e e You name it and it was there last Friday from rabbits to clowns and ghosts as the Orono Nursery Schiool celebrated Hallowe'en. Pictured above are. Scott McKenzie, Diane Jenkins, Jason Stubbs, Jessica Powell, Clarke High News by Don Chard Krista Szymczak, Elizabeth Burritt, Rebecca Bester, Con- nie Fluke, Gregory Ham- mond, Krista Mallen, alan underway on November l2th. Students are now start ing to, study and prepare themseîves for them. Nov. l9th isour first band Dance., We are ,featuring Teenage Head! Tickets will go 'on sale soon. Tickets bought in advance will bc of- fered for a special reduction. The st udents counicil is expec- Lee, Simon Sweagart and (standinh) Co-op student, Stephanie Card. ting a great turnout. Wrestling and badminton practises are in the process. Tryouts are being organized and everyone is encouraged to corne out. That dates for the school play, the Madwomian of Chaillot, have been set for March 10, Il and 12. That's AIl! NOTICE 0F POLL An Election to Fi the Following Offices wiiI be heid on MON DAY, NOVEM BER 8TH, 1982 Polils wili be open from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL Mayor 3 Regional Councillors (1 for each Ward) 3 Local Councillors (1 for each Ward), NORTHUMBIERLAND ANDNEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Ward 1 - 2 Trustees Ward 2 - 2 Trustees Ward 3 - 2 Trustees PETERBOROUGH -VICTORIA-NO RTHUM BER-' LAND AND NEWCASTLE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 2 Members to represent the Separate School Supportersin the Town of Newcastle HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSIO)NERS Four to be Elected at Large VOTERS WILL BE ADVISED BY MAIL 0F THEIR POLLING SUBDIVISION AND WHERE TO VOTE David VW. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , i Town lerk and Returning Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. ILIC 3A6. Date of Publication: Novemnber 3,1982. 1 hope everyone has recovered from thecir Hallowve'en weekend. On Friday, wve had our own dress up day. Mlany students dressed up in zanly costumes. That night vwe held a Hallowe'en Dance. Ever-yone wore their costumes and danced the night away. We had a good turnout and prizes were given out for most original costume (Julie Gray) and we crowned a King and Queen ofthe dance. A thank you goes out to aIl staff and students who- helped make the dance a success. This Wednesday a bus wilîl be taking st udents t0 the Blood Donors Cliici;n Bowmnanvile. We have alwxays had a good turnout for this, and wec are hoping for an even better one this timne! This Thursday is Career Day. Mlany speakers ar e com- ing to talk about their oc- cupations. It really gives students a good idea of some professions. Our mid-term exams get Kendal School has reprieve The Kendal Public School by. has a one year reprieve and The Board did however wilI remain open for the close the Cook school and the school termn of 1983-84. The Maple Grove East school Board of Education last which has flot been in use for Thursday deîayed any action the past year. to close the school for Consideration has also another year. been given to cîosing Mitchell The issue could corne Corners School and Maple before the board again in Grove West School in the 1983 wihen a decision to close Darlington Trownship area would have to be made prior and as weIl the Baltimore to October 3lst, 1983. School in Hamilton A delegation of some twen- Township. These considera- ty residents were present at tions however onîy went as the Board meeting on Thurs- far as staff reports to the day fromn the Kendal area. Board and no further action' Further information was was taken. provided the trustees in The Kendal Public Schooî respect to taking students will at least com plete the cur- from the Garden Hill school rent school term as well as the or to twinnirtg of Kendal with 1983-84 term. Garden Hill rather than Kir- - E WHY CHANGE?9 National Inflation Rate . 12% Local Tax Rate....... 8% Re.Elect Garnet Rickard Mayor