2, Orono Weekdy Times, Wednesday, September 15. 1982 Second Class Mail Registration Nwmber OOO368 published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication Pt'l' l' Main Street, Orono Rtoy C. Frrester..Editor CONGRATULATION TO DURHAM CENTRAL The Durhamn Central Agricultural Society board of directors bas a lot to be proud of after promoting a most successful 1982 edition of the annual Orono Fair. The fair- was jammed packed with activities throughout the three and balf days from Thursday even- ing to late Sunday afternoon and everywhere everyone was voicing the opinion of just how great the fair had been. 0f course thre weather assisted but the-program was varied and did hold a lot of interest which is evident through the attendance figures which can only be held as a good barometer of the fair's popularity in this par- ticular area. Tbrougb the exhibits, the crafts and even the amateur competitions and old tyme fiddlers' cont est if is quite apparent there is a lot of talent in this local area and the Orono Fair does prov ' de a grand opportunity for its display and presentation. If is what a fair is al about witb local citizens in comrpetition and in even the case of seliing their wares on the open market which is presenit at the annual exhibition. Not to be forgotten is the social aspect of the fair and it continues on year after year. Congratulations once again . .. it was a great ef- fort and a great show of which the board rnust be jsutly proud. AGREEMENT REACHED AT GENERAL MOTORS At one o'clock Tuesday afternoon word camne down that a tentative agreement had been reacbed bew- teen General Motors of Canada and the U.A.W. Details of the agredment are not expected to be known for a period of days but it is a relief to know that the opera- tion will not be shut down due to a strike af- this time. ELATED WITH AGREEMENT WITH CIBC Mrs. Eva Nichols, head of the Co-operative Education program at Clarke High Scbool and secretary of the Ontario association of Co-op educators is elated with an agreement with the head office of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to accept as a pilot project a Co-op student from Clarke High School. Mrs. Nicholes points out this is the first'time the bank bas entered into an agreement in Co-op- education in, Canada. She points out it is a pilot project, and if suc- cessful, could be extended throughout Canada. Clarke High School student, Elizabeth Raujo, under the Co-op Education program, will be working at the branch in Bowmanville at the corner of King and Te mperance Streets where she will obtain a cross section of the banking operation during ber term at. the bank. "I'm really excited about this", said Mrs. Nicholes; "We have been working with the head offige in Toronto to this end for the past two years," she said. BANK 0F COMMERCE ANNOUNCE LUCKY WINNERS The Bank of Commerce would like to announce the three lucky winners of the food hamper drawn at the Orono Fair for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday Night: Mr. Ron Hadley, Orono. Friday Night: A.G. Pigotf of Orono. Saturday Night: Aileen Turner, R.R. 4,_ Bowmanville. ART SHOW HOURS ANNOUNCED FOR THE BOWMAN- VILLE MALL The Visual Arts Centre have announced there will be an ai display at the Bowmanivilie MaIl Thursday, Sept. l6th 2:00 - 8:00. Friday, September l7th 12:00 - 6:00. Saturday, Sept ember lSth 10:00> - 2:00. There wîll also be an Art Show at the Art Centre, Newcastle, Friday, Sept. 17th 7:30 - 10:00. Saturday, 1:00 - 9:00. Sunday, 1:00 - 5:00. NO ADMISSION. Sunday starts registration for Fall Classes. Arthr"tis Society sets Orono ýgojal at $1100.OOM The Arfbritis Societ y bas announced ifs new five year plan. The plan calîs forî an eniphasis on searching for the causes; and cures for art hritis. Arthritis is tnhe counjtry's mnôsf prevalengt chronic disease with more than three milion Canadians, including about 30,000 children uinder 15, suffering from if. There are more than 100 formhs of art britis. 