Take energy inventory to reduce heating costs Cana J W ith the advýent of warm weteworries about heating costS and eerveffic;encyý tend to be frotn Wýhilce ucatheri, am tbink about cld wne ns and thleir effect on heaing -coit and por'onaI ol frand maean\ adjustme1nts M/finistrv. of A gric-ulture and Food,ç home econom ists recommennd. '11e kev to feeling ozven in Io%%eOr r(omu temiperatJires is to reduce air infiltration. One way to decrease a-ir infiltration is to locate gapis and cracks and filthiem. Properly sealing around doors and indows to reduice airhifitration canisi\ve uip to 40 per cent of your fuiel consuimption and miake your bouse feel more coiortable through the wýinter, The reme- dlies are relatively easy and in- expensive. Teyinclude caulk- în, wveatherstripping and in- stalling temporary or permna- nent storm w vindows. A second approach is to foster energy conserving habits. Caulking is by far the easiest and least expensive mietbod of sealing. lu general, caulking is done oPn the inside of thie bouse. It is not recommcnded to caulk the outside surface of an exterior wl unless large cracks %which ill allow water entry are present. Any air or moisture that is trapped in the space betwveen the exterioir and interior walls shold be allowed to escape to tbe outsidie, other- wise, moisture problemis vill resuit. Caulking should be applied to cracks where window framies meet the interior wall, wbere the wood frame wvalI meets concrete or stone founidation inside the bouse, wvhere wood frame joins a masonry wa1I or chimney inside, and arouind doors into unbeated attics or whiere pipes and wires pene- trate tbe ceiling into the attic. Use good quality caulking material that bias long if e and for its intended use. For exam- fie, some caulking compounds cannot be painted. Do not cauilk a crack that is wider than 1.3 cm. Tbere are special fillers for this purpose. Always read and follow instructions on the label. Weatberstripping belps to furtber increase protection fromi air infiltration around windows and doors. There are many different types available. Some are More effective than PEaoomsSLICK Reduces FricticnanMd Oýg Roduffl pefeing Twlemp.res Reduces Wear Fteduces 011 Censumpt ion others and there is a wvide rangei. i cost.ý If the cheapest mtîist be replaced every year, it m1ay be thle poorest ivsmn in the long runý.1Like caulking, wetherstrippingmut 1he sl- ctdfor th1 inened is. Weatersrippng houid 1be applied to poryfitting d (oors so that air cain1tleak ini and around thie edgesý. Tops and sides of anyý door shouild be wea,ýtherstrilpped oni the framne. For bottom of doors, wýeather- stripping may be applied to ither the door sili or to the door itself. When wea,ýther- stripping is applied to the door itself, a very durable material is necessary., Drafty windows should be weatherstripped around the framres.' If windows do not have to bc opened, they can be locked and caulked. Iu double hungw-ýindo ws, the moving part that slides up and down should be weatherstripped. If there, are drafts on the fixed part, they should be caulked. If the window is loose in its frame, weatherstripping is necessary. Th'le space where two win- dowvs neet, and where the closed wino, ill sit (wvindow sill should also be weather- stripped. Storm wý%indows will reduce tIse heat that is lost through the wvindow,ýs by, almnost haîf. If ex- pensive storm w indowvs are not in your plan this year, voit can still upgrade your wýindows by installing plastic sheeting. It is an inexpeusive and easy way to ilnprove thse heat retention of your bouse. Use 446 mil plastic for easier handling and dura- bility. Cut plastic slightly larger than the area to be covered and attach to thse in- side of thse window with raask- ing tape or preferably 6 mm wood sats. Whether you use plastic sheeting or storm indows, in- stallation should incluide weather stripping or gaskets along tIse rack between the stormi unit and the .window frame. A dead air space wil be created and that is the energy gaver. Remnember, there are three steps to an energy efficient bouse. Thse first is to reduce air infiltration byI properly sealing cracks and gaps, the second is to insulate, and the third is to ensure y'ou have the right heat- ing systemn and miaintain it in top woôrking condition. 