2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August Ilj 98 Now On The Right Track In our minci the federal government bas finally taken a positive step in fighting inflation which coulci weII be a course for economic recovery in Canada. We do flot beleive that the hay-days of the mici 1970s will ever return but surely we can expect a degree of recovery that wilI be acceptable. The wage restraints imposeci by the federal government on federal employees are but part of the Pic- turc andi it wilI take efforts of others in a similar vein to achieve a respectable goal. This appears to be happening with Bell Canada andi Consumers Gas both pulling in their hoins as to ser- vice increases. Others must follow andi much coulci now be accomplished by the provinces swinging into fine with similar programs. Surely if Bell andi Consumers Oas can accommodate a reduction in revenue then so can such as Ontario Hydro and even the Region of Durham in their services of water and sewers. The general concensus seems to support the federal bid for restraint with the greatest criticism being voiced that the restraint issueci by the governmcnt only reaâches those in their employment. This is flot exactly the case for the government bas informeci such as the auto in- dustry that they are expected to carry out their part or not to expect federal assistance if such is required. The in- dustry can expect no other recourse from the federal government. Surely we must expect others ta follow suit and here in Ontario with increaseing deficits as at the federal level their only hope is a form of restraint. Must they be leaci by the federal goverfiment ta exercise this restraint? Labour, even under the conditions that exist ta- day, battie any restraint programn or at least the heacis of labour do so andi this is understandable as their jobs as labour leaders seem to depend ont the militant stand they take. This may flot continue ta be the case judging from what has happened in the once militant British Unions. Labour in Britain are accepting wage freezes andi even wage cuts. Only last month a proposeci national strike by locomotive engineers collapseci. Time lost in Britain i 1981 due to strike reduceci to thirty percent of that in 1980 and pay raises are below the inflation figure by 2 percent. Furtber productivity is climbing in Britain along with labour couts falling. In one plant alone productivity bas increaseci by thrity percent. The Union rank andi file are displaying an independence from their leaders. Chryster in Canada is asking for support from the UAW ta help fight such as absenteeism and other matters related to a decline in productivity. It has to come and it has to be supporteci by those in the Union from bottom ta top. Another interesting aspect of the British battle ta economic recovery in industry is proposeci legisation protecting the individual's rigbt not ta join a union. It still appears ta us that the rigbt course is being taken andi that it is the people themselves wbo tbrough their own restraint are forcing action by governments andi industry. It will not be until the people begin to spenci wilI any degree of recovery be exerciseci. PARKING REGULATIONS BEING ENFORCED Througb the services of Oshawa Security Ser- vices parking regulations in both the Villages of Orono andi Newcastle are being enforced on a regular basis throughout the week. A word of warning ta motorists to obey tbe regulations and refrain from triple parking when in the downtown areas of both centres. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT CLAIMIS LIFE A 29-year-old Kingston woman is deaci following a two-car collison Friday at the intersection of Liberty Street with Taunton Roaci. The accident occurreci about 5:10 p.m. Deaci is Marilyn Butt. Elsie Ferguson, Oshawa, driver of the second car received minor injuries while ber husband, Jack was taken ta Oshawa General Hospital with undetermindeci injuries. A Toronto man, Alexander Drapkin, 42, was listeci in fair condition following a single car accident on Sunday when bis car left Higbway 35 ta crash into a roaciside ditcb. ART SHOWS PREVALENT Not anly can one make tbe rounds of a number