.... ..... . . . ... . .......... . 12, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, No*ember 3, 1982. Fun time at-Nursery School ft was a fun day last Fri- Ail students were on Pictured above (left to Bourne, Simon Veagant, day at the Orono Nursery hand in, costumes to right) Paula Partner, Paul Dreslinski, Rebecca school held in the Orono played their part in Brian. Hogenhout, Ashley Bester and David Swan. United Church. celebrating Hallowe'en.i Full Rouind Up Well, this is it. FaIl has finally begun and with it cornes the chores which must be donc in the fail to get the garden ready for the winter. Now after we have had a good frost most of the softer annuais such as the Impa- tients are fmnished for the year and can be removed although somne of the tougher ones sur- vived the frost and can be left for a few weeks until the next frst T he lawn will require a bit of attention. The grass sho:uld be moved once more or if the weather stays warm probably twice but the idea is to have the lawn go into the winter not too long and not too short about 1112 inches long. If left too long it will matt witb the winter snows and will cause the grass to suffocate under ýthe heavy matt and will turn the lawn brown. The sanie resuits oc- cur when cut too sl*ît. 'the Iawin does fnot havea chance to survive the hard frost. F.1ai feeding is probably one of the most important of ail the feedings tbroughout the year. The University of Guelph bas just finished a very complex study on the best tim-e to;,app- ly lawn food to the lawn and also what analysis is the 'best. This study surprised the ex- perts by comîng with a recommendation that 'goes exactly against the usual type of plantfood, they recomn- mend that we use a high Nitrogen fertilizer. This is the first number on the fertilizer formula and they have found that the nitrogen wiII build up in the leaf tissues of the grass blades and. becomne available, as soon as the temperature' rises in the spring. This also helps the lawn 'to survive the winter better since, the nitrogen is available when it is needed. It will also stop the lawn from coming through the winter in a dehydrated brown condition and wilI get the growth action started carlier 'in the season. They also found that the best timne is to apply this lawnfood after the first frost since'then it wilI only be used as storage and flot make the lawn grow this fali. So now is the perfect time to get some of this fer- tilizer on the Iawn. We get more calis, up to 30 a day,, about how to look after the roses and how to protect them for the coming winter months. Most of the damage is done to the roses by two weather eements, the wind and the cold. First, the wind will dry the cari, second- ly the frost will do exactly the sanie thing. The frost will dehydrate the sap in the carn- bian layer and then of course the canes ýwill flot carry any sap causing the bush to die. You will notice that roses planted on the south side of the bouse will survive the winter better than the ones on the north side of the bouse. As you will notice the severe northwest wind is stopped. Also the heat from t he sun will build up the heat and give you better conditions to get tbem through the winter. To help them to survive the winter you cai build up the earth around the bush and bank them around thie canes to a height of 8 to 10 inches. This will protect the bottom part of the bush. Then in the spring the top part cari bcecut off and the new growth will start from the bottom. Over the past few years many peo- pie have found that banking on them with processed -cow or sheep manure- will serve this purpose and. also build up the soul around the bushes giving the bush that extra plantfood- for the following year. If you ever want to grow good roses you should try this -method. Until Next Week, Happy Gardening. Mel Hartwig Excavating ORONO ONTARIO 983-5140 Bulldozlng.- Back i-la Septlc and Tle Beds Sand, Gravel and Top Bail JOB PRINTING ORONO WEEKLY TIMES VOTERS 0F WARD Ili 4.l Town of Newcastle Support&Elc KEITH D. BAR R As LOCAL COUNCILLOR -WARQ M '* For coricerned, experienced and logical action on your behalf. Keith was elected as Local Councillor in 1978 and, in 1980, ran for the Regional seat for WARD 1II The election in 1980 resulted in a multiple split vote and Keith was unsuccessful. He has, however, at- tended approximatey 750/ of ail the General Pur...... pose CDommittee meetings and the meetings of Town Council in the past two years. There are a number of matters, about which Kelth is concerned and when elected, will work to resolve them. One example is taxes.--Keith feels that we can no longer accept tax jncreases. In the years since coming to live in Newcastle Village 15 years ago, Keith has been involved in mariy Com- munity and. Political matters-- some of whiých are* 1. Elected in 1971 th rough 1973 as Councillor of Village of Newcastle- Regional Government instituted in 1974. 2. Was a member of the Steering Committee for the Town of Newcastle to assist in planning for the institution of Regional Government take-over in 1974. 3. Was Secret ary-Treasu re r of Village of Newcastle Planning Board. 4. When the Newcastle Village & District ... Chamber of Commerce was re-activated in 1972, Keith was-e[ected President and served in that capacity until 1975. Keith was re- elected President for the year 1982. 5. Keith was deeply involved in the formation of the B.1.A.ý inNewcastle Village and Orono. 6. Keith is a "Founding Father" of Parkview Senior Citizens Lodge in the Village of Newcastle. He worked on that project over a period of at least 9 years until it came to fruition. You are asked to support Keith and vote for his,'ýý election as Local Councillor Ward 111, Town of Newcastle- so that he may work in the best înýin terests of you, the Citizen. Kýeîth is in a posý1ii to give fulîtime representa------- Committee to Elect Keith D. Barr 'as Local councillor Uf you have any questions or wish to contact Keith, please caîl: - Business - 987-5229 Home: - 987-4202 Gardening.. by VAN BELLE Edward R, (Ted) WOODYARD For ResponsIie Experienced Represen ta tion Local Cou ncil Ward 111 Edward R. WD'VODYARD 1X I