Receies 19 Years A ward Pin Mrs. Marion west, Orono, an employee of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission was presented with a nineteen year award last Friday even- ing at the New Dutch Oven The presentation was made Restaurant. by Dave Alon of the Elec- Mrs. West was formerly an trical utilîty Safety Associa- employee of the Orono tion. Hydro Electric Commission Receives 20 year pin MANGAR'S GARAGE Licensed Mechanic *Radiator Service *Air Condition Service *Plastic Filled Bal' Joints And Steering Ends On Cars Only *Exhaust Service Major and Minor Repaira Cali Mike for an Appointment ORONO, -983-5130 Wînner Receîves Cord of Fîire wood J. Paterson, Lands/ Waters Administrator Part of this year's Ministry of Natura Resources display at the Lindsay Central Ex- hibition was a contest ques- tionnaire o n Lindsay District's natural resources. The winner of the contest received a fuil cord of firewood, cut from a manag- ed forest area. The winner was ESTHER LAUZON of Elgin Street, Lindsay, On- tario. Congratulations! 0f the 259 questionnaires entered, Ms. Lauzon had the best results with 9 of the 12 questions right. The Miinistry wishes to thank ail who entered the contest. Orono Weekly Times, Weqlnesday, November 3, 1982, 7 "US agazine Awards" US Magazine polled its readers this past summer and came up wvith awvards for "THE BEST 0F US, THE WORST 0F US" and Global TV is pleased to announce tha th Fist nnul U Mgazine Awards wvill be telecast on Tues., Nov. 2 beginning at 9:00 p.m. Co-hosts for the event wvill be DYNASTY's Joan Collins and STAR TREK's William Shatner. The top television personalities present at the awvards include: Linda Evans, Bruce Boxleitner, Burt Reynolds, Steve Allen, Linda Blair, Fileen Brennan, and Lisa Hartman. LoweIl MacDougal of the Commission receives his 20 Alton of the ElectricalUtiity Newcastle Hydro Electric year award from Dave Safety Association. Approximately every two hours someone is admitted to a hospital in Durham Region because of a breathing pro- blem. One in every four Canladians suffers from a lung abnormality. These startling facts provide the im- petus for Durham Region Lung Association as it moves into its 1982 Christmas Seal Campaign. This year's an- nuat appeal begins offical in Canada on November Ist with the mailing of Christmas Seals to some seven mnillio,-n homes. In Durham, the 1981 Camnpaign raisedt $98,000, and the localAscitn' i hr a \d cwn 5' ha' ociCI to $100,0M. 'Walter Beath,- Campaign Chairman for the Region, sees this as a reasonable expectation in view of the area's current, economic slow down, -but stresses the importance of meeting the objective. "Costs for hospital treatment' of breathing problems in Durham was in -excess of $4 million dollars last year" he says. "The Lung Association urgently needs public support to continue local programs which do so miuch to prevent and alleviate these terrible used sJince 1908 to raise funds 1( hin v .ictimns of Iung disease. The problem then was tuberculosis - now. it's emphysema, lung cancer, asthmas and ýa wide range of occupation-linked illnesses. This annual Campaign is the sole means of support for the Lung Association, -which is not a United Way Agency. J'Me Fashions Main St., Orono Phono 98».341 the la test in lashions for ail times and ail needs On November 8th Vote for and Elect Qa.crnet Ricka>rd Mayor For information and transportation, please cali: Bowmanville (Ward 11) ..........623-3891 or 623-4768 Cou rtîce (Ward 1)............. 728-4830 Hampton (Ward 1) ............ 263-2669 Newcastle (Ward 111) .......... 987-4682 O rono (Wa rd 111)............. 983-5858 ELECT WARD THREE-CLARKE NORTH UM BERLAN D-NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION CONTACT 983-5961 I JANET POLLITTIXIl Christmas Seal drive begins in Durham area