Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 21, 1982, 3 The Kingdom at Newcastle The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion has written the Ministry of education suggesting drastic cuts in both the night school and general interest course and those offered at summer school. The Ministry of Education is withdrawing its financial support to both programs which will take cf- fect this fall. The local Board of Educa- tien has approved a submis- sion from the Board written by Dave Patterson, superintendent of special ser- vices. The statement states that the withdrawal of fun- ding by the Ministry will have arastîc consequences for the non-credit courses also known as general interest courses. The province will continue to finance credit courses both at night school and at sum- mer schools. Patterson states that both non-credit and credit courses do provide a learning oppor- tunity for individuals even ugh it be in différent man- ners. Hfe states that con- sideration should be given to this fact. The Board has decided to offer the same number of courses in the fali of 1982 as it did in the falI of 1981 but the fee schedule will be in- creased to place the cost on a user-pay 'basis for the non- credit courses. In 1981 there were 3,741 students enrolled in the sum- mer school program throughout the board's jurisdiction. 0f this number 459 were enrolled in crocit courses while the remaining 3,322 were enrolled in the general interest courses as sporting activities, cooking, archery, horsemanship and other crafts. Although figures on enrol- ment in the 1982 summer school courses were not available it is believed they will at least be that of 1981 if not higher. Over 1,500 students are enrolled in the first session of the summer school for the month of July in Bowmanville. Orono Soccer PeeWees Win, Ties and Loss On June l7th Orono travelled to Tyrone and camne away with yetanother tie. Allan Hall scored fromn well out on a fine kick. Tyrone scored soon after to end the scoring1I-I1. On June 2lst Newcastle -met Orono and played to 2-2 *tic. Richie Dupe led Orono with I+ goals. On June 28th Orono travelled to Bowmanville and had their first scoring SPree. New Dutch Oven SIo- Pitch to Championship Bess, played by Joy Yates, centre, makes her point -with Sweeper, played by Donnie Chard, (right) while Wat listens on, played jointly by Brad Hockin and Scott Irwin. It ail happens with the July 28th to July 3lst. eight night p resentation of Plan to attend for an en- "The Kingdom" i n the joyable outing in theatre arts Newcastle United Church this by those wthin the communi- Wednesday evening to Satur- tY. day evening and again from Town OKs Luibrary Access, projeci, $18000 The Town of Newcastle counicil on Monday gave ap-' proval in allotting $18,000 to the Library Board as a por- tion of the cost of the propos- ed access lift at the Bowman- ville Library. Counicil on the other hand deferred a deci- sion as to -what part they will take as to the library deficit of some $34,000 from 1981. In the matter of the operating deficit counicil sup- ported a recomimendation from Counc. Hubbard that council defer its decision until such time as the chairman of the Hydro Liasion committee and the Chief Administrative Of ficer could report on possi- ble funding for the deficit through the impact agree- ment with hydro. Counc. Hamre said she could not sulopor-t the motion to defer a d ecision on the operating deficît while on the other hand approving a capital expenditure for the board.' The decision of allotting $18,000 to the library board was supported by al members of council with ex- ception of Counces. Hamre and Cowman. Council received a letter from the Library Board seek- ing the $18,000 approval as a necessary amount to allow the board to proceed with the access lift. t was poînted that the total cost of the project was $95,900l with the govern- ment granting 75 percent of the cost and the addition of architect fees. Counc. Taylor asked where the remaining monies were to corne from to which Mrs. Barbara Schon, secretary- treasurer of the library board, pointed out that the Board itself would provide some $7,944 from its own funds. She said the board had received additional operating grant from the province