of barbeques over the next couple of weeks in tbe area but tbe same is true of Art Shows. The Mortodns are holding their annual art show at the Art Loft, Dikadel Farmns nortb-east af Orono. The show is being belci Friday, August 2th tbrougb to Sun- day, August 22nd. As well an art show and sale is also being held on Hot Air Balloon (Continued from page 1) grounci for a tethered ride. Two ai the riders an this occasion were Jim andi Cathie Burton ai Paisley, Scotlaad, vibo are visiting vith the Orono Burtons for a tbree week perioci. This is their third visit to Orono. Due ta wind conditions it vias flot possible ta take the balloon aloit. It is understood that quite, calm Mnornings are the best periocis for flight. Hlovever the aviner did give everyone viho w ished a short, abbreviated trip upvards. Kathleen takes her bailoon ta rallies in the U.S. most summer week-ends. She states there is a fair number ai enthusiasts intbe sport andi that the numnbers are gravi- ing. A balloon in which she was part owner can be seen in tbe Labatt's television com- mercials. To belp offset costs ai ownership andi operation Kathleen rents out ber balloon for advertising pur- po)ses. The ballonîst can direct the crait upwards andi dovinvards by controlling the temperature ai the air in the balloon whicb is heateci by a propane gas burner'at the bottomai the balloon. Although the burniag gas does mako considerable noise at grounci level once aflight the ride is vory peaceful andi quiet vith none af the strange sensations icît an rides at the fair andi makes us mare en- viaus ai the graceful fligbt ai aur icathereci friencis. Eric Burton points out that altbough the balloon in Orono did appear very large Kathleen bas a frienci vith a balloon ton times the size. The Burtons and friencis in Orano thank Kathleen Dixan for the intcresting andi plea- sant afternoon. Eagles advance (Continueci from page 1) There vere six teamns play- ing thse "C" graup in the EOBA iacludiag Markham, Ajax, Peterborough, Newicastle, Kendal andi Cobourg. Markham bas been climinateci by Ajax wie Cobourg la on Uic vay aut at thse bancis ai Peterborough. Kendal eliminated Newcastle. Ater eight inaiags ai play Keadal vas in tht leaci 3-1 but- Newicastle vent aheaci in thse top bahf of the manth scaring tbree ruas giviag thcm a ont- mun ecige. Kendal in thse bottom hall ocigeci out a-single caunter ta tic the score after tise aine ful inaings. Newicastle again scoreci a Kendal News Sam Marx ai film fame, made a collection ai four word sentences into vbicb a lot ai wisdam is packed. lu Oaci vie trust. Let sleeping dogs lie. Live andi let lîve. Cbarity begins at home. This, ta shail pass. Tbink up some four word sentences for yourself. A wortbvbile game don't you tbink? We wcre pleaseci ta have visitars at church on Sunday from Kirby andi Nova Scotia. It viaulc bc fie ta bave more ai aur own people back. The Helcbust Trio playeci for us on their instruments thea Rau mand Stevea playeci "«Amazing Grace" on the piano andc cronet. This Sunday was decora- tian day at Nevtonville Cemetery so Rev, A. Tizzard's sermon was catitîcci "'The Tears ai Jesus", the scripture readiag St. John 11:28-44. Why di Jesns cry? Ho crieci because ho vas human. Ho kaew that He was s otadie. Ho kaew that Ho was the Resurrection. We know that everything la in God's plan. Sameday as hoe calleci Lazarus ho will cmli us. la that landi there vill bc na more sarravi. Tennyson virate: Sunset mand cvcniag star And ane clear calI for me Any may there be no moaaing ai the bar As I put out ta sea. On August the fourth fif- teen ladies gathered wa the home ai Mrs. Lena Skerratt an a beautiful aiternoon for aur U.C.W. meeting. Severai mca folk joincd us later for a picnic lunch under the trees. Mrs. Lenora Stapleton open- cd the meeting wth a prayer for peace by Helen Steiner Ricc andi the hyma "Just as 1 amn". Then Mrs. M. Stevens gave the devotional. She referreci ta Dr. Norman MacKenzie's talk ta the chilciren at the open air ser- vice. Hle showed tbem a buge telescape. What vas it? VWa was lt for? One hatle girl saici it vas ta briag the stars close. Ho askcd, "Whea docs Goac came close ta you?" The ansvcr