AIl for a colourful summer Town of Newcastle wants meeting wîth MTC over 115 The General Purpose comn- mittee of the Town of Newcastle on Monday sup- ported a motion by Councs Woodyard and Hamre that the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communication be called to a Town mneeting to discuss the design and plans of MTC as to reconstruction Of Highways il15-35 from Enterprise Hill south to 40 '1. Counic. Wý\oodiyard brought the matter before council stating that the Ministry had not presented to council their detailed plans for reconstruic- tion of the highway althougb they had met with everyone else. Rôn Dupuis stated that MTC had met with council and the Public Works on one occasion to discuss somne details. He further stated that MTC felt they had been, through a very comprehen- sive design process with the public as to reconstruction of the bighway. Counc. Hamre also stated that MTC bad met with council on one occasion but she would have to support the position taken by Couinc. Woodyard, She pointed out that the M'inistry was now meeting with some groups such as the Orono Horticultural Society as to the future of the Orono flower bed at Station street and peoiple wvere now beginn- ing to realize that ieconstruc- tion was going to take place. Countc. Woodyard stated that the Ministry had neyer sat down, with council to discuss the detail effects. He also suggested that the fire chief should also be present at the meeting be-cause the centre barrier could have somne affect ini providing fire protection. Following- the meeting Counc. Woodyard did state that he was meeting with a Ministry engineer as to ýa possible change at the norlh entrance to Orono which could liminate one entrance onto the hgwy He sug- gested that consideration could be given to construc- tion of a two-wvay lane north out of Orono east of the Orono Cemnetery and running through Town property at the Towni Public works yard to Taunton Road. Region defers decision over Bowmanville Mal Paul Ktqoey of thie Orono Society planted te boes i of the business section in the DBIA and Mark Staleton anticipation of a multitide of very near future. prepare the flower boxes for colour this suînmer along the The front of the Canadian. planting in the Village of business section of the lmperial Bank of Commerce Orono. Village. has also taken on a new look On Saturday a number According to Paul Kelcey with the development of a from the Oronio DBIA and further planters and trees are flower garden in the front the Orono Horticultural tQ be placed on the east side lawn. 0MIB jumps gun on Town of Newcastle The Ontario Munlicipal Board has jumped the -In on the Town of Newcastle andl has given approval for- a six month extension of draft plan approval for Courtice Heights Development prior to input fromn the Town staff or counicil. The Town of Newcastle Ge-neral Purpose commiittee was about to consider a one- year extension of the draft plan for Couirtice Heights on Monday when informed by the Director of Planning, Terry Edwards, that a six month extension had already been approved bey the On- tario Municipal Board. Town Hall Fence A Great Conversation Piece If nothing else the begirning of construction of a fence around the Oron.o Town Hall last week-end has becomne :1% great conversation piece as to purpose and just& what it is to contain. But according to Carl White it is just the beginn- ing, Hie states thec posts will bce.ç,t cdown to two feet fromn the ground, the top rounde foffadsotdt c cept the cross bar. Have to wait for final judgement. Clarke Higb School Auction Clarke H-igh School in conjunction with the Parent Liaison Comnrnittee are holding a public auction this Saturday, June 5th from 1 to 5 p.m.ý of donated items. Proceeds from the auction are to be used for school projects, trips and extra-curricular activities. Those wishing to donate items miay stili do so by calling the school at 987-4771. Edwards had beenri n con- tact with the Board and had informed the board that comn- ment would be forthcomning from the Town prior Io the deadline of June. l2th. Edwards recommended a one-year extension subject to a number of conditions which chiefly dealt witb. building in the flood plain necessitating some redesign of the develop- ment. These conditions were brought about by comments fromn the-Ministry of Natural Resources and, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority who had both recommended 'against building in the flood plain of the Robinson Creek which' had recently been mapped by the Authority. Edwards said it appeared that somne softening of posi- tion by the Ministry and the Authority had tâken place but he could not informr council members of thne nature of the softening. The mnatter hias been refer- red to staff for a furtber report due to the action of the 0MB which decision was presented to Edwards on Fni- day of last week. Counc. Cowman asked, "Arc we rolling over to play dead in this matter. " She said the Mlayor should send a strong letter of protest over the action of the 0MB before it could be consideredby the Town of Newcastlc The proposaI to construct a second Shopping MaIl in Bowmanviîle at Base Line Road and Waverley Street re- mains alive after Regional Council last week referred the issue back to the planning committee for further discus- sion with the developer. -Previously to, last Wednes- day the Regional Planning Committee had support the view of the Town of Newcas- tle Council that the MaIl was premature and should not proceed at this time. It wvas a somewhat dif- ferent matter at Regional council with the proposai be- ing turned back to the plannr- ing committee for fuirther disc ussio n with the developer. Mayor R i c kard anr.d Councs. Hamnre and Cowman spoke in support of a denial of the comnplex whîle Couinc. Prout was in sýuppOort o preceding with the proposed development.- Th le developmentî is intend- ed to incluide a 65,000 sýquare foot Zeller's store and a 40,000 square fo)ot A anid P City IJude '"Goin' West". store along witb somne 20 other smaller stores. Prout d1aims people in Bowmnanvîflle are looking to new jobs, additional taxes for the Town and improvemnent in shopping faclities. Other Town of Newcastle counicillors dispute the Prout dlaim and point out that the proposed development iý too premattîre and would in fact de-stroy the Downtown shop- ping area. Coutnc. Cowmani was of the opiniont that if the issue had gonje'to a viote l'ast Wednesday the development wVouLld have been defeated. However, AI. Mote, pr-esi- dent of thje Orono MBA felt theu Region wtl have gîvctn approva lfor- the develop- menit. Somne memrberFs Cofthe Rýegion feel the Towni shoDuld take eve:ry opportuity to in- crease thir commercial base andf shopping facilities. Th",e planning commirittee is te discuss financing of ser- vices with the developer. The City Dude, Kevin School, grades five and six, teacher in a ladies' school, Mumford, hangs out the which made a most delightful surprising everyone with bis lingerie in the bit presentation evening of local entertain- ability in handling ail Pro- at the Orono Public School ment. blemns fading the wagon train. last week, -Gdin' West". "Goin' West" was a stu- A school choir opened the The play was presented by dent presentation of a wagon production and provided students of Pod C at the train travelling west with the musical numbers during the Orono-Lockharts Public Ducle, broke and a former course of the play.