8, Orono Weely TMmes, Wpiiuuday, Otober 20, 1982 -Receive team medallions Canges in staff at Durham College West, and Sheila Boughen Bantam Softball team for win- received Medallions from the ners of the Bantam Consola- Orono Athletic Association tion in year-end playdowns. Friday evening as will al Represent successful Orono teani Susan VanderVeen, (right), her teamn mates for their win- a member of the PeeWee ning of the Consolation Orono Softball teamn also Championship -n their received a Mediallion as wilI league. There are thirteen new academic staff members at Durham this faîl.. In the Health Sciences Division the new teachers are Winifred Gordon, Who previously served as an in- structor at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital; Shelley Aubry who cornes to the Col- lege from the Ottawa Civic Hospital; Maureen Dingman, who was an instructor at the Whitby Psychiatric, Hospîtal; Jean Jackson Who previously was a Dental Hygienist for the Borough of Etobicoke; and Bonnie Ferguson replac- ing Karen Tulk as a Techniologist in Health Sciences. New Business Division teachers include Jerry Coulter, who was previously mananger of Businessý Systems, Guaranty Trust/Traders Group; Alan Duffy, who was a supervisor of Material Control, General Motors in Oshawa; Charles Ewert, who was a Barrister and Solicitor in Newcastle; and Colin Lockey, who was in the Purchasing Depart- ment of General Motors. New additions to the Technology Division include John Booth, who previously managed his own consulting service; Robert Whillans, who came to use from A.G. Simpson in *Oshawa, where he was an electrician; and Marjorie Windover, who was Section Leader at Anca Inc. in Whitby. John Inglis is on exchange (with Ambrose Samnulski) and is fromn Ox- ford College, England. Hle will take over Ambrose's teaching duties for this year. Susan Gardner is the new Secretary to the President. Sue cornes to Durham from Bayly Engineering in Ajax. Marg Sis in now Secretary to the New Administrator, ,Merrili Cook. Bonnnie Ginter is a new Health Sciences Departmnent Head, replacing Michelle Nîchols, who has taken over as Departmnent Head for the Dental Programs. Don Hargest has been pro- moted to Departument Head, Business Division, replacing Frank Benn, who is on sabat- tical leave. Dave Bennett, Manager of Media Services, has been ap- pointed Instructional Designer at Mount Royal College in Calgary. His responsibilities have been assumetd by Susan Barclay. Irene Pebbles is now full- time College Library Staff, replacing Jan Bishop as Cir- culation Services Clerk. Jan is now working in the In- dustrial Liasion Department along with a new Secretary for Gord McRae, Shirley' Dugdale. Ernie Stacey is a new Technician in the Business Division, and Lori Waters, Kinesiologist, is now permna- nent staff in the Fitness Cen- tre in the Athletic Complex. Winter experience program Iaunched Darren Lewis, representing the Ororio PeeWee Soccer 1982 League Champions, Davey Baley representing, the Orono PeeWee Basebal Consolation Champions and Steve Lycett, representing the during the Year. AIl team Orono PeeWee Basbeall members will receive similar League Champions ail receiv- medaîlions. ed Orono Amateur Athletic The Medallions were Association medallions oný presented by Dennis Mum- Friday for theéir achievements ford, president of the Athletic Trop h es presen ted Mrs. Bonnie Cunningham, Girls' Sftbalî convenor, (right), presents Darlenie Dennis with a trophy for Most Improved Player on her team during the 1982 sum- mer season. The large trophy remains at the Orono Arena which carries the namneof the annual award winnèrs. janice Gatchell, absent, wili also received a similar trophy for the Most 1lmproved Player on her teamn during 1982. Association. Mumnford said it was a most successful year for minor sports in Orono for both boys and girls and in both bail and soccer. Waterfo w! season opens A. O'Donell, Fish and Wildlife Management Officer On September 25 the waterfowl hunting season opened in Lindsay District. Conservation Officer check- ed .277 hunters who had harvested 307 waterfowl. The weather wâs ideal for duck hunting, however, 'the number of ducks per hunter was down slightly averaging 1.1. compared to 1.2 ducks per hunter in 1981. Mallards, Wood ducks and Blue-winged teal made up 89 percent of the total harvest. Fifteen charges were laid against hunters breaking the game laws. Eight of the fif- teen charges were against two Lindsay area men. There were 21 warnings issued. to The Ministry of Agriculture and Food in con- junction with the Youth Secretarist, is offering an employment program for youth in Oshawa. To be eligi- ble for employment, youth must be between 16-24 years of age and looking for work for at least twelve weeks. Preference will be given to those who want to work and will not necessarily be based on educational qualifica- tions. The employmnent period is for 12-20 weeks beginning no earlier than November 8, 1982 and ending no later than March 30, 1983. Deadline for applications for initial employment is November lst, 1982. The youths wil be placed on farms with the idea thaï they will be obtaining on-the-job training. The employee must be willing to do any sort of farm labour, including dlean- ing barns, keeping records, people hunting 'near baited areas and/or lacking the pro- per permits and licences in their possession. Geese Going A large migration of Canada geese took place in late September with thousands of geese flying over the Lindsay area from September 26 until September 29. The migration ils approximately one week early. Controlled Pheasant Hunt The Scugog Island con- trolled pheasant hunt is in operation again this year. For persons who enjoy hunting operating machinexy and general maintenance., Hor- ticultural enterprizes are also included. Host farmers for the pro- gram are also required. They must be willing to train youth for the winter months. There is no direct cost to the farmer; however, in some cases room and board may be requested. Farmer hosts are needed who are willing to provide a source of informa- tion and experience to these youths. For more information and application forms for youth employment and for host farmers, contact your local manpower offices, Agricultu ral Office, Farm Labour Pool or S. Bruce Johnston Program Manager Winter Experience 82/83- 1Oth Floor, 801 Bay St. Toronto, Ontario MSS IZi ring-necka pfeasants the Scugog Island hunt located at the northern tip of Scugog Island on 450 acres of upland terrain is open Wednesday, T hursday, Friday and Satur- day fromn now until the end of November. The daily fee is $8.00 for a permit to hunt pheasants with a limuit of 2 birds per day allowed. Hunters numbers are restricted te, a maximum of 45 in the area at one time. The Hunt is suppjemented with daily releases of pheasants and il is recom- mended that hunters have a good bird dog to hunt.