................ aledictoriant at Pines CeremonieS Orouoateelp Ztmte Puhlished Every Wednesday Oronc Weekly Times, Wednesday, lune 30, 1982 Hampton calis for hall1 ,imprpvements Jw On Mfonday ',ne Hampton, Hall1 Board through Mar-jorie HiLl presented a brief to the memibers of the TFown of Newcastle General Purpose Comnmittee regarding the Hamipton Hall. The Hampton Hall is presently used by the Town for the Public Works and Planning Departments and as wel for use by thec communi- ty throuigh the Board of Management. The Hampton Hall Board suggests that the Town of Newcastle proceed with renovations to the existing Town Hall in Bowmanville and as well provide new acja cent facilit.ies for the Public Works and Planning Depart- ments. Such a move by the Town through the relocation of the two departments out of the Hampton Hall would provude a comnmunity hall for the hamleýt of Hampton. The Hampton Board sug- gests future use of the hall could include a Senior Citizens Drop-In Cientre, be avai!able for dances, recep- tions, meetings, card parties and irtdoor shuffle board. The grounds could be used for tennis courts stated the brief. As well the board is asking that the Town provide a new roof for the building, new wasnroois, niew furnace as ~well as upgrading of the elec- trical system, double-glazed windows and stairway repairs. It was pointed out at the meeting t hat there was a need for upgrading of washroom facilities as now a iquor licence was only possible for a total of forty people. Council members have called for a report from staff with conside-ration being given to the use of funding frm the incentive monies niow being- provided by-tbe province for project on Town property. Coune. IHamre said she kunew the board had been str-ugglin-g and was suippor- tîngý the board in their efforts. She pointed out that counicil -would be looking at heavy ex- penditures to update the building and the an.swers were not available at the meeinrg. She said she called for the report to have the cost figures available before mnak- ing a decision. Mayor Rickard asked that conisideration be given by staff to the use of the incen- tive fuinds now being sought fromi the Province. Coundil members were in- formed 'that the Hall Board was losing rentai monies because of thec inadequacy of the faciIities. Consider annual craft-art sales Monday evening a small group of local artists andi craft persons considered future craft anti art displays anti sales which could be held in the Village of Orono. The meeting was instituteti by the Orono Downtown Businessmen' s Association in an effort to establish some continuity in such events which havé been helti in Orono over the past year and a half. The group considereti it feasible andi desirable to pro- mote an art anti craft event in the Town Hall, Orono on a regular annual basis. With this in, mind there woulti be a tiisplay andi sale in the spring possibly tieing in with a blossomn tour. The group are to further investigate an art display andi sale along with crafts for a two week perod in the latter part of August taking in four days a week including Sun- days. The Christmas sale was also set to be held in mid November rathier than in the first part of Decemnber. As to the two week August show and sale contact is to be made in the next few, days of interested artists and craft persons to see if enough in- terest and material would be available to promote such a venture aw this time of year. If the interest is present the pro- motion coulti well take place this August in the Orono Town Hall. HALL BOARD TOÎMEET OVER POSTS Although the Or-ono H4all Board some weeks ago passed a motion to remiovc tlie controversial posts around the Oronio Town Hlall the posts stili remain and a second meceting was held Tuesday evening toi recon- Sider Che issue. Iii the meanttim1e public opinion sceems to be that the Board should comnplete thec proJect as siarted and that the posts be loweýýredt and a rail assemnbled. If nothing else the project stirred up considerable comment but at the present time it is at a dead hait going neither aheati or back. The decision of the Tuesday meeting was too late to ',ratch this weeks issue of the Times. Completes 2-4 Memoial 1k As of the recent annual meeting o f Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville, Mr. Jim Stutt of Orono had completed twenty-four years of service on the Memorial Hospital Board. 0f the twenty-four years Mr. Stutt had served as chairman of the board for a period of four years. His terxn terminated as of the annual meeting as board members must retire after serving a continuous period of twelve years. Stutt first joined the board in 1957 serv- îng twelve years andi with a retirement of one years again returned to serve another twelve years. Needless to say Jim recalîs the years o f service as most enjoyable andi one of a learn- ing experience. He said it is a two-way street in which to gîve and receive. Stutt has great praise for Memorial Hospital, its opera- tion, its administration and its terrific dedicated staff. He said there has- always been great repoire between staff and administration. He said working through aIl standing committees 0f the Board had provided a tremendous appreciation of flhe whole workînigs of thle hospital Ssstem. Stutt states hic totally agrCees with thle commîttee systemr in operating the bospital as everyone becomnes Most familiar withi the total organization and its work ini the community. Stutt singes out volunteer help at the hsopîtal as an outstanding feature at Memorial. "You would just growing apathy in the general paid group and appointed by 10 -Y populaioix) iprovding timre the province, bas over the (years 7P&&5 for services as such as on. the past couple of years added a hospital board. Too often, he fumiher dimension of in- )s itai îB oard states, people start by asking terference in the local 1'what remuneration is involv- atonomny, tesM.Su. not believe the service andi et. Trustees are not paiti for He is not totally receptive to money raised through the their service on the Board. the formation of the Council volunteers", he states. The introduction of the but does feel there will be He does feel there is a District Health Council, a (Continued page 2) Andrew Oliver (Dai) Daîrymple, Agricultur-al Representative for thec On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Durham was the recipient of a number of presentations Saturday after- noon at his retirement party held at the farm of Bey. and Barb Gray in Gartien Hill. So-me five hundred were in attendance for the occasion enjoying a beef barbecue, a program of entertainiment anti as well sharing in the ex- pression of appreciation to -Da!" for bijs contributioni to agriculture over the past 38 yearîs and during his tenure as Ag, Rep. out of the Bowman- viile office. The presentation by BiLh Taînblyn, Orono, (above) on behalf of the Junior farm commiunity, was one of miany during the afternoon pro- gram. Ail expressed their ap- preciation for the leadership, concern and expertise that had beeni provideti by the retiree dlurinig his termi of of- fice in the ilocal area. othler presentations were ruade by Sam Cureatz on behialf of the Province of On- tario, by Mayor Rickard, Town of Newcastle, Deninis Timbreil, Minister of Agriculture and Food as well as others who hati been associated with the Ag. Rep, in Bowmanville.