Tractor Pull a succesS~ List of events for annual Orono Fair on weekend The fifth annual Trac- 140G. This mark is down afternoonuntil five tor and Truck pull held at very slightly over that of o'cîcock. the Orono Fairgrounds last year when the jevent Ail ieght classes were Monday and under the was also held, on the well filled for the event sponsorship of t he Labour Day Monday. and there, were some in- Durhamp Cent ral Ti-e event started late ini tersting machines in corn- Agricultural Society direw the mlorning and con- pet ition. a crowd of fromn 1300 to tinucd on through the With the successfull promotion of the Tractor Pull on Monday n3ow under their beit the Orono Fair is well underway for thîs week-end. Actîvities resumne in the week-end promotion on Wednesday night and will then continue on through to late Sunday afternoon. The following is a list of events taking place in connection with the local fair. WEDNESDAY 7.30 P.M. Nations Gospel Quartet on the Arena Stage. THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M, - Miss Durhamn Cen- tral Contest Holstein County Show 7:30 P.Mi. - O.P.P. Motor Cy- cle Precision Team 8:00 P.M. - Demnolition Derby 8:30 P.M. - Old Tyme Fiddler's Contest All Indoor Exhibits on display, Pou-Lltry Show, Midway, Etc. FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 P.M. School Parade 2:00J P.M. School Children Competitions and Amateur Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Trimes, 'Wedn]esday, September 8, 1982 Designed to help parents V. Aprogram designed to help have drug problems and for drguse is sçheduled to be drug problemns. WE NEED VOUR HELP If there is to be a MacDunald's Farm at the Orono Fair this week-end we desperutely need your help due to the fact that we are short of a riumnber of exhibits and our regular suppliers just do flot have thern this year. Young ducks, pups, kittens, calves and what have you is stili needed. If you cari help give Roy Forrester a cali 983-5301 during the day; 983-5147 evening. There is flot mnuch time left. SHOW, SHINE AND DANCE AT ORONO There is somnething new for Orono on September, i 8th with the activities taking place at the Orono fairgoroun4s. The event will feature a "Show and Shine" of 1900 to 1982 vehicles and ail vehicles are welcome. Admission and registration are free. Those in charge of the event are AI. Barnard, Frank Sawyer and Doug. Stapleton of orono and Zolie Prokop of Oshawa. The Show and Shine is being held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. with trophies being presented for seven different events. Presentation is ex- pected around 3:30 p.m. Ail voting will be done by the public and participants. Tbefestivities also include a Gïraffitti dance held in the Orono Community Centre starting at 8:00 p.m.. CaIl Frank Sawyer, 983-9293 or Doug Stapleton 983-9476 for tickets. $20.00 a couple bar încluded. CYCLIST KLLED AT ENTERPRISE A 27 year old Ottawa cyclist, Robert Charles McAllhster Jr., is dead following an early morning collision wi th a tractor- tradler at the intersection of Highiways 35 and 115 at Enter- prise. The accident happened at 4:40 a.m.. Friday miorning. Both vehicles were southbouand when the accident occurred. The accident is stll under investigation. DAIRY PRINCESS REACHED SEMI1-FINALS Heather McHolm, Port Hope, and Dairy Princess for Durham County was one of fïve semni-finalists in the Ontario Dairy Princess comapetition hbeld at the Canadian National Ex- libition this year. Dairy Princesses fromn Nipissing, Sudbury and Bruce advanced to the finals followjing the semi-final corn- petition. The final winner receives a trip to Great Britain, a dairy caif and a silver tea service set. DON'T MISS THE FIREFIGHTERS PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Orono Fightfighters Annual Pancake Breakfast is this ,irday, September 11, 1982, at the Orono Fire Hall. It starts -00Oa.m. to 11:00 a.mi. Please attend. held at Durham College beginning October 7th. The program is being spon- sored jointly by the Addic- tion Research Foundation, Pinewood Centre, Alexandra Clinic, Durhamn Regional Police and local Boards of Education. The program will be held on Thursday evenings, 8:30 to 10:30 fromi October 7th to Novemnber 11lth. The programi is openi to the general public and to those parents who do flot know where to turn if their children The programn will 'help parents identify the signs and symptons of drug abuse and ways in which to com- municate with children. Registration costs are set at $20.00 with registrations scheduled for September llth, 9 a.m. to i p.m.,ý September l4th and Septemiber l6th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Further information on the programn may be obtained by phoning Durham College, 576-021, extension 312 and asking.for Bonnie Ginter. Contest 3:30 Fat Caîf Show, 4-H Club Day FRIDAY EVENING 6.00 PM. - Sheep, Fat CaIf, Cake Auction 7:00 P.M. - Tug of W,Âar Con- test 8:00 P.M.- Adult Amnateur Contest 8:30 P.M.- Team Drawing Competition SATURDAY AFTERNOON Cattie and Horse Shows 2:30 P.M. The Leahy Famnily Show on Arenia Stage SATURDAY EVENING 7:30 P.M. - Auto Thrill Show 9:00 P.M. - Dance, Country UpDates SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12 Noon - Hunters and Jumi-pers Competition 1:30 P.M.- Harness Horse Racing 2:00 P.M.- Country an-d Western Jamboree, Pigeon and Goat Shows Queen of the Fair contest Thursday Although ithere has been a lot of interest and en- quiries as to entry in the Queen of the Fair contest being held at the Orono Fair this Thursday evenîng commencing at 7:00 p.m. only three definite entries have been received at press lime. In speaking with Normna Ransberry she said they expected further entries who are to make contact on Wednesday of this week. Tho,.-e definitely comn- peting are: -Christine Bruton, Orono -Karen Zinck, Courtice, -Shecri Coîbourne, Cour- tice. The Queen of the Fair contes', is sponsored joint- ly by Mayor Rickard and thie Durham Central Agricultural Society and is held in the arena on the arena stage. OUTING AT ORONO FAIRGROUNDS The Twin Seas Caravan Club wholast year spent the Labour Day week-end in Orono returned again this year, some seventy strong, to spend last week-end at the Fairgrounds. The group using the facilities of the community centre and the grounds report an enjoyable week-end again in Orono and express their appreciation for the courteous manner in Wihich they were ac- cepted by Earl Taylor at the Communiity Centre and by Mper- chants and tow,,nspeople. They state they will be back agai'i. Coming, to Orono Fair Orle or the opening precision motorcycle sion for the evening. there were twelve entries features of the Oronto Fair team. Following the Golden for the derby. More are' this coming Thursday The team will perform Helmnets the way will be expected as the date draws eveiing has to be the ap- in front of the grandstand clear~ for th,% demolition near and this new event at pearance of the "Golden and in itself will be well derby and here George the fair should be a crowd Helmets", the O.P.P. worth the price of admis- Carson stated Iast week pleaser. i