2. Oroho WeelY Times, Wedmesday, December 1, 1982 WASTE DISPOSAL PLAQUES MUNICIPALITIES With industries and residential units producing more and more waste and with the industrial factions producing high ameunts of hazardous wastes an in- creasing problem continues te mount for both municipalities, Regions and the province of Ontario. It is semething that is net going te go away and is one of the major probleins of the day. A recent survey reveaied that volume of waste is some six turnes greater than formerly though te exist by the provincial envirefiment industry. 11 The Region of durhamn is faced with the problein of waste.disposai. frein twe counts at Ieast; where in the fut ure te place, it and the rising cest of handling the waste. Five municipalities, Port Hope, Cobourg, and the Townships of Hope, Hamilton and Haldimand are alse faced with a bleak future as te waste disposai and are about te embark on a study as te incineration and recycling. A recent report shows that 45 percent of ail waste is net properly bandled and with some 25 percent being dumped into municipal sewers. Such waste dees pose a danger and threat and ail waste dees represent a degree of danger. Sevcnty percent of al waste in Ontario arises eut of the area frein Oshawa te Niagara FaIls and fifty- eight percent of industrial waste is in liquid form. Although the problern of waste disposai has ex- isted for years littie bas been accomplished by either the province or the municipalities. Beth parties cannet continue te provide iandfill sites. It is a costly procedure, less than adequate as te possible leakage and residents in any area of a preposed landfill site will cerne te arms over such a develepment. The answer surely dees net lie with developinent of further landfiil sites te accommodate the volume of increasing waste. The waste preblein cannet be rnanaged uniess treatinent precedures are used te reduce the qwuantity and the lethai nature of waste preducts. This must hold truc for both industry and residential units. The cest would be borne where waste was made and net ieft te the taxpayer, as a whole, te foot the bill fer wbat is actually an impossible task. Treatinent, recycling and reclaiming appear the only answer te the waste probiemr and it may well have te start in the resdentiaI units of Ontario residents. TOWN HALL DANCE DEC. 4TH Don't forget Band Dance this Saturday, December 4th at the Orono Town Hall 7-11. Door Prize, Rock and Roll Group 'THE WANTED'. Tickets are available frein Christine or Sparky and at M & M Variety. Kendal News The spirit of tbis season Is tbat of highest joy; It camne te men. at first When Christ was just a boy. The spirit of tbis season Is that of deepcst peace;, It camne te break the tension And give oui hearts release. The spirit of this seasen Is that of perfect love; It came te bind us dloser To men and Qed above. The spirit of this season In earth's remotest part; Wil bless and cheer and quicken Each simple trusting heart. The spirit of tItis season Is old yet ever new; May it be yours on Chrisinas And last the new year through. Earnest B. McClellan. With ail the heavy rain in November we surely will have, less snew in December.' On Sunday the rain held off tiil afterneon se people came te church. There was a fine attendance of Sunday Schoel children preparing for tbe Christmas prograrn wbich wiil be held December l9th at the merning service. November 28th was the first Sunday inAdvent se Mrs. R. Frank brought the Advent wreath with the four purpie candles. Randy Frank lit the first candie and Pamnelia Frank led the congregation in the story of Advent as given ini oui churcb bulletin. Then Steven Hdilebust played two numbers on his trumpet. He was accompanied by bis _Eldorado (Continued frein pagel1) Hanire aise points eut that an Environinental bearing bas already been held as te tbe suitability of the aiea for disposai with the fanding that .the aiea was unsuitable for sucb. 'That hearing', beld a number of years ago, cost in the neigbbourhoed of $100,000. Why 'would Eldorado suggests another bearing and pick such a loca- tien she asks. T'he Newýcastle councilor aise questions the proposai and Plans befere contacting the Town of Newcastle. She aise fears that the devciop- brother Roif. The sermon was entitled, "Ready or net, here 1 corne. " The scripturc was St. John 1: 1-17. People were flot ready for His comning. Children still play bide and seek they cail, "Ready or flot." We know Christmas is comning. We prepare for our stomach first. We'order the turkey, and make the pluin pudding. Then we-prepare the home, put up the decorations, set up the tree and se on. Do we