PHOTO ISHOPI QIMIEO . le Phone for appointme.nt Anniversary Wedding and Family Portraits ln Our Studio, Vour Home, .Or on Location. '78 King St. W., Rowmarwtlle U~3-2404 Phone 416-823-3393 Orono Cati 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the Iargest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFI ELD INSURANCE 983-9438 We'. Check And Double Check! Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To AIt Cars and Trucks- 24-HOUR TOWING - Phone 983-5249 NOTICES If you have any questions or concernis abouit your municipality, please feel free to cai me at either 983-5505 Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. olf N. NOTI<F ' D>r. A.F. Mkî,'csolfiL, \îi be closed Jffl\ 21- Augi'- 15 inclusive. 7,14,2 ï.1.,a.-c. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED WORK WANI Will babysît ini day or evening, Ma Orono 983-5515. my hon, lain Street 21,1 l,a. WWOODALL CARPENTRY FuiIy Licenced 10 Years Experience Renvoations Cabinets, Decks, Roofing Etc. Cali FOR SALI .- Siraw for' qulanîlitY. Calî1 Dick 983-5682. FOR SALI F'irewood, aIt J- Delivery or pick- 786-2633. *FOR SALI NEW HONI Customer's conta per lb. Aise avaîla containers. Arnotts 983-9372. Look foi inapte tree opposite to park on Main Oro0no. Coming Ey Newcastle and E me Chamber of Con t, presents DONKEY BASI c. Newcastle Villagt Suuday, August 7:00 p. m. Aduits $3.0 Children under 12 Advance tickets avi Stedman's Store, N~ Keith Barr Ins Newcastle Corne and see yot clans make a jaï themnse/ves. Secreta Mature persor excellent secr skills required 4 .weekly. Sendi Conîiunity S Order Progri 116 Church! Bowmanville, 01 LIC MT Applications t( recelved by August 19, 19 TENDER No. 419 Sealed tenders recoived until 2:( local time, August 20, 1982 and lop trees Ganaraska Cons( Authority Forest Township. Tender documer information on thi may be obtaine the District Mi Ministry of N Resources, 322 Street West, L Ontario K9V (1-705-324-6121). Lowest or any teil necessarily acce; Ministry oi Natural Ontario Hon. Alan tW WA.-r. roster Deputy Minis E ANNUAL FLOWER AND Sale. Any VEGETABLE SHOW à Morton, Orono United Church Main Hall, Thursday, August 28,1l, a. c. 12. Please phone your entry Iists or bring them to Mrs. Corrie DeJong, 987-5278 or E Mrs. Lynn Harrison, Hardwood. 983-5252 by 9:00 p.m. -up. Cali August I lth. Entries to be received from il a. m. to 1: 30 tf. pam. Open to public 7:00 p.m. E Awards and entertainment ini evening. Check your books aîners 1.10 for classes.. bMe ini Our Orono Horticulture Society s- phone 11, ac )r sign on te entrance NOTICE iStreet in Are you tired of being alone? Are you unattached, 28,11 ,a.c. separated, single, or divorc- ed? ' Meet that special person - vent apply P. 0. box 104, Owen District sound, N4R 5PI. Please state rimerce age. 11,18 ap EBALL ýe Park COMING EVENTS i 2911, More than meets the eye - photographs of minerais )o througb the microscope from - $1.00 the R.O.M., at the Kirby- ailable at School House on Hwy. ewcastle; 35-115 at Kirby during urance, August, Fridays - Saturdays, 2 - 5 p.m. ,r polil- 11, 18, 25 ac cass o 3-c COMING EVENTS FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK - iry Our represenhative - JOHN ryMOULLAND, wilei nt with Bowmanville area on TUES- etarial DAY, AUGUST 17th, to 4 hours discuss FBDB Services: 1. resume Financial assistance for resume business. 2. Counselling to iniprove business or solve ervice probtems. 3. Management amnie training and information on st. government programs. ntario FOR APPOINTMENT CALL JOHN MOULLAND, o g~ (416) 576-6800, Federal y Business Devetopment Bank, taz 22 King Street West, Oshawa. Il, ac Birth announcenient BUNTING-Richard and Gina are delighted to an- nounice the arrivaI of their will be daughter, Kathleen Lowery :00 P.. (Katie), born July 25, 1982 at Frtday, Peterborough Civic Hospital, 2to feul weighinig 8 lbs. 7 ozs. in the Proud first-time grand- ervation parents are Fred and Hazet t, Hope Lowery, Newcastle and Bill nts and and Mary Bunting, Orono. e above a-c d from f11111 ANNOUNCEMENT qanager, Ken and Ruth McCurdy 2 Kent (nee Chater> are pleased to indsay * announce the safe arrivai of 4T7. their son 'Andrew', 7 lbs. il oz. on Wednesday, July 28, nder not 1982. pted. 1 Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robent Chater, f Leskard and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCurdy, Stirling. S1il, 'ac VPope ster WORK ViANTED D &R Custom Fenclng and custom chain-sawing 983-9627 or 623-7353 Orono, Ont. t 111h, 1982-1 a wn-i IE W :ai ab ts or CATHCART: To àIlour famîly and friends and neighibours, we would like to say thank you for your com- fort and support, flowers and memiorial donations received during the loss of our dear beloved mother, grand- mother, great grandmother Annie May. A special thanks to the Ladies at the Kendal W.l. for the lovely lunch, the nurses at Memoriat Hospital and Dr. McKenzie and the Northcutt and Eiliott Funeral Home for their courteous service. Bruce, Barb, Doug, Frances and families 11, ap, PRO -GARDCM LANDSCAPING.. *CODMMCRCIAL G& RCSIDCNIITAL -1tifTCRLOCING C TON1E (v)ALl<WAVS. PATIOS. DRMCWAVÇ) ý -% *.AWrt MAIIITCIIAICC * PRIIG CLCANI UP * ODDIN'G G fERTILIZIfIG - RECC CMTMATCÇ CALL 983-5915 ., fO. Potted Dwarf Fruit Trees £Vý'NewHardMapie Railway Ties 6x8x8 CHIMNEV SWEEPER J.P. Roy Orono, Ontarlo Cal! afler f ive O'cioçk For Free Estîmates 983-9262 - - - - - - ------ UMM" Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority CONTRACT PLANNER The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority requtes a Plan- ner for the perlod September 7, 1982 to June 30, 1983 to assist wîth the preparation of the Authorty's Watershed Plan. Prepara- lion of maps wili be required. Qualifications: *minimum graduation from an approved technical coliege in resource management or a related f ield. *ability to analyze resource data and prepare concise written reports. *drafting / cartographic skills required. *related experience preferred. SALARY: $12,00. to $14,000. Application and resumne should be submitted by August 20, 1982 to: Mr. D. H. Paimer, Secretary-Manager, Ganaraska Region Conser- vation Authority, Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario LIA 3W4. red~van P MW 2141aq1LE. Cai for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or for B information on properties in the area. 987-4733 hi tpeo 623-4445 saC sristale 983-5093 MARKET Sweet Corn is in Season! Early Close Apples Sweet Cheeries Peaches, Plums Vegetables & New Potatoes Fred's Fruit Market Hwy 115 Orono