Celebhrate 2Oth anniversary )vince money for Town Unit 3 ofthte Urono U.C.W. and their parade of bats fashioned at the 2Otih an- niversary of the U.C.W. observed in Orono. United Church I ast Thursday even- Eleanor Terrill, Joan Hall- ing. ingswarth and H-1ilda (Back raw) Betty Major, Coatham, (front row) Mvyrtie- Reid, Giad GUamsby, Margaret Gunter, Joan H-ocige, IEIaine Elson, Eileen Billing-s, Isabelle Challice, Doirothy Bailey, Olive Mlsan and Myrte Gilbart. The Town of Newcasile through a letter ta Mayor Rickard, have been informned that no further funds would be available from the pro- vince ta reduce the Regian of Durham levy. The letter from Claude Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Hous- ing, points out that Newcastle net levy increase of $45 ,000 in 1982 translates inta about $4.00 for the residential tax- payer. He further states that with averages up ta $10.00 in other municipalities it is assumed that Newcastle could absorb the $4.00 figure. As a result no further grants are ta become available ta Newcastle ta off- set the 14 percent Region of Durhamn rate increase ta Newcastle taxpayers. The Town treasurer, Catherine Campbell, pointed out that the average increase for those municipalities in Durhamn had been somne 8.2 percent while Newcastle in- creased by 14 percent as welI as twvo other centres in the Region. She also feit there was no expressed purpose in pursue- ing the matter further as ail information had been provid- ed the ministry in the first presentation from the Town. Mayor Rickard stated that althougli there had been an error on the part of the assessment department addi- tional grants had corne from the province to help offset the mnistake in 1980 and 81. He said at times the Town had benefited thiraugh the grants but this was flot the case for 1982. Cauincil took no fuither action other dhan to receive the letter from the MIinistry for information. *rono Ueehlp >te Publishcd Every Wednesday Oroo Wekl TiesWednesday, June 9, 1982 Wl! report on parking Propose new Swimmîng r Orono OBIA to meet wîth craft persons At the regular manthly meeting of thie Orono Downtown Businessmen' s Association last week a mno- tion passed in that the DRIA will catI a meeting of in-. terested craft, and art persans in the Orono area ta conisidèr plans for a late falI or winter promotiÏon and sale in the Orono Town lHall. The DBIA w-ill hold a late faîl promotion but will meet with interested persans prior ta setting a date. The Board hopes ta hold the meeting in the near future sa plans for such an event is not a last minute affair. ,conl roi for Orono * At Monday's totinill meeting Counic. Ted Woodyard asked what pro- gress had been made as toaa report an the imnplemrentat ion of traffic contraI bath ini the Village of Orono and the Village of Newcastle. Woodyard stated samne funds had been included in the 1982 budget for 'the pur- pose of establishing somte means of traffic contrat in the two centres. Further Woodyard statedi that bath Villages would be satisfied with thec level of ser- vice in titis mnatter that had existed and had been taken away. David Oakes, clerk, said staff would be loaking at plans for parking enforce- ment in the two centres and a reportwud be caming ta the Genleral Purpose comm,ýit- tee.He said it was likely the enforcement wauld be con- tracted out due ta the imited funids available. POSTS TO COME OUT AT TOWN HALL The Orcono Town Hall Board on Monday even- ing voted to remiove the posts that had been erected around the hall and to disbanded any thought of a fence at this time., it had been proposed, (but flot by the board) that a fence bc erected around the perimeter of'the Town Hall property to save the new sod. The proposai would have been a two to two and haif foot high fence with a single rail. hasbee vocedresulting in the decision to scrap the ide fo te peset timne. STIL O METWITH KENDAL GROUVP Kendal Recreation as to the possibility of a grant of some $5,500 for park improvemnents at the Jackson Memorial Park. The Mayor along with Councs. Woodyard and H1amre an-d Town staff are to met with the Kendal group. It has been recommended by the Director of Social Services that the grant be allocated to im- provements at Keiâdal Park. The amount had, however, been considered by council members during budget preparation and deleted at that time. ventures for Orono DBIA X-C Skiing. oui oï Park The DBIA Board is also considering the possibility of setting forth Cross Country Ski Trails out from the Oronio Park as a winter at- traction for the Village. Con- tact will be made with the Orono Tree Nursery ta run trails on their property wbich would originate from aplow- ed parking lot in the Orono, P'ark. The Board r-ceîved a letter fromr Mayor Garnet Rickard in which he complimented the Board in the promotion af the Town's flower, the ap- pie blossom. Thei Board had pravided apple blossom boutonierreÈ t alal merchants and staff during the recent spring promotion. Further as a promotion for a passible date in September the Board bias made contact with tbe Ontario Science Centre for a display ta be housed in the Orono Town Hiall as a drawing card for the Village. The Centre bas a number of travelling dispflays which are available ta centres outside of the city. Disappointment It bas been a disappoint- ment ta the Board that the trees ardered in February for the west side of the business section have not arrived as promised. There bas also been a delay in the arrivaI of further flower planters for the west side of the street. Mrs. Bob Lewis, Orono, receives ber children's registratians paper for swîiming classes ta be held at the Orono Park this sum- mer fram Susan Arends secretary for the Town of Newcastle' Social Service department. Classes will be held fram July 5 ta July 23 in one ses- sion and in a second session from August 3 ta August 23 In the second session. The classes are under thse umbrella ofthe Town of Newcastle Social Services Department with Mrs. Jane Lunn ca- ordinating the program in Orano, Newcastle Village and at the Fitness Cere in Bowmaanville. Marsha Lowery, Orono, will be the head instructar at the Orono Pool for the two sessions. Registrations were taken in Orono on Manday evening at the Orono Town Hall. Registration is also possible at the Social Service office in Bowmanville from- 8:30 ta Registraion fees range tram $25-.00 per child for shallow end classes up ta $28.00 per child for deep end classes. Classes in Orono in- clude pre-schoolers up ta White (Seniors). Bronze classes and leader classes will lie held at the Fitness Centre in Bowmani- ville. The swimn team classes are being held during the summer in the Memorial Park Pool in Bowmanville.