50O FILL8 TII!NER impoyffl Libfcato.i i"om Pelormenoe losoasue Hooeejlw*e# Inceam sGa Milsne Lalonde fast off the mark By W Roger Worth Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau fiually took pity on poor Allan MacEachen in the recent cabinet shuffle, mnoving thte beleaguered Finance Min- ister to External Affairs. lt's about tirue. It was MlacEachen who managed to incense both busi- ness and labour wvith measures introduced in an infamous budget last November. in fact, the error-filled document was'so devastating that Trudeau had problems keeping the Liberal Cabinet and caucus in lune. At best, support for MacEachen and his programn was lukewarm, even amnong bis colleagues. MacEachen rapidly became a boru loser, walking around with a clotud over his head (or bis head in the clouds), Now the nation bas a new Finance Minister. The con- troversial Marc Lalonde is in charge, and the economics game bas suddenily changed. Unlike MacEachen, wbo shunued meetings with the country's business and labour leaders, Lalonde was fast off the mark, holding discussions with representatives of one sector after another in is first weeks in office. Also unlike MacEachen, Lalonde really appeared to be seeking advîce, understanding only too weli that Ottawa needs support from business and labour if the economy is to be turned around. And with 1.5 million Canadians uuemployed, -the task is massive. Yet ail is not sweetness and light. Lalonde's detractors are quick to point out that this is the individual wbýo introduced the controversial National Energy Programi, and bas been in the forefront of developing Cl1a rk e Public LIBRARY Tues.-Thurs 1-9 p.m. Fri 1 -6 P.m. Sat. 9-5 p. m. Closed NMordays 983-5507 Newcastle Public Library Board MANGAR'S GARAGE Licensed Mechani *Radiator Service *Air Condition Service *Plastic Filled Bail Joints And Steering Ends On Cars OnIy *Exhaust Service Major and Mpor Ropairs Cati Mike for an Appointment ORONO, 983-51301 the expensive social polîcies that are partially responsible for a massive federal deficit that now surpasses $20 billion per year, Nevertheless, there are those wbo believe Lalonde is prag- matic enougb tio dramiatically change course as be is forced to preach ( and practice) re- straint. But a clear indication of a real shift in governmneut policy is badly needed. To underscore bis intention of creating. confidence and ccrtainty for enireprencurs and business people, Lalonde could simply reverse many of the horreudous tax changes introduced by bis predecessor, thusý giving business a reason to cheer, and perhaps create a few jobs. It's really tough to, congrat- ulate the man responsible for the ubiquitous National Energy Programn, but so far he's been making the rigbt moves, -ap- parently seekiug co-operation rather than confrontation. For the sake of the nation, let's all hope the leopard is - able to change is spots. CFIB Featue Service Orono Arena Sche-dule 1 Monday 7-8 PeeWee Game O.M.H.A. 8-10 Midget Game O.M.H.A. Tuesday 4-8 O.F.S.C. 8-9 Atom Practice O..M.H.A. 9-10 Bantam Practioe 0.M.H.A, Wednesday 2-3:30 Pre-Sohool Skating 4-6 O.F.S.C. 6-7 Tyke & Novice Practice 7-8:30 Public Skating Thursday 4-7:30 0.F.S.C. Frlday 6:30-7:30 Novice Game 7:30-8:30 Atomn Game T.C. 8:30-9:30 PeeWee Game T.C. 9.30-10:30 Bant'am Game T.C. Saturday 7-8 Midget Practice 0.M.H.A. 8-9 PeeWee Practice O.M.H.A. 11:30-12:30 Bantamn Practice T.C. 12:30-1:30 Atom Practice T.C. 1:30-2:30 Tyke Game 4:30-6:00 Old T[miers <Mom's Kitchen> 6-7 PeeWee Practice T.C. 7-8 Atom Gamie O.M.H.A. 8-9:30 Bantarn Game O.M.H.A. Sunday 12:45-3:15 O.F.S.C. 3:15-5:15 Public Skating 7:30-9:00 Old Timers (Seniors) GUARANTEED IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Or Your Momy Basic ONE TIME INVESTMENT come«c DARREL E. DEVOLIN motiON Orono Nursery School Haif Day Enrichment Pro gram For Preachoolers Qualiflod Staff Liconsed Promises Registrations now being taken 0 for September start Cal! 987-4012