Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Septemnher 8, 1982, 7 - Diestroying angels await the unwary Woods, Water and Wldlife fly: Rom Reid - Federation of Ontatie Naturalists In the Iawns and woods across Ontario, a deadly trap lies in wait for *the unwary. Each summer, a few more connoisseurs of wild mnushrooms fali victirn to the dangers of eating one of the deadly Amnanita family. Among the poisonous plants of Canada, the mushroom namied Amanita virosa, or Destroying Angel, is public enemy numnber one. Perhaps because of its resemblence to common edi- bic mushrooms, the Destroy- ing Angel accounits for 95 percent of ail fatal mushroom poisonings in North America. While the mushroom is mild- tasting and its consumption shows no Hli effects for eight te twelve 'heurs later, its danger after that is intense. Yictims develop severe ab- domiHi pams, sweatm-g, aàic excessive thirst. Recause the mushroomn's poison has spread through the body before symptoms appear, 90 percent of those who eat the Destroying Angel die. Fortunately, Amanita mushrooms are relatively easy to recognize. The Destroying Angel is pure white, with a imnp, skirt-llke ring or annulus around the stem. Its mosn distinctive feature is a volva, or death cup, which surrounds the base of the stem is a cup-like sheath. This death cup is often hidden beneath the soil, so it is essential to dig eut any similar mushroomns and remove them carefully fromn the sou te check for this fragile warning sign. Despite the dangers involv- ed %with famiies such as the Amanitas and several others, only 6 percent of Canada's mnushroomns are actually poisonous. Many of the re- mainder are d.licious, and somne kinds such as the morels are, very distinctive. With a good handboo-k for mnushroom identification, your skills in avoiding the dangerous species should gradually develop to the point of confidence. I have a friend who believes strongly that the anti- nuclear, ban the bomib people are on the right track, and that if they march and prtest enough, they'll manage to convince the politicians that wvar is indeed obsolete. l'm not sure that he's right, for a couple of reasons. Until ail of us march, 'm sure the politicians wiIl continue to regard most protesters as the lunatié fringe. And 1 think I know enough about human nature te doubt that wvar can ever be obsolete, even with total destruction staring us in the face. 1 respect the principles of the group on the west coast which has decided to take on Revenue Canada in the struggle to make its point. The group estimates that 10.5 percent of our personal incomne taxes go te support the Canadian Armred Forces. So they've deducted 10.5 percent from their annual tax bill, and have sent a second check to Ottawa for that amount, made out te the "Peace Tax Fund." The Revenue Minister William Romkey, told the House recently that with-holding tax dollars is flot a legitimate form of protest. I don't real- ly care if it's legitimate or net. It's a form of revolution after ail, and rev olution is neyer legitimate, in the narrow sense ef the word, as Mr. Romnkey uses it. 1 would rather apply two other yardsticks te it: ONE: Can lit be justified? and TWO: Is it likely te be effective? 1 suspect that the answer te both of those questions is "ne." If each tax payer was f ree to direct the gevernment on how his tax dollars are te be used, we wouîdn't have government for very long. We'd have anarchy. So ünless we're convinc- ed that anarchy is preferable te what we've got now it seemns to mie we've get te pay our taxes without trying te attach strings te them. In answer te the second ques- tion, is it likely to be effective, the "no" is even more re- sounding. Revenue Canada has untold resources for the extracting ef taxes f rom a reluctant citizenry. The basic principles ef English Commnor Law have been turned upside down to give the advantage to the 'Revenuers. Yeu're guilty unitil you can prove yourself in- nocent, for one thing. And te appeal any Revenue Depart- ment decisien, you must first pay what they say you owe them, with interest. Se mucli as 1 admire the spirit ef the peace ladies f rom Victoria, 1I don't give them much chance against the relentess machinery of Revenue Canada. And I don't agree wvith the peintý they're making anyway. l'il go this far though. Either give the Armed Ferces enough meney te de the job they're suppesed te do, here and in Europe, or abolish them uitterîy. The present situation, in which wve have Armed Forces in name only, at a cost f several billions, is preposterous. That's net news but that toe is reality. m DM u ion z a w w OLD WORLD CHARM UN A TOUGH CANADIAN ROOF. . New Manoir Asphait Shingles Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Oroxno, Ontario Phone 983-9167 DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AT 'ORONO THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUN4DAY SET.TO "Golden Helmets" 9-M12 "Golden Helmets" Saturday Aftemn tight and Heavy Herse Shows Western Horse Show Beef Cattie Show Orono Businessmen's Trot The Leahy FamiIy Show Ail exhibIts on display "Th Glde Hlmes"Saturday Evening Demolit ion Derby 0,fr Imperlal Hel[ Drivers Fiddlers' Contest THE LEAHY FAMILY Automotive Fury Friday Aftemoon CutyU-ae Public Sohool Parade, 1:30 p.m.SudyAeon Pet Show - Contests udyAtmo School Amateur Talent Show Country & Western Jamboree Dair Catle howHunters & Jumpers 4-H lubDaý- Pa*Càf SovvPigeon Show - Goat Show Fridy EvninqHorse jiacing Cake & Fat Cal'. Auctions, 6:30 Paiuua Aduit Amnateur Talent CpntestBetn Tug-0-WVar Contests. 10 heats Teamn Drawlng Competitions o f exciting e, __n The fair features HORSES, CAUTLE, GOATS, SHEEP, RABBIT SHOW, POULTRY SHOW, 4-H CLUB and JUNIOR DISPLAYS, VEGETA3M, FRUIT, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, PLANTS AND FLOWERS, ART, OLD MacDONALD'S FARM Etc. s MAMMOTH MIDWAY by BLADE and HOMENUIK AMUSEMENjSee . ... . ......... .......... .. ......... Phone 983-9167