Garbage pickup in Orono Estates may join Orono contract The Town of Newcastle the Village of Newcastle on Water Safety and Swtnmlng Tuesday. The delay in program started its first ses- Newcastle was due to liner sion for July throughout the repairs on the pool. Town on Monday of this The program is promoted week. through the Rccreation The outdoor prograni Department of the Town of opened at the Orono pool Newcastle and is headed up and the Memorial pool in by Mrs. Jane Lunn, swimmn- Bowmanville on Monday and ing director for the Town of opened at the outdoor pool in Newcastle. The Orono, program which runs in two sessions with one in July and the other in August is headed up by Mar- sha Lowery with assistance ,from Lydia Carman and Tess Miller and with helpers Jessica Mostert, Donna Lowery and Leanne Elliott. The program for some 80 children in Orono runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is ex- pected that enrolment will drop some for the August ses- sion of the Water Safety pro- gram. Public swimming at the pool commences following. the swimming lessons and runs in accord to the printed schedule last week, weather permitfing. Counc. Diane Hanire was supported'in a bid on Mon- day to have a staff report prepared as to contracting garbage pick-up in the Orono Estates which would be in- cluded along with the Orono, Village contract. Hamre points out that she has had a number of requests for consideration for contrac- ting garbage pick-up both in the Orono'Estates and in the Village of Newcastle where recently a sizeable increase was instituted by a private contractor. Garbage pick-up in Orono Village has been under a con- tract for a number of years and is tendered every two years. Garbage pick-up in the Orono Estates and Newcastle Village is on an individual basis through a private con- tractor. The Town of Newcastle through Public Works pick-up garbage in the Town of Bowmanville. Counc. Hamre points out that garbage pick-up in Bowmanville costs $61 .00 per year per unit and now $60.00 a year in Newcastle Village. The yearly costs in Orono per unît is soine $43.00. Hamre has called for a staff report considering the Town taking over garbage pick-up ini Orono Estates and Newcastle Village on the same basis as has been set for the Village of Orono. §he points to the exîsting savings in tendering the pick-up rather than having each in- diNiïdual having to deal with make arrangements with a private contractor. Over 1200 attending *rouo UceM wtme Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 7, 1982 Apply for labour funds for Hampton haHi-Newcastle arena The Town of Newcastle council has given approval to make further applications to the Ministry of Municipal Af- faits and Housing for inicent- tîve funds fromn the province for repairs and renovations to the Hampton Municipal Hall and painting, replacement of glass and repairs to the roof of the Newcastle Arena. The Town previously sub- TOWN HALL FENCE TO BE COMPLETED At a special meeting of the Board of Management for the Orono Town Hall last Tuesday evening it was passed that the controversial fence at the hall be completed as irtended in the first place. For the past month the project has been, held in lim- ho with a previous motion that the posts be taken out. The decision last Tuesday reverses the plan an-d the posts remain to be lowered along xith a rail to be erected between the uprighits. The fence is to be painted white and completed as soon as possible. NO DECISION ON NEWCASTLE LIBRARY DEFlICIT Any possible decision on the $34,742 Newcastle Library deficit by the Town of Newcastle couincil was deferred on Monday due to the fact that' the General Purpose cormmittee had tabled any decisin to council when all members of coun- cil were present. As Counc. Hubbard was absent from the meeting on Mon- day the mnatter was niot discussed by counicil and automiatically tablIed to a future meeting when ail miembers were present. The Town Library Board is faced with the $32,740 deficit as wxell as an access proposal at the Bowmnanville Library whIich was estimnated to cost somne $75,000 but tendered out at $95,000. The librar-y-board has made 1vrtr0 oth-e [in!IStrY of Citizenship and Recreationl to increase flhe Wintario ran on the project. The Board still expects the Town to accept responsibility for 25 per cent of the total $95,M)0. Previously dt Town of Newcastle had allotted $1 8,000i for the access proposai but at the time wvhen the majority of couin- cil were unaware of an operating deficit. It has been suggested by the Townr Treasurer that the $18,000 allocation for the access proposai be used for the operating deficit with the remainder of the monies coming lim the working Capital Reserve fund. mitted for some $91 ,150 front the province under the pro- vincial make-work program whereby the province will fund labour costs of approv- ed projects. The province had înformed the Town that $90,500l had been allocated for Newcastle under this pro- grain. In the mnost recent applica- tion the Town if askinig for a further $25,500 under the program for the Hampton andNewcastle projects. The Town Manager, Don Smith, points out in a report to counceil that if the addi- tional funds are not approved by the province council may want to consider adjustments to 'the original ist of projects which included the Bowman- ville Town Hall, Orono Pire Hall and other town proper- [y. It has also been pointed out that material costs related to the Hampton Hall and Newcastle Arena are not in- cluded in the 1982 budget. The' Town Administrator states counicil may wish to discuss the funding of materials portion of the pro- jects with- the community groups involved. 11t has been estimnated that the total cost of the project for Newcastle Arena would be in an amount of $13,500.00 of which amount $7,500.00 would hein labour. The total estimate for the Hampton Hall was set at $54,500.00 of which amount $18,ODO was set for labour. local summer sehool In excess of twelve hundred children are estimated to have arrived at Summer School on Monday with alI courses at the school being jammed packed. According to John Reid, co-principal wîth Garth Gilpin, registration was to be cut off on Tuesday as the school was unable to handle any more children. Four extra buses had to be put into service to handle the outlfining children attendîng the course and Mr. Reid points out that al areas in the Town of Newcastle were well represented at the school. Presents Town che que to Orono Last Thursday evening Counc. Diane Hamre, representing the Town of Newceastle, presented a che- que to *the Orono Hor- ticCiltural Society in the amount of $200.00. The che- que was presented to the president of the Society, David Harrison and during the holding of the Society's strawberry festival. Mrs. Hamfre pointed to the work undertaken by the Society in the Village and stated that it was much ap- preciated by the Town. Nsot only is the Bowman- ville High School being press- ed into service but also classes in speciftc interests are being held at the Visual Art Centre, the Senior Public School for some sports and music, Waverley Public School and two ridîng. academies as well as tennis courts in the Town of Bowmanville other thant at the High School. Mr. Reid estimates thatat least fifty percent of the enrolment cornes fromn other than in the Town of Bowmanvilleý and states that (Continued page 2) Hlorticulture The SocieDty does maintain a niumber of flower beds throughout the Village as well as assisting the Orono DBIA in planter plantings and providing a program of events of interest to the Society's rmerbership.