Out o! thse shoot À L)o wn'-th e lre poikaWtOron o Pub&i maraha fllashke jmt out of the shoot on the Creative Playground at the Oron Public Sehool to be follwed by a stream of other students at the achool. The structure Sot a real workout on openlng day. Michelle Cowling, grade four at the Orono Public School, tries the fireman's pole at the Orono Ban tam School's Creative on the pole are Tam-my Playground on opening Osmond and Stephanie day of school. Clapdorp. Waiting for their turn A sure ugn thatm s. rtba. (000&fer hchsy is on its way are the an- under the banner of the nal registrations for both Orono Amnateur Athletic hockey and figure skating Association. at the Orono arena. Some fifty to sixty The first registrations boys enrolled at the were held last week with opening registration. Mrs. Judy Bedford sign- The Orono Figure ;tng up Doug. Bedford and Skating Club also held I-1rs. Goode signing up thei enrolment on thie The Orono Girls No. 2 Bantani Softball team won the silver trophy in the reent final playdown round robins-series 'with Dowmanville ,Subs and Newcastle. .m e.«W wbmn cioseV- In the final series Orono to flfty mrolied. No. 2 team was first It is expected that oafol- defeated by Newcastle by ment wil mach laà year's a score of 16-8. In the next figure and «-a second game for Orono they registration is being held defeated Bowmanville on September 16th in the Subs by a count of 24-15. evening at the 'Orono Newcastle, winning the Arena. gold trophy defeated Bownianviile in the final game of the series. Initially there were six teamns in the playdown series including Orono No. 1, Orono No.2, Newcastle, Bowmanville High School, Bowman- ville Subs and Hampton. In 'the first series, Orono No. 1, Hampton and Bowmanville High School were eliminated. The final game of the series was played in Orono with trophy presentations. The above members of the Orono No. 2 tean and their coa ch received the silver trophy. Pîctured- above they are: (back row) Sheila Boughen, Jamnie caswell, coach, (front row) Megan Hurst,~ Lauri-e-Aàn Houl- ingswvorth, Captain and wendy Procher. absent were Ted Boughen, coach, LUri Lycett, Mimi Bar- noski, Sisi Barnosiki, Brenda Barnoski, Jennay McDoneil, Cathy Mathwich, Darlene Den- ais, Angela West and Nicole Decosta.