Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary The couple met wth their held inr the Orono friends, relatives and Oddfellow's Hall fromntwo to neighbours at an open house, four in the afternoon. Ontario 's best energy saving TORONTO -- An energy -for the program before the saving program for the On- year is up. The Ontario tario governmen's 80,000 governm-rent's energy bill for public servants across the its own buildings, fleet province wili be launched vehicles, and'employees using here on June 2 by Premier their own cars on business is William Davis and Energy currentiy' more than $60 Minister Robert Welch. million. The one-year program-- The program is co- Ontario's BEST or Big ordinated by a 31 member Energy Saving Team-- is committee representing al designed to encourage government minîstries, the employees to save energy on Civil Service Commission the job, on the road and at and Management Board. home. Ontario's BEST was laun- Ontario's BEST wili pro- ched on June 2, at Whitney vide energy-saving Park, across the street from information--pamphlets, Queen's Park. Ontario lunch-hour films and government employees and speakers, demonstrations, members of> the legislature reminder decals, and articles took part in the kick-off, in the Ontario Government which included energy-theme ncwsltter,--to Ontario competitions. governîment emnployees Similar kick-offs for the througout the year. program are planned for -Every public service Kingston, London, Sudbury employee can find ways to and Thunder Bay thîs sum- reduce the amount of energy mer. he or she uses at work,"Mr. "Ontario's BEST is Davis said. "One prson's another of our many efforts energy savings may not to reduce energy consump- amount to much, but tion both wthin the govern- together thousands of smail ment and across the contributions can have a province," Mr. Welch said. signîficant effect in reducing For several years, the On- our overaîl energy consump- tario government has had' tion." programs to improve the Employees will be en- energy efficiency of its couraged to save energy in a buildings. Between 1976 and number of ways, including: 1981, the energy consumP- turning off lights and office tion in 2,000 Ontario govern- equipment whenever possi- ment buildings--representing bic; putting waste paper in about 75 per cent of A specially-marked récyciing governme1qt office space in bins; using teleconferenýcîng the province--was reduced 22 to reduce business travel; per cent., ridesharing; and saving The net savings during that energ-y used by personai and time are an estimated $8 government cars through bet- million. The conservation ter maintenance and driving mneasures in the government habits, buildings included reducing The Ontario's BEST pro- lighting, adding insulaion, gram will cost about $290,000 iowering hot water over the next yearS. Energy temiperatuires and turniniz off wVings are expected to pay mechanical cquipment during unoccupîed periods. An additional 7.5 per cent reduction in energy consump- tion is expected by 1896. The government also has energy conservation pro- grams for its vehicles. The programs include: downsiz- ing the majority of govern- ment automobiles' to com- pacts;, converting trucks to, diesel fuel and cars to pro- pane; and holding seminars to promote energy efficiency. A report on the resuits of the programn will be produced next year. Information on Ontario's BEST will be available to municipalities and private companies in- terested in in-house energy saving programs. A round the Regi'on- POLICE GET BULLET-PROOF VESTS Regional Police have been issued with the latest in pro- tective equipment, soft body armor vcsts to be worn under an officer's uniform. The body armor cornes in two parts with protection for the chest and back and weîgh from four-and a haîf pounds to twenty pounds. Durham Regional Police have ordered- 360 such vests wt the province sharing in half the cost of the equip- ment. Total cost is in the neighbourhood of $90,000. The protection is provided by numerous layers of a syn- thetic material woven from Kelvar - a new super fibre, made by DuPont. This is in- serted in the pads of the vests. Tt remnaîns optionai as to the wearing of the vests by the local Regional police. St. F rancis of Assisi Newcastle The Brownies, Guides, Scouts and Cubs of Newcas- tic area received the Religion in Life Badge and certificate from Father Tom Walsh, on Sunday, June 6. Recipients were: Marcia Andrews, Jason Andrews, Marny Basic, Kate Barry, Karen David, Debra Kelleher, Tracy Kelleher, Kristen Macey, Chris Maskell, Natalie Wicka, Nicole Yaworski, Ricky Yaworski, and Troy Young. The St. Francis of Assisi school choir sang and the organ was played by Donna Vanhaverbeke. The Youth Group held their pancake breakfast after the 11:00 a.m. Eucharist on June 6. They were very pleas- cd with the success of their first breakfast to be held in the Parish. The Catholic Womnen's League wili hold a pot luck dinner on Thursday, June 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. Congratulations- to St. Francis of Assisi School 'for their excellent showing in the Regional Field Day. They won their division champion- ship.' Durham Nort humbe r NDP Association Jikke Miedema 623-1150 The executive of the Durham Northumberland NDP met on May 26 at Maple Grove. Plans for the following year's political and educational activities were discussed. A family pot-luck supper is to be held at Maple -Grove Church Hall on September 18. A special will be invited to address such issues as, umnemploymnent1 and the economy. The riding association's annual mnembership meeting would bc hel later in the fal and would include in its agen- da the drafting of resolutions to be submitted to the next federal convention. In discussing the one-year plan of action, delegate Wilf Day noted that a federal elec- tion couid bc heid as early as the spring of 1983. oou SAVE $12 M. Kem Akyd Porcli & Eloor Enaxnel REW $3199 gg. Sale ~9 SAVE $10 BL Kem latLatex Housein Super Wbate Sae16 REG.$2699 gat e$1 BAVE $10 GL T RO Ye GlssLatex IHouse an Brite Wbite T R O ,- l MG.e$28oge aiSae ' iLDg BAVE$1 Kem AJ1yd Gloes House and Tnrm Paint Ub e7 Non-CbaliJfg WbIte $- , 9 - ý r REG.$349gat' saleM .8~flj rsavings on One-CoatWùtes, "(HOw to paint eKternor sulfa3S" bookiet Primers, Packaged ColouIrs, and Ints. W'eclse to your home RDLPH HARDWARE (BomInIon> Phone 983-5207 Ken Hcltn, Pros-Jack Ricard, V"oPrm * 123 Kng St. E, EBowmanville Ontario LlC 1N4 REALTOR For your rosi estate n,,ds cati La kestiore, Farms, Residential1, Commercial DARREL DEVOLIN Office 623-4115 e Rosidence 983-5817 H'aliburton (706) 467-1642 Member of Oshawa District Real Estate Board "ORONO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY" WeIl establîshed business with living accommodation "SALE OR LEA SE" Ef, lui i