4, Orono Weekt3 Times, Wednesday, October 6, 1982 New addition at St. Saviours PC Women to hold founding meeting On Wedneýsday, October tac:,Ma.rianne2 13, 1982, 8 P.M., the South , 623-7538. Central District of Ontario Progressive Coniserva-tive Association of Wome,,n wîll hold their founding mneeting ELECT at' the Odd Fellows Hall-iin Brookliin. The guest speakere will be the honorable Bud Gregory,. This district consists of' Provincial ridings of: York, Durham, Durham West,~ Oshawa, Durham EFast and< Northujmberlandu. The purpose of, this On- tario Progressive Conser- vative Women',s Association is to encourage the Womnen of' this district to attend wýork shops and be up to date in current provincial issuesý and also) develop comun.icat ions withi the provincial goývern- mient and its miembers. For more informiation con- BOBB WILLSHER Trustee NorthUMberland and Newcastle Board of Eclucation WARD 111 Novemnber 8th Regional Reclaimer-'s proposai to public (Continued fromi page 1) that monitoring of test wells and the creek has been car-, ried out on a semri-annual basis and that the landfill site has had no impact either on the test wells or the sîream. It was poinîed oui bo the meeting that Regional Reclaimers were now only talking about a design con- cept for a proposed niew and expanded landfill site and nothing- had as yeî been tinalized. In testing to date forty observation wells have been installed as to the feasibility of the site for the proposaI and Beatty stated there ap- peared no problemrs in seîing the site as a landfill site. He said al waer resources had to be protected and would have to be guaranteed that they would be protected. Beatty stated if the site is approved tests would be car- ried out on a regular basis îhrougehouît ýhe life of the site and even after closing. The meeting was informied ihat the ste would be developed so that any con- taminants would be contain- cet on site through the use or retention ponds and the cap- ping of garbage so surface water perculation through the Iandfill is reduced. He said there is not a lot of con- taminants emitted from such a site. Beatty when asked about liquid chemnical dumping at Regional Reclaimers, he said this was not possible as such liquid wastes are controlled through a weigh-bill sysîemn by the prov'incýe and shipped out of the province. "It is a no-no Io dumrp liquid wasies in such a landfill Site,", he said. fHe did say thai îestced sludge could be disposed through a landfill site. Beatty also informed another resident ilhat il cin tamninants did show uLtp beyondcithel cpo iint1,,,f Uesdim at L that the Ministry, of the En- vronmient would thien close down the operation. Hie said his firmt had dlefined a site on the Hale property that would cause no îthreat to neighbour- ing wells or the Grahamn Creek, everything, he said, wïould be self-contained. Beatty was toid by memnbers of the audience that it was one thing to, have a plant but another thing to make il work. "We've got a cancer and we are just trying to stop it," said another. Another audience mnember commented that the propos- ed new site ,vas somte eighîi titres larger than the existing site and al we would be doing is îaksing more '.crap" frorp the city. '"You are trying to mnake something Fit intoa slot," said anoîher audience member. An audience member pointed out that they were endeavouring to have inature leach out undesirable but that such was a gross destruction of nature. Beatty had prevlously explained that a -plume" would develop underground out from the site but, afier consolidai ing would niot increase. This plumb wýould look aftcr leachin1g of possible Con- tainants and wvould, hie said, be containied on site. H. Moy, on behaîf of Regional Reclaimiers, sated his firmn had beeni employed to consider the offsight imi- pact that the new 100l acre landfill site would have. lie poinîedi out thiat the site was, to be locaîed between two heights of lanid and wvas designed ito be anlactive disposai site for seventeen and a hiaîf years. In considering a truck route to the site ;hfirm hii lad suggested a new cloverleaf off Highway 4W01 running, direclyvto the west ide of (he proplosed site. Hie said this; had been discussed ,with staff ,ai boîh the Region and Pro- vince and wocuid cost su)mc $2.8 million. PresenitIlie ýaid nlinety Percent nf the truck îtraffic travels Higl-iway, 115 1w the third une, ithen nlorth ro (ihe iourîh on thle Morg>an', Conerrfond b Sýnow to make GO plans -known BY: Julie Rzeczycki James Snow, Provincial Transport Minister, is ex- pected to announice a $1.6 bilion plan for a commuter transit system flor the Golden Horse Shoe for the next 20 years. On October 7th, a press conference is scheduled to be held in Toronto. Snow has invîted ail municipal leaders from the area of Oshawa t0 Harmilon. The Proposai is expected -b include construction of a transît systemn from Oshawa to Pickering. The starting date for the projeci is not konyet, but local politi- cians expec i h 1 becComn- pieted in 1986. The provitîcjIal governmrent has two aternatives. Either to extend the GO Rail Systemn or to Use lielht rapid transit. again travel eas anid ithen souîh 10 the present ite. He did state there had been nno decision as 10 the route ai this tlime'. il was pointed out 10 the audience that a traffic count 10 the site this sýpring had set the trip's, both in and oui, at 103. This woutd increase 10 260 if approval was given for, the new site over the next seven and a haîf years. "Wynot leavýe the gar- bage in OshIawýa %where they couiLd construict a ski hilI, stated one mem ber of the au- dienice. Ag in the audtience was assuried the- proposai was a!a this lime only a conýept iil desigri andinoilhing was inal. The -- gr u were old hai a umis otcoud go 1theIn MIinistry of the Environnmen: withi.n the nlext couple of week.s,10 be followed b.\ an 1Lnironmiienîial - A5CSSi 1esne i1!ýt r Lon ., 1Well known sources in the government have commented the province has decided 10 go -with the Iigght transit systemn for the Oshawa to Pickering Connection. This system is operated by a computer. The service ;s quiet, and would run aiong the south side of the 401. $120 Million is saîd to be the close cost of the com- pleted transit systemn. Oshawa M/ayor Atlan 'Pilkey says it doesn't really matter 10 him which transit systemn the government is go- ing 10 use. Either onle would boost housing and industry in the Region. Durham Regional Authorities comment, "Peo- ple would be encouraged to work in Toronto and live in Oshawa or the Whit by area." Sta Saviours'.- aiddition (Conitinued fr-om page 1) over the past two years the Sunday School had doubled inl enrolnt, stated Re\. Haldenby. Thie newý addition wl pro- vide increased accommroda- tion for thie Sunday, School! as Weil provide facilities for youth groupsI, and an expan- sion of new program's and ideas. Thie 30 x 60 foot addition hias a fil balsement. Thefis floor of' the addition has limited kitc:hen facilities and Washroom faciltiesr.Porîable dividers "01 )be used for classroomn division. The buildIinis electrically heated andü has a brick exter;ior. Accordinig îo Rev. lHalden- by, the addition (-ould be in use wit hin a couiple of' weeks. Rev. Haldeniby is pîctured above iiMiie at the timie of completing the outîside iek \ork. Zaýkarowýý -UM