t Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 27, 1982, 3 United Way up over Iast year heir work in the community. hope that the board would be -e said it was communiiy able to complete other such ;roup such as this that played projects which he said were t big part in the events of the of a more permanent nature ommunity. and a gond way in which to John stone said he would preserve the stones. The United Way Camnraign for Oshawa, Whitby, and Newcastle continues to arge ahead. The campaign bas now achieved 18 percent of its goal of $1 .5 million, com- pared to 5.7 percent in at this time last year. With $271,422 donated to date, Hugh Holland, Cam- paign Chairman, stated that he appreciated the excellent response, but that much re- mained to be done to raise the fuil total required. -We must accelerate our canvassing and continue to emphasize the "Fair Share Guide"--wbjcb recommends an individual give 15 minutes pay per week to the United Way tbrough the payroll deduction plan."- Mr. Holland made specific reference to additional areas that are making significant progress in the campaign. Personal gifts Whitby bas reached 66 percent of its goal, and chains-corporate bas oh- tained 63 percent. In the commercial sector, Oshawa Northeast bias acbieved 66 percent, and Oshawa Nor- tbwest bas reacbed 52 percent of their objectives. The General 1Insurance area shows strong early returns. GEORGE CAMERON Regional Councilor WARD 3 L TowM of Newcastle GOOD ENOUGH FOR in a community effort to PIERREsolve sucb. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME Your writer does flot have access to the national media Pierre Trudeau, last week, of television and radio but using three fifteen minute does have access to a few in- prime-time siots on national ches of type in the Orono television and radio outlined Weekly Times. -ike Pierre his problems as to the nations we do have a problemn and economy and called upon ail our only solution at tbis lime Canadians for their support is an appeal to the general GOVERNMENT COSTS DNOTALLOWARPATHY ELECTION DAY NOV. 8, 1982 ADVANCE POLL OCT. 30, 1982 RE-ELECT ,ublic wbo bave the answer if bey wish to act upon it. Jnlike Trudeau we will only nake a one-sbot appeal and ~not resort to a serial-type rpresentation. You may recail earlier ibis year we wrote about Our five roosters and tbree bens whicb resulted late in the summer with a batcb of fourteen chicks. Now at the time of the hatch we took great delight in these hitle puffs of down as they learned the facts of life and survival from their mothers. It is of interest to listen to the continuai chat ter from the mother hen as she guides her young brood around the yard and when the time comes to boister body temperature of tbe young they ail disappear in the bed of feathers. And you have to terni it cute when they poke their heads out from under the wings to see wbat is going on. During tbis period everything sailed along fine and chicks were chicks but the day bas come that we can now tell the difference bet- ween a pullet and a cockerel and making a count Iast week we find we bave six cockerels. Next spring our rooster population would be eleven and this does cause a pro- blem. Not only would there be a continuous battie day and night but those cute young maIe chicks wil bave found their voice and witb the break of dawn w;ill be crow to the world or ai least our neighbours who even now report they can hear the five as far away as the sub- division to the north. It just can't be if 1 intend to remain in Orono and 1 arn sure the Town of Newcastle could dig up a noise by-law somewbere tbat would have us in bot water. Now you know the pro- blern and as there is no way 1 cati do away with the four presenit roosters and the bud- ding newcomers 1 bave to ap- peal to someone. Unlike Trudeau who is not about to give anything away 1 would gladly make an uncon- ditional grant of tbe four year-olds now and earIy next spring fatten the youngsters as a furtber gift. Trudeau cannot win without the support of the people in bis problem of tbe economy nor can 1 with those roosters. RED & WHITE Cut from Canada Grade A Beef Bl$ade "Roast'kg. 3.00 1ib. 1.36, BON ELESS Blade Roastg3.921 Ib. 1.78 MEDIUM' Ground Beefg3.921 Ib. 1.78 Cut from Canada Grade A Beef Cross Rib Roast kg3.92/i b.1.78 Sunpac Unsweetened Frozen Orange Juice 12.5 fl.oz.tin .69c. Canada No. 1, Produce of U.S.A Tomnatoes kgl1.52 lb,. .69c. CJ I ' Phone 983--5201 PETOLO'SSLICK 50 F#LL THE NM Reducce l.riton cândOrpg Impfoe. Lubqïcitoo lduas.Op.i,nTeMpraur* Improffl Pesfoewmno Reducos Wear hncres.* Nepo*er Peduce. Oil Consumption Inrase. GuM.iteflO GUARANTEED IMPROVEO PERFORMANCE or Yoaw Monsy Bockc ONE TIME INVESTMENT Commect DARREL E. DEVOLIN ooa