turned aside The Ontario Municipal Board recently tured aside a plea to, estahlish a Ward system in the City of Oshawa. At the present timre the elec- toral system in Oshawa pro- vides for election at large with the exception of one Ward in the north of the Ci- ty. The Ontario Municipal Board was called upon to James Lowery and Norm in the fiddle duet class.' with competitors from as far Andrews, both of the Orono The old tyme fiddler con- away as Kitchener competing area, congratulated one test Was certainly a feature of in the event. another after placing second the fair ýon Thursday> night IALL wr18 ANNUALQ)t berftgt GERMAN FOOD AVAILABLE FROM 12:00 NOON Dance 8 -1 * German Band Door Pnize - Free German Stein and Hats for each couple - Costumes Optional iTelephonie 987-4466 - 5229 - 5187 Tickets Are Limited $15.00 a Couple Corne and Have Fun!.! DAYTMel'E ACTI'VITIES% SIDEWALK SALE - ALL DAY FLEA MARKET - 10.00 ta 4:00 p.m. (In the Communlty Hall) BAKE SALE- 10 a.m. Uritil SoId (In the Community Hall) Anyone wlshlng to partîclpate and sell their goods decide a cail for a ward systemn by a group of local citizens. With a few excep- tions City cOuncîl supported the present city-wide electoral system which does have one ward in the -north of the municipality. The Municipal Board did support miany of the points made by those in support of Immunization now mandatory, Public HeaIth nurses are now checking all immuniza- tion records of some 5000 kindergarten children in elementary, schools in the Region of Durham. The work is to be completed by the end of November. Provincial legislation now catIs, for mandatory im- munization against six diseases by the end of the year. There are 72 full-time nurses to carry out the work. By the end of December- 1983 provincial regulations, caîl for complete immuniza- tion records for ail elemnen- tary school children. This is to be foilowed with a com- plete recording of immuniza- tion for ail secondary students by the end of June 1984 of students up to the age of 18 years of age. Students can be excluded from the program- for health or religious reason but in case of an outbreak of any one of the six diseases these students could be required to stay out of the school for- a period up to 20 days. The medical officer of heaith can also suspend any WvvOODALL CARPENTRY FuIIy Lcencod 10 Years Experience Renovations Cabihets, Decks, Roofing Etc. Cali child who is flot immnumzed or is not in the process of be- ing imnmunized and does not have a valid reason for exclu- sion from the prograni. The nurses must get verified personal or medical recordsof vaccinations and the present systemn and did state that it did appear that the city. was now adequately governed. It is expected, however, a plebiscite. will be beld this fall durîng the municipal elec- tions relating to the Ward systemn. Electors in the City will be asked if they are in favour of electing those aldermen who represent the city on city council and on regional coundcil by ward vote as opposed to the general vote. Also the electors are being asked if they favour electing those aldermen who represent the city only on city coundil bc ward vote as opposed to a general vote. boosters against diptheria, tetanus, polio, mumnps, measies and rubella for each student. Betty Schaefer, director of public health nuising, States that immunization is important and that in- the United states such as pro- agram as now being under- taken in Durham has been ef- fective. MANGAR' GARAGEI Lcensed Mechanicl *Radiator Service *Air Condition Service *Plastic Flled Bail Joints And Steering Ends On Cars OnIy *Exhaust Service Mjor and Miner Repairs Cali Mike for an Appointment ORONO, 983-5130 N and DISTRICT CHAMB ER 0F COMMERCE The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education PUBLIC, MEETING The Board of 'Education plans to hold a Public Meeting: AT: KENDAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ON: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 AT 7:30 P. To present information and discuss the possibe closlng of the Kendal Public Sohool at June 30, Informat ion reports regardlng the possible closing of this school may be received in advance by con- tacting the Board, Office at 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg, Ontario or by calling 1-800-263-7890. I.C. Wilson, D.C.D. Sifton, Chairman Secretary Date of Fîirst Publication: Sept. 15, 1982. Date of Second Publication: Sept. 22, 1982. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY H Siaturday, Septembei , - 1