Receives Durham Scholarship KAREN QUANTRILL Karen Quantrili, Orono, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Quantrill, received an Undergraduate Scholarsbip witb presentation November l2tb at a wine and cheese par- ty held in Durham College. Karen, a second year stu- dent at Durhanm College, tak- ing Business Administration and majoring in Data Pro- cesing was presented witb the Special Achievement Al Divisions award in recogni- tion for ber higb marks and ber contribution to ber class and scbool. Thp scbolarsbip was presentedi by tbe Durbami College Faculty Association. recognition of Jennifer's academic achievement in ber course. She is now in ber se- cond year at Durham Col- lege. Scholarsbips presented on November 12 were in amounts from $150 to $400 witb a total value of $11,000. Jennifer Garland, Leskard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Garland, was presented with the Communications Arts Public Relations Year 1 àward on November l2th at Durham College. The scbolarsbip was presented by Gulf Canada ini Sam Cureatz Confident %Wague restraint, program wIIpass Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. for Durham-East, told the Clarke-Newcastle P.C. Association Friday evening that the wage restraint legisla- tion would pass even though the issue has been debated for the past two and a haîf mon- tbs. Cureatz was referring Io Bll 179 which, when passed, will place wage restraints for civil servants in Ontario as well as teachers and municipal employees. He stated that the Legisature was recalled earlier than usual to pass the Legislation to effect the restraînt pro- grami. He said, "AlI members have been lobbiecl consistant- ly over the past few, months but with the Conservatives having a mnajority in the Legisiature the act wîll pass." He pointed out that the by Roy Forrester As nothing exciting or explosive have happened around home over the past week we are taking the liberty to catch up on some news that dates back a couple of weeks or so. We finally dîd get our bird atlassing report, into the Zone director and have reçeived comments back. As well we have received a copy of reports from the other nineteen ten' kilometer squares in the zone and find tbat we placed second from the top in reporting birds this' past summer. Hazel Bird in the Har- wood area reported a total of 92 different breeds of birds in ber ten kilometer square and took the edge off our eigty-four dif- ferent breeds. The Cobourg square produced 80 different breeds for the year. We met Hazel Bird some years ago when sbe worked for the Nor- thumberland, and Durham Board of education out- door program. Apparent- ly Hazel is a real naturalists and in fact we understand she does have a bird sanctuary of sonne sorts on ber property in the eastern section of the area. No doubt ber nrame belps in some way or otber in bird atlassing., We did have one bird scratched from our list, that being a Worm Eatîng Warbler. The director ad- mits we had a good description for identifica- tion but it would be unusual to find the bird in NDP have flot had their leader in the bouse and as a result the NDP have been dragging out the debate until such timne as Rae could take part in the debate. Rae, leader of the NU?, joined the legislature on Monday of this week. Cureatz also spoke on 'the proposed legislation to amnalgamnate the five boards of education in the Toronto area for bargaining purposes. Again he said it bas been the NDP that bas dragged out tbis debate and pointed out that most trustees in tbe Metro area were affiliated with tbe NDP. Cureatz expects the legislature to function until Christmas and then adjourn until March. When asked about -the re- cent pyramiding sellîng price of apartments in Toronto and what the governiment of On- tario will do Cureatz said the government had been caught by surprise but expected Bob Elgie to make a move in the very near future. Cureatz said it was going to be a tough issue as wel as being a delicate international situa- tion. He also said rentaI ac- commnodation was tough ail over. this particular area. Well we bave con- fidence we are right but do accept the challenge to corne up with a positive I.D. next summer and will spend wbatever hours it takes' in the, headwater area of the Baxter Creek to nail tbis bird down. 1We bave been told there had been a sighting of tbe Worm Eating Warbler a good number of years ago in the Port Hope area but none since. Also one group of birders spent tbe morning a few years back following such a bird in tbe Pt. Pelee area. We intend to lay fame on the banks of the Baxter Creek next summer. Incidentally on Sunday morning, November 7th Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 17, 1982, 3 Co ~rond 2 Home we ran into a small flock of six to eigoht Bluebirds apparently migrating south. The sighting took place just north of the eighth of Clarke east of Highway 115 some two or three miles on property we cail the Parker place. Bill Bunting and 1 were standing atop a small knoll when we observed the small flock hovering above and feeding off a small grove of Sumac. It was an easy identification as the sun was shining on RED,& WIHITE Freezer Special No. 1 Finest Pork Loins Roasts andlor Chops Reg. $2.49 lb. w Rb FÙtion Loin "0 Pork Maple Leaf Boneless 351 kg. lb. 1.59 4.83kg. Smoked Picnicstm12i9 DeSv Brand -%0 gm pkg. Rindless Bacon 1.99 Fresh 4M kg. Porl Side Ribs - h 1.99 Fmshly slioed Bsaby Beef Liverkg- a721IL.1i69 0WD MILL - Store SIioed - Cheaper tha somn Bokgna Cooked Ham îoogm.sw Ib.,169 NO NAME NO NAME NO NAME Fresh Roasted Cheese Snack Cheddar Peanuts Crackers Cheese kg. pkg. 450 gm45gmoilb 3.29 - 1.99 - 3.39 NIAGARA FROZEN Orange Juice, Florida Ta ngeri nes 1.5ooS-tun .49c doen 99c. the wvings of the birds as they hovered with the bluie being quite predominant. Later we were able to observe the other colours on the breast. Sid Rutherford tells of days gone by when the Bluebird was a mnost com- mon bird in the coun- tryside sitting on fence rows and telephone lines. Toctay that is not the case and to make this'sighting did hold excitement and a reward for the Sunday mnorning outing. PEyxosSLICK 50 Lfl K Reduces Friction and Orpg Ipoe urcto Rsdue.sOoerating T.mpwotums Ipov UOmSO Reducu ine.t4ofsjlaor Rêduces011 Consmption, Incrs.s Goa mIIuC GIJARANTEED #IMPROVEb PERFORMANCE or Your Mous, Sa** ONE TIPI! INVESTMEKT coatDARREL E. DEVOLIN 0RoNc Receives Scholarship JENNEFER GARLAND, $&W8 kg.: 1,99 IL. i f Breadman - From Peterborough - Fresh Fniday - Deliciaus White or Brown Bread Lof.69c. NO NAME WiId Bird Seed 20 IL bag 4.99 C O RN I SH %> Phone 983-5201