Clarke High School Commencement Touwn fire hall ini Orono Village The Town of Newcasle counicil have received a signed purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of one acre of land in Orono w hich is in- tended to, be used for a new Orono firehall. Council members were in- formned on Monday of thie signing of the agreement by Mr. Horace Best. The land is situated on the west side of Main Street' in the north of Orono. li is currently zoned residential. The offer remains valid for a three week period, states Mr. Don Smith, ad- ministrator. Council had reeeived a report from engineers in thie possible continuation of use of the presenit fire halland possible use of moving to the Armories building. As a resuit of the report counicil has taken the action to build a new firehali in Orono rather than to make repairs to ex- isting building for a limited period of time. Design and construction have not as yet been a con- sideration of council but like- ly will. be considered in the compilation of the 1983 Town budget. In speaking with Don Smith he said it may be that the Town would consider the locating of a parking lot at the present sight of the Orono Fire Hall. New Orono enterprise takes up the challenge ofprivatization at nursery Terry Miller, a gautn studenit at Clarke High School, prtesented aedc torian Sharon Chidley with a banquet of roses following her address at comm.,enc- ment last Saturday evenîng. The annual Clarke Higli School Commencement held iast Saturdfay evening. saw parents, friends and students jam the large school auditoriumn for thle occasion. Awards and presentations were the feature of 'the even- ing along with special tributes to the gr aduatinig cla-ss. .Mr. J. L. Taylor, prin- cipal, welIcomned the large _au- dience and wient on to say that thselilfe of the school depended on, those people ini iý and the support it received from outside. Taylor stated that the graduates had played and worked Isard w hile in-Clarke and that these students were a credit to themselves, a pride for the teachers and tIse school and a credit to their parents and community. "They are an exceptionally briglit group," he sald. TIse principal also outlined numerous changes in the scheool over tIse past two years and spoke briefly of tIse semestering system which had proved mnost successfui. This suiccess, lie said, had to be credited to both the staff and tIse students. W. H. Carmnan, trustee for Ward 111 brought greetings from the Board and stated that it was well known atthe Board tIsa Clarke liad an ex- ceptional group of graduating students of which seventeen were Ontario' Scholars. The evening also included selections by tIse Clarke Band and the Clarke Choir. Sharon Chidley shared the man'y moments at Clarke High school with lier fellow graditates as she delivered the valeictory address. The graduates enjoyed a banquet prior to tIse ceremonies on Saturday even- ing and as welI a liglit lunch was served for al following the occasion. Greentree Associates, a flew Orono enterprise, las met the chalenge of change and has won the first contract for lifting young trees at the, Orono Tree Nursery. Green tree Associates started their first project today, Wednes- day. The new Orono enterprise resulted fromt the fact that the lifting of trees at the Orono Tree Nursery was to be undertaken through contmae this falI. Two bids were received for the contract with Greentree Associates being the successful bidder. The new enterprise was formed by Shirley Purdue, Doreen Gordon, Kay Gustar and Thelma Forrester who have been part-tint-e employees at the Tree Nursery for as numiber of years. The group have hired some thirty workers to assist in the lifting of the 85000 young trees this falwt working rnow already in pro. gress. It is expected to take some two weeks to complete the project. The trees will be placed in cold storage during the winter months for early shipment in the spring. In speaking to Bill Bun)- ting, superintendent, he said it is a thrust of thle Ministry to encourage privatization and have under contrat the 5 million seedlings ini northern Ontario in greenhouses through private industry. Thse contract project in Orono in the lifting of trees is now on a trial basis but it is expected that such wiil con- tiniue into the spring lifting. Btinting said cous have been Mo Unt1ing and -contracting is a means in which to reduce these costs and especially in controlling overhead costs. Bond Head Harbour Village one step dloser to reality The General Purpose comn- mittee of the Town of Newcastle have give their ap- proval to, a rezoning applica- tion and developmnent agree- Ment for the proposed Bond Head Harbour Village, south of Newcastle Village at Lake Ontario. TIse committee lias also given approval that the necessary by-law be passed by council at their next meeting this coming Monday. The proposaI dates back some thirteen years in one form or another but as of Monday there has been agree- ment to the first phase of the development. This development will ini- clude a mix of 150 residential units, commercial floor space of some 13,500 square feet, a recreation pavillon, hotel and recreational centre, recrea- tional facilities and develop- ment of the harbour and marina facilities. This is a first phase of an overail plan which when corn- pleted would enhance close to 650 residential units in tIse asea west of tIse Graham Creek in the south of the Village. The agreemnent spelis ou.t the responsibilities of thec d eveloper inicluding Ise up- front costs of road im- provements and realignment in tIse area asý weil as (Continued page 2) 01" Change in Orono Bank Manager CHRISTMAS ARTS AND CRAFIS SALE Christmnas Arts and Crafts Sale is coming on November 19, 20, and 2lst. Plan on attending at the Orono Town Hall. BE ABLE TO TRIP THE IGHT FANTASTIC For those in a dancing mood tIse Orono Figure slçating Club are holding a Hallowe'en Dance in the Ororio Community Centre this Fr'iday evening, October 29th. You will be assured a good time if you attend. ADVANCE POLLS OPEN THIS SATURDAY Advance poils for the Town of Newcastle municipal elections will be open this Saturday, October 3th. Polis aie being held in thse Hampton Hall for Ward 1, in the Bowmanville Town Hall for Ward Il and iii tIse Orono Towi Hall for Ward Ill. Poils open fromi 9:00 a., to 8:00 p.m. ORONO TOWN COULD GET A FACE LIFT According to Mayor Rickard an-d Counc. Hamre the Orono Town Hall could well get an exterior coat of paint later this fali. The work would be ýompleted under the Federal incentive Make-Work program. Would cer- tainly look good to have the dock tower painted as the remainder fo thie premises have greatly improvedi over the past year. S Mr. Alf. Merrili, (right> has been manager of a children. Hlope Brandi of tIse CIBC, has taken the duties as Newmarket Branch for the Paul Kelcey, (left) who has Kelcey has taken an active manager of tIse Orono0 past two \,cars. Previously lie been manager in Orono- for a part in hîs communiîy during Branch of thse Canaclian Bank was, mýiaager of thse Aurora numnber of years Ieft today, his stay and especially, in of Commerce. branchi of the Caniadian lm- Wednesday, to take up hus those areas related to tIse Merrili comes Io Orono perial Bank of Commerce. duties as manager of thse port Orono Downitown. fromr Newmarket where he Merril is married with two Pcnlished Every Wednesday Oroîio Weekly Tines, Wednesday, October 27, 1982