A Wee Scottish Lass Alica Fenel of ron Higland Gams hed i too prtincopeitonin Osaw Sctis aneatte eet Aii sasu to h Burn's School of Dancing, Oshawa, showing a great un- terest in Scottish dancing. The pianned Beef Barbe- que being held at the Orene Payk on Wednesday, August l4th is part of a fund-raising prograni by the Orone Arena Improvement and Prejects comrnittee te raise funds for improvements at the Oreno Arena and Connmunity Cen- tre. The comrnittee is an- ticipating the paving of a por- tion of the parking let at the Orono Mrena, a preject which could get underway this feul if ail gees well with their fund raisîng events. In spcaking with Russ Ma- jor he peints eut that the group dees have some imonics for the paving of which $1,000 came fromn the Fathers' Day banquet held earlier this year. The Beef Barbeque couid add a further The Kendal Eagles, with twe decisive wins and as well a cliff-hanging victory over the Newcastle Lakers now ad- vance te the second round un the EOBA playdowns, Group Over the pat week and with gaines on Saturday and Sunîday the Eagies have eiminatcd the Lakers un three straight of the five gaine -JI - w m. u ' $1000 if weil attended on the l4th. The group are aise eperating the diner at the Oreno Fair agair this year, a project which they consider should turix a profit for their work at the arena grounds. Major peints out that the group wish te pave 75 te 100 feet of the parking lot and as well include proper lighting in the parking area. The cost of, paving bias beeni roughiy estimated in the area of $10,000, Support of the remaining fund-raising prejects this year ceuld mean that such werks as the parking lot could be undertaken. The Orono Athietiecernm- rnittec in charge of the opera- series and now expect te sec action as eariy as possibiy Thursday in the second round. The Eagies will play a round-robin series w-ith Ajax and the winner of the Cobourg-Peterborough series with the likcihood of Peter- borough ceming te the series. According te John Robin- son the first gaine couid corne as soon as Thursday with Kendai piaying Ajax un Ajax.' Although thc scheduie for the series is yct te be announced it is as well expected that Ken- dai wili play on their home diarnond probably this Sun- day. The winncr of the round- robin series wili advance te iwenîre tien of the arena building and community centre have had the entire parking lot area oil- cd this year. As well some painting lias been completed i the arena aiong with re- painting the cafeteria. The arena will operate th" year with a new flooder which ie te arrive prior to opcning of the winter seaon. Russ Major said that the Projects group may have to assist with the purchas of the new flooder aithough that is flot known at this tine. Yeur support of the coin- rnlttee projects aie part of the improvements which can be undertaken at the arena and cenxmunity centre. Plan te be present on the i4th at the Orono Park. t he Ontario basebali playdewns. In the Kendal-Newcastle series the Eagles wen the opeming gaine last Thursciay in Kendail by a score of 14-3 with the win going te Bill Bickle on the Kendal mnound. The second gaine of the series was played in Newcas- tle on Saturday again with the Eagles coming eut on top with a count of 13-3. Jui Stacey was on the mound for Kendal taking 13 strike outs un the nine iniing gaine. The Eagles scored twn runs in tic sixth with BH Robin- son and Eric Moore both driving our 3-run hemers and Steve West taking a 2-mun homer, all in thc sixth. The third gaine of the series piayed in Kendal on Sunday was a real cliff- hanger for a full eleven inn- ings. (Conitinucd page 2) IStudent SALT DOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION The Sait Dome at a cest of somne $90,000 is well undcrway at the Town of Newcastle Public Works depot north of the Village of Orono. Work lias well reachcd the halfway mark in the past two weeks and completii shouid corne mid August. BARBEQUES THE ORDER 0F THE DAY, The Orono Arena Imprevemnent andf Projects committee are holding the annual Orono Beef Barbeque in the Orono Park on August 1 8th with the menu being scrved frein 5 te 7 p.m. Leok for a good outing ai this event in this community. On the samie afternoen and evening the Durhanxý Northumberland Liberal Association are holding their annual barbeque ai the farm of Mac and Norma Ransbcrry, north of Kirby on Highway 115. Thei Hon. Paul Cosgrove, Minister of Public Works will attend te give a short address around 7:00 p.m. The Minister is responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration. The famiiy-type barbeque gets underway at 4:00 p. m. The Durham-Northumberland Progressive Con- servative Association announces the annual Allan Lawrence Barbeque and Corn Roast te be heid ai Devil's Eibow, 3 miles north of Bethany on Wednesday, August 25th. Serving starts ai 4 p.m. and continues through te 8 p.m. Aise included for the evening wili be entertainrnent for the family. PLANS TO SEEK BOARD 0F ED. SEAT A Newcastle Village resident, Lorraine Lover, in- tends to have her name on the ballot corne this November for one of the two positions from Ward 3, Town of Newcastle, on the Northumrberland-Newcastle Board of Education. e,,mploymen t office meets with success Placement of students in the work force through the Student Ernpioyment office in Blowinanville is ahead of that of 1981 as of the end of July. The placements eut of the Bowmanville office is threc te four turnes greater than from Uic Oshawa office this year. According to Patti Lunix, co-ordinator, 225 placements have been made te the end of Juiy 1982 which compares with 209 for the, saine period in 1981. Regular fulîtinie placements during July 1982 reached 74 while 48 students received part-tume work. Miss Lunix attributes the increase un the student empioyrnent through the of- fice this year te the publicity reccived during "Hlire A Stu- dent Week" and te the fact that a numxber of new retail stores have opened un Bowmanville this past suin- mer. (Continiued page 4) Eagles advance to round robin series Up, UpAndAwayv ÀW ip, HE