this year and monies would be available for the purpose of the access. She also stated that the board was within its budget this year. Counc. Hamre sald ahl she has ever heard from the Board during a number of meetings was the serious pro- blem of underfunding to pro- vidie library service in the community. Now, she said, I find the board does have mnoiies for funding other than their primary servjce to the community. Mrs. Schon said it was a priority to undertake the ac- cess proposal. Counc. Hamre also pointed out that the Town had.in 1980 provided the lîbrary board wth $140,000 in grant whch has riseni to $254»00 in 1982 plus the ap- proved $18.00 tonight. Hamre said counicil had sup- ported the library board for additional funds far beyond that of other boards and departments in the Town. Counc. Hamre' said the board had not provided council with information as to the use of the basement rooms and that such informa- tion was sadly lackînig. Counc. Cowman said a lot of people are saying council has to start to say no. She contended that it appeared that the library board was saying, "we don't care what you want, we are going to do what we want." Counc. Woodyard said it would be foollsh to not take advantage of the provincial monies provided for the ac- cess at the Bowmanville ibrary. But on the other hand he said he had concerns of the project and was not too sure it was at al necessary. Mayor Rickard came out in support of the funding from the Town and said it would be unwise of counceil to turn aside the necessary funding based on the information he has received. This past week-end the New-Dutch Oven Slo-Pitch team participated 'in the Peterborough Slverwood's Sportsfest. They placed se- cond in the top division of twenty-four teams. Bugsy's Steelers, a top- ranked team from St. Catherines, defeated the local tçam 4-3 in the final game. The New Dutch Oven teain defeated teams--from Peter- borough, Oshawa, Wood- bridge, Niagara Falls and St. Catherines. Teams were there from as far away as Sudbury. The second place finish enables the New Dutch Oven team to participate in the Old Vienna Ontario Slo-Pitch championships this September in Niagara Falls. The teain has been very suc- cessful in tournaments this year. They placed fourth in the Oshawa SpringClassic, first in thé Orono Jive Turkey tournament and first in the Sunderland Harvester tour- nament, on top of this last week-ends -second place finish. Upcoming tournaments, include St. Catherines on Civic Holiday weekend and Collingwood Sportsfest in early Augu st. Team members are Mark Mercer, Peter McCullough, Garry Eames, Brian Allin, Steve West, Bill Hansen, Don Mercer, Dean Cox, Peter Maartenise, Tom Moffat, David Staples, Grant Yeo, John Witheridge, Bob O'Neill, Stan Green, Gary Cox, and' Gary Cooper. Congratulations fellows. David Little came iu 4vth 3 along with 2 foi -Richie Dupe and Paul Henry with 1 on a fine effort. Trhe final score Orono 6, Bowmnanville 3. Keith Vey played well in goal *for Orono, for his first time this. season. On July 5th Orono and Newcastle played to 1-1 tie. Oronio's goal by Keith Vey, stood up -for most of the game until Newcastle scored late in the gaine. On July l2th Orono went down to defeat for the first timne in 8 games. Bowmanville handed Orono, 4 to 3 lost. Brian Young's long kick of the cross bar and, Darren Lewis with one off the goa'l post cut down Orono's scor- ing. Scorîng for Orono John Sotiriadis with 2 and Keith Vey with 1. FREE ESTIMATES REROOFING & NEW ROOFS R & B Roof ing (10 Years in Business) Phone 623-9140, Anytime LAWN MAINTENANCE &CLEANUP CHIMNEY REPAIRS, PAINTING ASPHALT SEALING 011 and Gas Resistant Coal Tar Immulsion Driveways, Parking Lots, Residenitial And Comfmercial FREE ESTIMA TES Workmanship Guaranteed cali: Mike Sawyer, Orono, Ont. 983-5270983-5703 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT RED & WHITE 50 N EW E LOBLAWS GENERIC PRODUCTS ARRIVING THIS WEEK E.- G . Freezer Pops - For Thei Kids Pkg. of 36 -.89C Save With YeIIow Labels!, CHILLED CHERRIES ARE HERE! Montmor ency PieCherries. $1 7.98 - 22 lb. Pail Black Sweet Cherries $24.98 m 20 lb. Pail Watch for our cîrcular in the Newcastle Reporter -,C'ýOR-NUSH'S Phone 983-52011 Expeot drastic ,drop in non-credit programs .j