1In announcing the Sociefy's Plan, President, John Abeil, explained thaf while the newý emphiasis, will be on finding whaf causes ar- thritis, the Societ y-,vif! con- tinue wo promote the excellent care for patienpts whýichi has Letter Sto the Edîtor Council Makes Badl Decision Dear Edîtor: HAMRE APPALLED: "If a judgernent is to be made, then both sides are to be heard. Mrs. Harnre this is just whaf the f wo men who were forced f0 resign, have been f rying to tell you, and other menibers of council. Give us a chance to tel! our part of the story. As late as Feb. 15, 1982, the rnen from thbe Work's Dept. werc still requesting a meeting to talk fe council. Mrs. Hamre, how could you make such a comment in the press about t he Minister of Municipal Affairs Claude Bennett, thaf he didn't give you or members of council a chance to speak. Maybc t bey'. thought you had your chance of speaking fhrougb your Mayor, jusf like you kept say- 'lng Du nharn and Ashton had their chance of spcaking through their lawyer. Maybe Mayor Rickard didn't feel you members of council needed to be informed of the investigation by Queen's Park, just as Council and Staff didn't inforrn the Mayor of the letter of allega- f ion for 4 to 6 days after they knew of the letter. The shoe pinches when ifs on your foot, and 1 get the feeling you don't like if, Dunham and Ashton still have not been given t he op- portunity f0 speak. Corne on now Mrs. Hamre, if you are going f0 make statements make sure you don't con- f radict yoursclf. The Minister of Municipal Affairs Claude Bennett, made if quife clear. QUOTE: (The allegations of-dishones- ty ýcould be subsfanfiated in any way. In se far as t he C.A.O.'s report in whicb the Councîl was FORCED f0 make a monetary staternent to atain this end spcaks for if self). There- is no doubt the Council's approach to this isue left a lot to be desired .and is indeed unfortunate that Council chose to acf in this manner. No one likes to admit thcy make a mistake, but a person dealing with unfounded allegations against f wo men sbould speak up and put these proven men back to work. There was n Recorded Vote When Council Made Tlîat Decision:' Taylor: Local Ward 1, Danl- ington, MEN OUT.- Cowman: Regional Ward 1, Darlington, MEN OUT: Hamre: Regional Ward 111, Clark, MEN OUT: placed Canada's arthrifis control prograrn among the best in the world. Also included in the plan is st epping up educaf ion of hcalth professionals and making the public more aware of the prob1e3ms of ar- tbnitis. Free information on ar- t hritis and The Arthritis Societ y is avail1able b ty wrifin.g f u: (The Arthritîs Socief cy, 92] Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. M4W 3J7.) In Orono the Arthritis Societ's camp)aigzn wiIl sf art Kendal News Not what you get, but what you give Not what you say, but how you live, Giving the world the love if needs Living the Life of noble deeds. Not whence you corne, but whither bound Nof what you have, but whetber found Strong in the right, the good, the truc, These are the things wor- thwbile f0 you. What a perfect week as far as thc weathcr we hadi for the first week of school. Often if is the finest of t he year. We used to be preparing for the scbool fair. Teaching the cbildren to rnarch and sing their school songs. One year 1 rernember 1 had forty-four students and aIl the grades. So we decided to dress as sailors. The girls wore white rniddies wif b large blue col- lars and pleated skirts. We made sailor bats for the boys. Thcy wore white shirts. Then they sang, "Al Uie nice girls love a sailor, AlI the nice girls love a tar." Thcy won the banner that ycar. Sunday was a beautiful day with the femperature 28 degree Celcius or 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Sunday School began witb a good atten- dance. We hope fo bave more boys and girls ncxt Sunday. Rcv. A. Tizzard told t he cbildren a story of his rturn to the sport where his boybood borne had been. His story was entitled, "Jesus was still there." The sçripture reading was Psalrn 139: 1-12. Hubbard: Local Ward I1, Bowmanville, MEN OUT: Woodyard: Local Ward 111, Clark, MEN STAY: Prout. Regional Ward 1l, Bowrnanvillc, MEN STAY: Rickard: Mayor of Newcas- fIe, MEN STAY. These Counicillors had t he documents that proved Mr. Dunham and Mr. Asht on in- nocent of aIl allegations. Was if your representative who voted these innocent men ouf of a job? Then replaced thern with others at a rnuch higher salary? Is f bis the kind of