Omoso Weekly Times, Wednesdmy, October 6, 1982. S St. Francis 'of Assisi Weekly News Congratulations are ex- tended to Elizabeth and Peter Willens, on the occasion of their t wenty-fifth wedding. anniversary. On Sunday, October 3, the parish welcomed John and Lorna Devan of Peter- borough who spoke about Marriage Encounter. The parish celebrated the first annîversary of the dedication of our church. A corn roast, put on by the social committee, was well at- tended and enjoyed by, the families of the parish. Special Eucharists were celebrated on Monday Oc- tober 4, the Feast of St. Fran- cis of Assisi, patron of our parish. Movie for "Young Peoples Frîday Night", on Friday October 8 will be -"Fury." New phone directory tobe distributed ORONO - Delivery of the 1982 edition of the telephone directory for th'e Regional Municîpality of Durham begins October 7, 1982. Orma Lytte, local Bell Canada imanager, said 147,000 directories will be delivered, about 3,000 more than in 1981. Delivery is scheduled to be completed by October 20. The cover, front and back, features windows, through which can be seen people in their homes - ail using the telephone. The HELP! page has been' moved to the inside cover, making it easy to find police, fire, ambulance and other emergency numbers. On the inside back cover is a reproduction of an oil pain- ting of Bass Lake, north of Brockville, by a Cornwall ar- tist who became a polio vic- tim at age 3. The 1982 dîrectory has a new customer services page and a new page for those with special needs. Customers who live in Ajax and Pickering will have a combined listing for the first time. A new selection is headed: MUNICIPALITIES 0F AJAX AND PICKERING served by the exchanges of Ajax-Pickering, South Pickering and portions of Brooklin, Claremont, Markham, Stouffville, Toronto and Whitby. The section will interlist (combine) the current Ajax- Pickering and South Picker- ing telephione exchanges and include those customers who live in these municipalities but are served by the other exchanges. These' latter customers will -retain their current listing in their normal- exchange ist.1-.1 Government listings are contained in the Blue Pages section following the white pages. Bell is continuing is polîcy of one directory per household. Anyone who does not receive a copy should cal the local Bell business office after the delîvery period. For more information please caîl Orma Lyttle at (416) 433-3101. 37gifts share - TH4E ARITHRITIS SOCIETY (OSHAWA & WHITBY)...... ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDEO -OSHAWA & DISTRICT ..... -AJAX/PICKERING & WHITBY......... BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION OF OSHAWA & D ISTR IC T ............... ......_........ BOYS SCOUTS-OSHAWA DISTRICT COUNCIL -WHITBY DISTRICT COUNCIL CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIET-OSHAWA -WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE -OSHAWA,,. -WHITBY...... -NE WCASTLE. DISTRESS CENTRE 0F DURHAM REGION DURHAM REGION FAMILY Y M C A....... ...... EASTVIEW BOYS & GIRLS CLUB.__ _ GIRL GUIDES 0F CANADA (OSHAWA) ....... HOSTEL SERVICESIDURHAM RFCGION) INC JOHN HOWNAF1OSOCIETY 0F OSHAWA WHPITBY NEWCASTLE INFORMATION OSHAWA MENTAL HEALT H DURHAM MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY 0F DURHAM RIEG ION 1-ý -1 - NAVY LEAGUJE 0F CANADA (OSHAWA). OSHAWA DEAF CENTRE ý__ OSHAWA M DISTRICT CREDIT COUNSELLING SERVICE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE SOCIE7Y 0SHAWA ýWHITBY ... . SALVAT ION ARMY-OSHAWA -WHITBY SIMCOE HALL CHILDREN S CENTRE SIMCOE HALL SEUTLEMENT HOUSE SOCIAL PLANNING COLINCIL 0F OSHAWA/WHITBY -NEWCASTLE VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES (DURHAM REGION).. YOUNG WOMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (OSHAWA) SPECIAL GRANTS BLOCK PARENT ASSOCIATION-OSHAWA -NE WCASTLE DESTINY MANOR ..... S 21,000: 55.0M0 13,000 28.000 64,000 1.500 590M0 90.000 18,000 7.900 6000 4,800 23,500 65.000 137000. 25800. 31,000. 68.000 16000, 72.000 2,000, 1,000. 250G00 12,000, 24,80U 6.000 75.000 15.000. 25,900 240.00() 35,000 1.80& 29.000 1200M0 800 950. 20,000. Needed more... than ever before. DON'T FORGET THE 5th ANNUAL UNITED-WAY DURHAM COLLEGE TURKEY TROT, SUNDAY, OCT. l7th, - 2:00 P.M. DURHAM COLLEGE INFORMATION 576-7622 OSHAWA. WHUTBY TN E WCAST LE ir, United Walj 52 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA - 728-0203 Twenty-five Years ago- A Chainpionslnp Twenty-five years ago on Durham in the final sertes. Lyall Lowery, Carman Cor- Raye West, Stephen West, Chgnipionship D division in October 6th, 1957 the Orono Pictured above is the nish, Don Mercer, John bat boy, Dean West, Gord 1954. Basebail Club was celebrating Orono Championship team: (Hammy) Boyd, Roy Lowery, Junior West and The photo was supplied the winning of the Ontario (back row) Win. Carmai,, Winters, Fred Lycett; (front John Shetier. hy John Shetier of the cham- Intermediate C championship Charles Amstrong, Don row) Keith West, Ronnie The Orono team had pionship team. after having defeated Mallet, Doug Simpson, West, Gerald Robinson, peiul won the Ontario