay, May 129 1982 Bell on1 the wrong side Rlegion Lung Assoc. hold annual meet, Mwta flalashke runs la- to a problemn with the Regional Police at the Orono Public Scbool Bike Rodeo with her bell on the wrong side of the handle bars. Ontario Hydro bas a*ard- ed a $42.7 million contract jointly to Pratt and Whitney of Canada Ltd. and Rolîs Royce (Canada) Mt. to sup- piy standby ganerating equip- ment for Darlington Generating Station. To secure the contract, the joint venture outbid two other manufacturers. Their proposai also offered the hîghest Canadian manufac- turing Content. Pratt and Whitney and Rolk- Rovec will he designing, Sýt. Frani weekly- hap On Wednesday, May 5th, St. Francis of Assisi C.W.t,. Catered to the Newcastle Brownies and Guides and their Mothers. The Parish wilI celebrate first Eucharist on Sunday, May 16th, ai 2:00 p.m. Those who received first Buicharist wilh their families on Sunday, May 9h, were: Prin florustke, Richard Hache, Julic Henry, Dennis Richard, and Brad Riddell. '<hi' C'W 1W ittlhold Ii heu "How are you going to ticipants but ,kili h i sound the bell when in- mnanoevring the bikes were dicating a turn" asks the of- also the order of the morning ficer., sessions with Regional Police Not only was an inspection in attendanc. carried out for ail the par- Tiown wilPay ail Eakins to insurance premiums speak at On recommendation from the special comnmittee of coundil the Town will now pick up the tab for ail in- surance premiums for coni- munty centres, halls and arenas in the Town of Newcastle. The recoÈmmandation came over an unpaid insurance premium charge to the Town by the Tyrone Community Centre ini an- amount of $5,932.70. Council are.to wash out al such unpaid, insurance cos amount to close -to $60,000, and in the future will pay al such premiums out of current taxes. The total of-the unpaid in- surance premiums will be taken out of the budget this year, 1982. Liberal manufacturing, installing and commissionîng the four gas turbine generating sets for Darlington. The standby equipment, which will take tbree years to manufacture, will provide a continuous,- reliable power source to the generating sta- tion in the event of the loss of normal electrical service. The first of Darlington's four nuclear reactors is ex- pected to be in-serviceý by 1988, the last by 1990. of AssisiL penmngs. regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May l3th. Mass at 7:00O p.m. and meeting to follow. St. Vincent de Paul Society wiIl hold a meeting on Sun- day, May 16th at 8:00 p.m. The Society needs more voilincers. Plan to attend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr-s. Bill Wilks of our parish opi the celebration of their 25th. %vedding anlniver- sarv. The Annual Meeting of Durham 'Region Lung Association was held on Monday,- May 3r-d at Adelaide House Y.W.C.A., Oshawa. The 1982/83 Management Commnittee was formally installed, its members representing Bowmanville, Brooklin, Oshawa, Port Perry and Whitby. Dr. Myles Fishier was elected President, with the following elected as 0f- ficers or Committee Chairmen: Don Sutton (Whitby), Doreen Swan (Oshawa), Alice Sheffield (Oshawa), Tony Cowling (Oshawa), Jean Winters (Bowmanville), Jean Martyn (Port Perry), Donna Worden (Whitby), and Michael Zaver (Oshawa.) Guest speaker Constable John Logan (Comn- munity Servicès Branch, Durham Regional Police) discussed the problem of drug use in 'local schools. Durham 'Region Lung Association raised in excess of $98,000 during the 1981 Christmas Seal Campaign, and provided a.vide variety of educational and rehabilitative support services during its past fiscal year. These includ- ed Summer Camp for asthmatic children, Better Breathing Courses for adults with ýlung disease, cold weather protection masks, and the distribution of 21,000 pieces of educational material. The, Association's Smoking and- Health Awareness program visited meeting John Eakins, M.P.P. for Victoria-Halibtirton will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Durham East Liberal Association at The Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road East, on Wednesday, May l2th next at 8 p.m. Mr. Eakins has been a life- long resident of Victoria County and prior to bis elec- tion to the Ontario Legislature in 1975, he bad served as, Councillor for 3 years and as Mayor of Lind- say for 6 years. He is also a Past President of Tbe Towns and Villages Municipal Association of Ontario. In the Legislature Mr. Eakins was appointed Op- position Critic for the Ministry of Industry and Tourism from 1975 to 1981, the Opposition Critic for the Ministry of Natural Resources from April of 1981 until March of 1982 when he' was then appointed Critic for the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, and also Rural Municipalities. The Durham East meeting is being held to elect delegates to attend the Annual Meeting and Policy Convention of the Ontario Liberal Party to be held in Laurentian Universi- ty, Sudbury, on June lSth, 19th and 2t h. 1981 member- ships can be renewed at the meeting but new or expired memberships must be pur- chased 7 days prior to the meeting. For further Wnor- mation or particulars contact Mfargaret Hawthorne at 623-3200 or L.orna Davey at 576-2ft). i I I 5 i i s I I I 5 more than 10,000 Junior, School children across the Region, and its Pulmonary Function Testing Program screened over ,000 members of the public for the early signs of lung disease. An ab- normality rate of between 7 and 8 percent was reported for those screened in Durham Region. ,Experienced person for Domestic Help 4 Days A Week. 1 Permanent Position. Own Transportation Kendal Hilis Area Phone 983-9674. LAWMNBG i IM Buy now and, save on any of the 14 models in the Lawn-Boy line. 19" 20" and 21" models avai.lable. Ail with Lawn-Boy 2-cycle engines. e Quiet under-the-deck muffler *Patented flexible rear shield *Finger-tip starting *Side and rear grass catcher options *Self -propelied ' electric starting and mulching models available to choose f rom Seç theni now at: ROLPH HARDWARE' Limited Box 249, ORONO, ONTARIO' 983-5207 LOB IMIO. Dominion ImmBo W. Frank Real Estate Limited Bo0wmanvllle Branch RAVINE LOT.- STREAM Finish this partly renovated home to yourown taste. 50' x 230' Lot, 2 - 14 x 30 family rooms with walkouts. Owne 'r moving north. Asking $62,900., Cali Evelyn Davis, Rep. at 623-3393 or 983-9547. Ontario Hydro lets $42. 7 m. contra ct i i 5 i i 5 i I I 5