la, "Gois aalvays close tom s' Whon vie pray ta single ruai the top of the tcntb wbich was coun tereci by a single by Keadal in thc bat- tom h ai ofthe inning. Tbe&1es kept Nevicastie off thc score board in the top ai the ceveath but in their tura ta the plate loadeci the bases andi finaly drave in the winning run. Bric Moore pitcheci the aine innings with Jim Stacey comig ini in relief in the tentb ta finish the gamne. him he answers, not always yes sometimes even waits a whilc. We may worship him alone but vie shoulci alsa vior- ship hlm i groups. Roll calI - Tell something about Saudi Arabia. One lady saisI the men haci several wives and she didn't think she'd like ta be anc of thcm. Mrs. Ann West saici that she vas in Florida and thcy ha d purchaseci tickets for a cruise in a large ship. However fifty people haci ta travel in a small boat that day because the ruler of Saudi Arabia bail commandeereci the large sbip that day to celebrate bis four year olci son's birthday. His son was given a poay andi a Marcedes Ben car as birthday gifts. Mrs. Gosson explained that the four year olci son bad had an operation on his kae andi it vas in a cast sa be could ride the pony even if he couldn't valk. The ruler and his family bave aIl kincis of money but the poor people are as poor as ever. 1 The minutes were read and offering given. Tben Miss C. Stewart introduceci our speaker Mrs. Audrey MIcKe a sister of Mrs. Lenora Stapletan viho gre up on the sixth lUne. Mrs. McKee tolci us tbat in Jaauary 1978 the Bell Telephone of Canada vas aviardeci the contract ta rebuilci and madernize the telephone system i Saudi Arabia. Her husband vent first vives- haci ta vait till modern living quarters were crecteci. Soan aftor sbe arriv- cd ane morning she stepped out the door for a walk. Every vorkman stappeci vork and since they didn't start working again she returned ta the bouse; afier tbat she took ber daily walk i the evenmng vhon they had gone borne. A swimming pool and tennis court vere campleted for their use by September. lIer husband worked a six day weck but on Friday the Moslem Holy day tbey voulci walk six miles out inta the desert ta an ail peoples churcb. One day they cbanc- cd ta meet a Bedouin. He in- vited tbcm ta came and bave tea witb him this is a Moslem lavi. However it was getting late andi they haci ta be home' befare dark. They vent shop- ping twice a week in the Bell company bus. There wcre beautiful oranges, lemonls,- melons and bananas fr ' Lebanon ini fact they cothl.- buy anything. The mecn are the big viheels i Saudi Arabia. The first girl's school vas opened in 1962. When a girl is twelve she must vicar the veil., Mrs. McKe dresseci anc ai aur ladies in the formai dress ai a Saudi man - long vhite garment with a colaurful tur- ban. Then she berseli dressed in the black dress and veil of a lady. On fast days Moslem can flot eat betveen sunrise andi sunset. She shoveci us somne of their beautful crafts. Mrs. E. Foster thankeci ber for ber intercstîng account ai ber three year-stay in Saudi. Tbey nov bave anc of the most modern telephane systcmns in the world. Potataes keep firm in the graiynd s0 just dig themn as yod neeci themn. If you have dcul in ynur gardeti don't let it go ta seeci or it-will spread ta the pasture and taint the milk. It looks like vilci car- rot, sometimes called bird's aest veeci. Mrs. Mary Hamilton andi Leah ai Nova Scotia are visitiag ber mother Mrs. M. Stevens. Tbey motored up. Mrs. Ethelda Williamson of London is visiting ber daughter andi family Mrs. E. Brewer of Kendal. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Oros, Ontaro Rogular SuMdsy Wbrshlp Service - 9:45 a.m. Rev. An Hasd.by 13.A. LTh. UNITED CNfliel Rev. Wayne WrIi, B., .Dlv. Suaday, August 16, 1982 Orono, Kirby & Newicastle Unitedi Churches Morning worship 10.-30 a.m. Newicastle Unitedi Church Bonne Bell presents "The Miracle Workers" for the beauty of young skin 5 Piece Kit regular $6.50 $4, 95 While Supplies Last MAIN St. ORONO, ONT.1*983.5O09 O 1rono Nursery School lHalt Day Enrichment Pro gram For Preschoolers Qualif ied Staff Llcensed Promises Registrations now belng taken for September start Cail 987-4012