- ---~~ Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1982, 9 kMTHE CLASUHIED? ln our Studio, Your Homne, Or on Location. 78 King St.W. Bowmanvllle 623-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Cali 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFI ELD INSURANCE 983-9438 Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 NAH Roof ing & Eavestroughing AIl types of roofing Barn Roof & Eavestroughing Specialists For Free Estimate 723-6055 Oshawa, Ontario WORK WANTED Ear pîercing service. Phone 623-5747 for ap- pointment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. NOTICE NOTICE Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office will be closed Oct. 16 - 24th inclusive. 13, 20.a.c. NOTICES If you have questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to cail me at either 98M505. Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. FOR SALE Firewood, ail Hardwood. Delivery or pick-up. Cali 786-2633. Apartment For Rent Apartient For Rent Main St. Orono. Available on November lst. Phone 983-5201. 6, 13,a. PAPER DRIVE PAPER DRIVE Orono and area Saturday, October 23rd. Pick up to start at 9 a.m. Please bundle and tie papers. For informa- tion caîl 983-5840. Ramn date would be Oc- tober 3th. 29, 6, 13, 20 a.c. * COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL~ * INTERLOCKING STONE21 (WALKWA YS, PATIOS, DRIVEWA YS) * LA WN MAINTENANCE * SPRING CLEAN UP * SODDING & FERTILIZING * FREE ESTIMA TES CALL983-5915 ORONO... Potted Dwarf Fruit Trees ~IY7 New Hard Maple Railway Ties 6x8x8-- mw Call fôT à no obligation evaluation of your home,n acreage or farmn or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 Chris Stapleton 623*4445983-5093 COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS U.C.W. Generai Meeting Orono U.C.W. General Meeting in Main Hall, Orono United Church, Thursday, Oct. 21 st at 7:30 p. m. Guest speaker: Co- ordinator for Community Care. Everyone Welcome! COMING EVI St. Saviours' Anni October 161 2.00 - 4.-« At the Orono 0 Hall. COMING EVE Anyone intereste Art Craft and Antiq November is wel corne to a meeting 18, 1982 at 7:30 Hall, Orono. COMING EV] Orono Figure Skat Hallowe'enil Orono Communit3 ,Friday, Oct.2 D.J. Don Osborn per couple. Refreshn Prizes. For Ticket 983-5107 or 983-57' [3, 20, a.c. Things have changeda lot since we used to snitch the odd apple f rom a farmer's orchard. The other day 1 dropped into Chudleigh's Farm near IENTS Milton. t's a pick-your-own apple orchard. There are quite ual Bazaar a few pick-your-own places in Southern Ontario, but th Chudleigh's isn't your average orchard. )o During the apple harvest, it's flot unusual for 6,000 )ddfeilows people to visit the farm on a single day. There are 80 acres of dwarf trees. They're little fellas 6, 13,a.c. that were brought over from Englandj originallY. The Maclntosh season was in full swing when 1 was there, anid I joined a group of schoolchildren on a wagon that, ENTS was pulled by a couple of big, Belgian horsos. ted in the They carted us into the orchard, and thon went back que Sale in, for another group of kids. They gave us time ta pick a lcome to basket of apples, then came arounid to take us back. ýg on Oct. But when we got back we were taken to "The Hpy in Town Mow." That's when the real fun started! lt's a barn where kids f rom 4 to 40 and beyond can swing, slide and romp 13, a.c. around in the hay the way the real farm kids do. They had a hard time getting us out of there, but even- tually we moved over to see cider being made in huge, lumbering presses. Then it was over ta another barn ta the bakery. S'help ENTS me, V've neyer seen so many apple pies in one spotlting Club Over 100 local women make about 5,000 apple pies lance a week which are sold right over the counter. .y Centre Somehow, Tom Chudleigh and his wife, Carol, who 29th started the sei-up 15 years ago, have continued to keep ne. $10.00 the showplace from looking commercial. mnents and But it's big business. Tom was telling me that the city ts phone kids - big ones and littie ones - that visit the orchardý, 47. pick about a million apples every yearl 13, 20, 27 a.c. Birth Announcement Birth Announcensent DAYE - Don and Geke (nee de Jonge) are pleased to an- nounce the arrivai of their daughter Jaclyn Anne, on Friday, Sept. 24th at Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, N.B. A Sister for Ryan and Maryke. Proud grandparents are Allen and Bertha Daye, Sussex, N.B. and Gerret and Nies de Jonge, Orono. 13,pd. CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Thank you to ail our friends and relatives for the flowers, cards, fruit basket and thoughtfulness to me and miy family during my stay in Oshawa Hospital. Lynda McCullough. 13, pd. DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE SHERWIN - At Nampa Hospital, suddenly on Wednesday, October 6, 1982, Dr. Wilfred W. Sherwin in his 7Ist year. Beloved hus- band of Blanche. Dear father of Donald, Brandon, Manitoba; Douglas, Utah and Keith of Brandon and grandchildren. Rested at Alsip Funeral Home. Funeral Service Oct. 9th at 2 p.mr. Interment Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Nampa, Idaho. 13, a. c. PENX",SLICK 50, murempN lnumm No= 1* Rodume Frction and O040 Adu*êramnTuooraê %tduc"s OUi Ceosumption OURNTLEMWVE~ !MAN comeoc DARREL E. DEVOLIN oop FRUOIT Fred's Harvest Sale MACI NTOSH RED and GOLDEN DELICIOUS SPARTAN, SPYS,' RUSSETS Homemade Apple Cider and Much More We Grow For You Fred's Fruit Market Hwy 115 Orono PRO-GA RDEN LA NDSCA PIN Gu 1Chur ch ll Services SAINT FRANCIS 0F ASSISI CHURCH Rev. Thomas D. Walsh, 214 King St. E., Newcastle Phone 987-5446 PARISH CELEBRATION Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00, 11:00a.m. & 7:00 p.m. air#