-gisters a, Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday, August lith, 1982-5 - Invite p-ublic comment on Port Hope flood project, G. Yarwood (left), In- dustrial Training Consultant, Skjlls Development Division for the Mlinistry of Colleges and Universities presents David Chatterton, Orono, with a plaque recognizing Davîd's successful comple- tion of Advanced Schooling in Electrical Construction and Maintenance. Yarwood pointed out that Samn.., at Queen's Park ln nmy last column 1 wrote about an interview 1 had with Bill Smith. 1 discussed generally the problem of drug abuse and young people. In this column 1 would like to concentrate on those pro- grains that are being miade available for counselling youing people. 1In the schools, the counselling programs which are part of the curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 13, involve the health aspects of, substance abuse. These classes are geared to the age group. Kindergarten and- David had a perfect score in his final test, an achievemnent of worthy note. Upon completion and passing of hîs trade examina- tion David will be a licenced Construction and Maintenance electrician.. This latest course taken by Chatterton was taken at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Peterborough. Congratulations David. primary school children are obviously -too young to understand warnings about hard drug use and so their in- struction is geared to warn- ings about substances around the home such as those found in the family mnedicine cabinet. The youngsters are cautioned about touching any medicine without first asking their parents. They are told Mumn and Dad are the ones to trust not some Joe Cool. As a result, the youngsters are given early- warning of the dangers of taking substances which could be h armn fuI. In grade 5, the students are instructed about the hazards of smoking. The Cancer Society provides the schools with helpful kits to assist them at this stage. Those in junior high are in- troduced to the decision mak- ing aspects of substance abuse and are instructed about how substances affect their odies. At the senior hîgh leVels, there is a discussion of values and other lifestyle con- siderations. The Durham Board is tak- ing a Ieading role in dealing with substance abuse counsellor. Plans for the future include teacher training sessions. It is The government review -of an environmental assessment submitted by the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications, (MTC), was released today for public comment by the Honourable Robert Welch on behaif of Ontario Environment Minister, the Honourable Keith C. Norton. The corporation of the Town of Port Hope and the Ganaraska River Conserva- tion Authority (GRCA) pro- Pose deepening the river by one to two meters, for I,00 mneters in length, by 30 meters in width through thle downtown area of Port Hope. This channel would convey a 425-cubic meters per second flow, the flow at the time of the severe March 21, 1980 flood which caused damage estimated at $2 million. The design of the project provides for a greenbelt along the river banks. It will also reduce problems of ice jammr- ing and create easier access for migrating fish by incor- Porating resting Pools within the new channel. The Ganaraska River is the site of the largest fish spawning run in the region. Due to its pre- sent configuration, there is a lack of resting pools, making it dîfficuit for the fish to pass comfortably. The proposed undertaking includes both the demolition of the existing Ontario and Barrett Streets Bridges, and their replacentn respectîvely by a vehicular bridge and a the plan to have two teachers volunteer for training from each of the Region's 92 elemnentary and secondary schools. These teachers will act as resource people on the staff of each school to assist their fellow teachers deal with those students involved in substance abuse. Kathy and 1 enjoyed veryý much the competitïon of the Drumn and Bugle Corps Bands at the Oshawa Civic Field. Jackie Theriault of the Rebel Drum and Bugle Corps did a great job of directing. 1 arn also very pleased that the Ministry of Government Services has now officially announced construction of the lnew Court House at Oshawa at a cost of $2.4 million. foot-bridge. The project would also require the pur- chase of 0.7 hectares of land, including strips from seven commercial properties and two complete residential pro- perties. The construction of the chaninel will proceed in four stages over the 1,000 meter length. The undertaking aiso requires the excavation of rock and f111 by hleavy equiPemutn and 'Possibly blasting. Berms are necessary in the area of the public utili- tY electrical transformer sta- tion located at the southwest end of Barrett Street Bridge, so as to protect it from higher flows. Maps and further, details concerning the proposed pro- ject, as well as the proposed schedule for construction, which are contained in a copy of the environmental assess- ment and the review, may be inspected during normal business hours at the follow- ing locations: Clerk's Office, Town of Port Hope, 56 Queen, Street, Port Hope, Ontar-jo. Clerk's Office, County of Northfiu mberlandc, 860 William Street, Cobourg, Environment Central Region, 150 Ferrand Dr., Environment Ontario, En- vironmental Assessment Branch, 1Oth floor, 135 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5. Individuals and groups have until September 10, 1982 to make written submis- sions-to the Minister of the Environment on the en- vironmental assessment and the review.« Ontario, Suite 700, Don Milis, Orono Squirts have double victory Orono Squirts Teain 1 scored two victories over Bowmanville's J and J Sharpening recently. In the first game an impressive team effort pushed Orono to a 4 - 0 win with Laura Abrais, Trevor Lomox, Camneron Esler and Scott McAllister scoring. Jim Partner played well ini goal even stopping a penalty shot.1 The return match at Clarke High School was a much closer affaîr with Orono win- nîng with, a 2-1, triumph on the strenght of some excellent Mid-field play by Craig Nemis. Camreron Esler, and Scott McAllister who scored both goals. Good efforts also came from Stephen Shetler who bit, the crossbar and Todd Graves, Ryan TomI- ingon, Scott Hall and Henry Kaldeway. Keep up the good play Orono! ANNUAL 7BEEF BARBEQUE ORONO PA RK Wednesday, August 18, Serving 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Roast iSeef with ail the trimmings served hot tram the barbe que ADULTS $6.00 - CHILOREN $3.00 Tickets available trom Mom's Kitohen or cail 983-5608, 983-5840, 983-5858 Proceeds to Orono Arena Imprevement and Projects Fund