6, Orono Wee kiy Times, Wednesday. Jane 9, 1982 Past prýesdents of the Orono U. C. W. 6"What's the World Coming To"ý B>: Wendy Procher This world is always chang- ing, It's turning round' and round.' Wars are breaking open, And there's troopers on the grounds-. Wars are for believers, For what they feel is right. Agreements neyer seemn to stick, Past presidents of the Ettie, Irwin, Betty Chatterton, Hodge and Louis Brown. last Thursday evening. Orono U.C.W. over the past Isabelle Challice, Ethel The U.C.W. celebrated Absent from the picture is twenty years are, pictured Lycett, Olive Milson, Joan' their twentieth anniversary Mrs. Cook. above being, Normna Long, Past presidents of the Orono ,FWr.M .S. People seemn to turn and fighit. 1 People have their needs <,_ wants, Which is which, they neyer know. Only if they'd keep them distinguished, This world mnay start to grow. I've tried to agree with what's' going on, Why ail this blood is shed.- But, if 1 was in charge, I'd just thank what I had, Cause' aniyday I'd prefer peace instead. It's flot worth the time and effort, To Kili a neighbour or friend. Just try to control ail this greediness, 11 So this world won't turn to an end. W. Produme Remuts, Mot PrmIlssI ~et rId of theseIawn/tUrf7 profeselonal wayl. ChInch amg &Výwsd§. UhdhbSb " DANDELION " CHI1CKWEgD " CLOVER " ULACKMEDIC *PLANTAIN CHARLIE * CRAIORASS j 983459 j Orono , Squirt Soccer iooking for flrst win Orono Squirts soccer team 1, sponsored by Oshawa Crane, opened the new season by dropping two hard- fought contests; first to Bowmariville j & J Sharpen- ing 3-1, and last Friday even- ing to Hampton 3-0. In the first gaine Orono veterans Jim Partner, Caineron Esier, and Scott McAllister carried the teain to a 1-0 first haif lead with Scott scoring. the goal. However, the teain tired in the second haif after Bowmanville scored on. a free kick. Craig Nemnis and Laura Abrams proved to have the strongest shots and Trevor Lomox handled thie bail very well. The star of gaine two was undoubtedly goalie Scott Hall, who had excellent help from Ryan Tomilinson, Henry Kaldeway, Dwayne Morton and Kevin Morton on defence. Stephen Shetler and Grant Tomnkins showed good speed on offence and rookies Camreron Tomnkins, Lloyd Robin, Darin Burnett and Todd Graves showed grit and determination. Better Luck Next Game, Boys! Eagles play double header on Saturday Due to rain on both Satur- day -and Sunday over the week-end gaines both days at the Kendal Park were postponed. Belleville was to visit Kendai ôn Saturday with Bowmanville on Sunday. This Saturday Kendal will play a double header with Little Britain taking to the diainond with the Eagles at 2:00 pan. and at five o'clock Belleville will play their ramn- ed oui gamie with Kendai. The Bowmanville gaine is to be scheduled later in the year. 1 Kendal will however meet Bowmanville on the Bowmanville diainond Sun- day afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Port Hope 5 - Kendai 4 The, Kendal Eagles Iast Wednesday wer e edgeýd out in the late ininings of a gaine played in Port Hope when the Flyers went out in front 5-4. Three unearned runs to Port H-lope in the eighth gave the Port club their victory when Port Hope came to the plate in the eighth they were trailing in the gamne 4-2. Three straight fielding er- rors to the Eagles put the Flyers in position with three on base. Two single hits scored three to put Port Hope in the lead an d give themn the win as Kendal went down three straight. Port Hope scored one in the first withb the Eagles tak- ing one in the fourth only to have Port H-ope bang out a home run to again go into the lead by one. In the seventh the Eagles struck for five singles to score three runs and place them out in front 4-2. This lead was not to hold Up. Bill Bicide pitched for the E-agles with a record of ten hits, striking out five and giv- ing up no walks. 30 teac hers redundan t in local system Thirty teachers under employ- ment with the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion will be declared redundant at the end of the current school year. 0f the 30 teachers six corne from the secondary' level of education while the remaining 24 are from the.elementary level. 0f the 24 elementary teachers 18 are part-lime teachers. The redundancies were an- nounced 10 the board at a recent meeting when it was stated declining enrolment was dropp- ing the need for the teachers. Most of the teachers affected have been employed by the board for no more than a year. It was noted that in 1980-81 the board had been able Io place ail redundant teachers within the system due to retirements and others leaving the system. The redundancy wiIl affect one teacher at the Kendai-Kirby school. IBoy