prepare ourselves for the coming? Do we prepare ourselves for the final comning of oui Lord? Isaiah propbesied seven hundred years before, "Prepare for the comning of the Messiah." The wbole Jewisb nation was preparing. The Levites had a famous choir. The Jews scattered abroad. Where there were enough of themn they built a synagogue. in the fulness of turne Jesus came. When everything was ready Jesus came. Alexander the Great had spread the Greek language te every pro- vince. The Roman Law made peace i the lands. The Roman roads were ready for missionaries to travel with case frein place te place. The count down bad started years before. He camne tnte his own and bis own received hum flot? Herod was flot ready. The hotel keeper bad ne room in the inn for a woman expecting a cbild. We thank Qed tbat there were People who were ready down tbe ages. Mary and joseph. were ready. 1 tbink the Easten Astronomers were ment of a permanent dump could set a precedent and the area could be used fer al types of centaminated wastes. Sain Cureatz, Durhamn Bast M.P.P., who lives near- by in Newcastle Village, has been reperted to bave said be is net "jumping frein joy ever the proposai". He did give credit te Eldorado. In fact, they plan an en- virenmentai Hearing wbicb according te, federal law tbey would be exempt. Cureatz said Eldorado would be seeking support frein both the Region of Durhamn and the Town of Newcastle and he was of the opinion that the two groups might be able te make a lucrative agreement with the crown corporation. It weuld be the intention of Eldorado te remove ail waste frein the present Port Granby site te bc relocated in the per- manent dump site. As well waste frein a Welcome dump site which has net been used since 1952 would be moved te the permanent site at Port Granby. Area residents have over the years opposed the dump- ing of centaniinated waste by Eldorado at the Port Granby dump site and had fermcd the S.E.A.P. te figbt on their behaif, te have the waste removed frein the area.amd te defend their cause that ne more contaminated waste was deposited at Port Gran- by. The group were successful in baving an environmental assessinent bearing rule in their favour. ready. Simeon was ready. Ready or net. He is coming and i is better to b. ready for oui Lord's second comlng. Corne Oh Come Emanueli 1 As the Christmnas season approacbes we think of mak- ing mince pies. Always make twe it takes the saine tinie and saine heat as making one. First we want a nice flakey crust. Your recipe, says use one cup of water. fin me bot- tom of the cup I put one egg and two tablespoons of vinegar, beat a little and fill the cup up witb water. Roleut two bottoin crusts, place in pie plates. flute the edges and put in the freezer. N4ow roll eut the two top crusts and put in freezer. A can of Maple Leaf miinceineat cest S3.29 apples are cheap, se peel a dezen apples and cut up add a cup, of apple juice and tbe juice of a lemon, cook a short turne (we don't want apple sauce). Add haîf the can ef mincemeat, some peacb juice or plurn juice or cherry juice, cool and set aside. 1Put tic twe boittem crusts in a hot oven and coek 8 minutes. Remove frein even and add the filling, drop the twe top crusts on top and cook tili beautifully brewn. By this metbod we are sure the bottoin crust is donc and wben the top crust is net seal- cd down it gees up and down and neyer boils over, use pie plates an inch and, a quarter deep. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart on Saturday were Miss Bernice Winn of Orillia and 'Miss Dorethy Edlestone of Thorncliffe Park Drive, Toronto. Thcy called on other relatives ini the arca aise. The rafters are gradually gctting covered on Mr. Terry Murdock's new barn n d on Mr. Randy Thiele's log homie. st. Saviaurs ANGLICAN CHURONH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:45 &.m. Rev. Allen Haldenby B.A.L Th. UNITED CHURCH OrossePaumoai Wayne Wright, B.A,M. Div. SUNDAY, DEC. 5, 1982 ORONO UNITED, CHURCH Church School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Orono Pastoral Charge Officiai Board Meeting Tues. Dec. l4th 8:00 p.m. Main Hall White Glft Sunday December l2th KIRY UNITED CHURCH Cburch School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.in. Christmas Gift Ideas PRINCE MATCHABELLI COLOGNES & PERFUMES WINDSONG, CHIMERE CACHET A VIANCE HOUBIGANT COLOGNES & PERFUME S CHA NTILL Y QUELQUES FLEURS ESSENCE RARE MUSK ALSO Bonne BeIIe's Skmn Musk Loves Baby Sof t A Variety of Gifi Sets MAIN ST. ORONO, ONT. 0 .983-5009 *Letterheads *Envelopes Business Cards * Invoices *Labels * Invitatio ,ns * Brochures NCRFora *Continuous and Snapl-Out Forms