Graduates ANN]1 On May 29, 1982 Ann Pipher - Adams graduated from Durham College as an R.N.A. Ann is the daughter of Ken and Mary Piphier, fie. Inter-weglonal Transit Plan By now everyonc is no doubt aware of our govern- ment's rccently announced inter-regional transit plan which will have an impact on Durham Region. Since it i-s-the longesf range transit plan ever presented in any jurisdiction, it will take somte time for ail the details to be worked out in consulta- tion with the municipalities affected, but we do know the Durhamn Region will bc one of the first beneficiaries with the extension of the GO ser- vice east from Pickering to Oshawa. As one of the Durham ReZion's Provincial represen- tatives, 1 amn higbly gratified that the government bas taken this bold but very necessary step. Despite hav- ing one of the best transit systems in the world, service in Ontario's G oldcien Horseshoe is flot as highly in- tegrated as it needs to bc to accommodate out growing population. As our local communities expand and our regions at- tract more and more invest- ment and provide more and more job opportunities, it is essential that people are able to travel safely and swiftly to and from work. The extension of the GO service to Oshawa will of course serve to further attract investment and provide jobs in our region. In addition, it will create jobs for ail those people who will be inivolved either directly or indirectly in the construction of the new lime. In view of the fact thaf for every million dollars expcnd- cd on construction, 40 mani- years of work are creat cd, the estimated $162 million il will cost to build the new Picker- ing tQ Oshawa Line will yield considerable employmcnt benefits. Although the ncw line to serve Durham Region is part of the first phase of this amn- bitious inter-regional plan, it will take about 4 years before se service is in operation. It '--s estimated that it will take A winning Orono team PIPHER R.R. 2, Port Perry and the wife of Don Adams, of Orono. Ann is a graduate of Port Perry High School. Summer sports great In Orono The aoove Orono PeeWee basebali team were the league Champions in their division for the recent summer season. Their counterpart in Orono were the consolation champions. The Orono Sumimer Sports Programme under the banner of the Orono' Amateur Athletic Assoication bas just completcd a very successful season. The Soccer Programme ,had a total registration of 110 with the PccWee Team en- ding the season as Cham- pions. The Girls 'nftball also had an excellent season with a registration of 105, with the PeeWces ending up Chamn- pions and the Bantams comn- ing up with the Consolation Award. The Boys Hardball had a registration of 38, and niot to be outdone saw the PeeWees coming up with the Cham- pion and Consolation Chamn- pionship Awards. (Con- gratulations to Ail). about year to, prepare to design for the new lime followed by thrce years to construct if. 1 think one of the most cx- citing things about the wholc transit plan is the fact that Canadian Transit technology will be used cxclusively. On- tario's own Urban Transpor- tation Dcvelopment Corpora- tion which is based near Kingston, will be supplying ail the transit vehicles. Cana- dian transit. technology is- now recognzed as the finest li the world as a result of the unique Advanced Light Rail Transit System (ALRT) wbich the UTDC b-as developed. Already the UTDC bas xigotiated a number of contracts.- for these transit systcmns ini other parts of Canada, and U.S. and overseas, but this is the most amnbitious undertaking using the UTDC systen yet- 1 might also add that 1 have cxpressed concern for the provision of an adequaf e safe and convenient passenger transfer from the UTDC rail f0 the GO service at Pickcr- ing, and 1 trust the engineers will alleviate my fears. Trhe Minister of Govern- ment Services bas informcd me that the Ontario Provin- cial Police have requested'the allocation of the Triple Dor- nitory Building in Pine Ridge Scbool, Bowmanville for the st orage of communicat ion tower components for up f0 one year. This allocation would be subject to the understandixig that the OPP would vacate the building within 90 days sbould if be rcquired by other Minist ries or the whole faii- ty is f0 be sold to a purchaser requiring vacant possession. Although I am glati f0 sec thaf the facilit y is being put fo some use, quite frankly 1 arn extremely disappointcd that the Minister bas not been able fo make better long-f erm use of the property. Finally, Kathy and I were very pleased fo attend fthe opening of the new St. George's Ukraxiiaxi Heritage Centre in Oshawa, and we en- joyed the evening. Sam.0,, at Queen's Park Inter-regional Transit Plan MEETING 0F THE COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT GARNET RICKARD At Memorial Park Club House October 18, 1982 - 7:30 P. M. JOIN USI .. .........