person you want running your Municipality? Mrs. Mac Haass. Garbage Collection (Continued frorn, page p) Estates. Harnre also point cd out that Orono Village did bave a better level of service in- cluding two comnmunif y pick ups each year. Counc. Woodyard stated that if was not necessary that the cost be based on a mnilI rate on the assessment but couldbe set on a unit basis where aIl would pay the samre cost. R. Dupuis, Dirctor, in blis report pointed ouft hat it was within fthe authiority of the His subject was, "'Where's God?" We were remiinded of Kendal Anniversary October 24th. Orono Fair was very fine this year. We were interested in ail the local names on the exhibifs. Those wbo take part learni a great deal about perfection in baking, sewing or sbowing their products. The scbools also had an op- portunify to show their achievernents in various lines. The Leahy Famnily in the arena stage were good in bighland dances. 1 enjoyed the singing of "Danny Boy." However, for some parts t he amplifier was turncd much f00 bigh. The bigb ighf of the fair for rne is always the beautiful horses and their drivers. A small teani of black hackney's driven by a lady were wonderful f0 watch. In another class were t wo lady drivers and four men ail s0 fine. No fair would bc complefe without the beavy horse teams and we still bave themn at the Orono Fair. A lot of planning and work went int o this very fine fair. The Kendal Women's In- st ifUtc visited the Trouf Hat- cbery at Linwood Acres near Carnpbellcroft on Wednes- day, Sept. 8th. It was Mnost interesting bearing the life history of the rainbow trout whicb are raised there. First we saw the spawning pond and learned bow the eggs frorn the female fisb arc rernoved by the process of milking. There are several of these ponds. Inside the building are huge tanks with fresb water running inf o the tanks ail the time. There were the fisb in dif- ferent stages, sorne wbicb were about 3 or 4 inches long. As we wenf from tank to tank the fish gradually increased in size. Those for sale were about 10 to 12 inches long. There wcre twelve miembers in our group and we aIl bought 2 or 3. If was most interesting f0 sec our guide catching f hemn with a long handled shallow bag. Then being placed in-a deep plastic pail. Then she cleaned thern and tbey were ready for cooking. They wcre most delicious. The ladies returned to Catherine Stewart's borne for the regular meeting. Lunch was servcd by Mrs. M. Stevens and our hostess. If was decided to go f0 a show and dinner wben we heard of somnething suitable.~ A letter was readfrn".-' Maple Grove WV.I. inviting us to visift hem in October. The Fun Fair is October 12. If was discussed. Our In- stitute is f0 supply a number. The area convention is in Novemnber. Helen Couroux thought she mîghf be able to go for a day. Catherine Stewart gave a report of the W.I. 85tb An- niversary which Uic and Janet Dykernan attcnded in August. Visif ors witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Catbcart lasf week were Mr. and Mrs. M. Burwash frorn Font Hill, Ont ario and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robert- son frorn Havelock, Ont. Mrs. E. Foster bas return- cd to ber home in Kendal after spending a rnonth af Burk's FaflIat the Lake. Miss Pamella--Frank is attending Toronto University. Mrs. . Bickerstaff is at- tending 'lectures at Osgood ~HalL. Now your cbildren are back in school listen to thern. Encourage tbern to talk about their activities. Tbey will learn fo express themselvcs if t bey know they bave your attention. Praise thern wben t bey suc- ceed. Recognition and ap- proval reinforce lcarning. , UNITED CHURGNf OMM Pu#"e SWayne Wrdt, SUNDAY, SEPT. 19, 1982 ORONO UNITED CHURCH 'Sunda y Sclhool 11:15 a.mý Morning Worship 11:15 a.râ; KIRBY UNITED CHURCII Sunday Scbool 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.r. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHIJRCH Orono, Ontario> Regular Sunday Worshlp service - 9:45 a. m. Rov. Allan I4aldenby 8.A. L.Th. BONNE BELL CRUSH - LIP SMACKERS Fia voured Lîp Glosses that Moisturîze, Shine & Smooth Strawberry - Grape Orange - Cherry Which Is Your Favourite? >$2.50 MIN TOOO N. e 9350 . .... ...... e MAIN St, ORONCr. ONI 0 .983-5009