Orono Weeklïv Times. Wednesday, December 1, 1982, 5 Presented with CIBC award Dudley Deeley (rigbt) receives bis Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce award which was earned from b is successful competi- tion in the faîl flower show held by tbe Orono Hor- ticultural Society. The presentation was made at the recent Christmas show at Orono by AIf Merrili, manager of the Orono Junior Gardeners Christmas show Brancb of the CIBC. Deeley was top winner in many sections of the fal show and the overail top win- ner in poinàts. T op arrangement in show Held Tbursday,- Nov. 25th i Lower Auditorium of Or- ono United Church with 14 cbildren entering a total of 63 entries ini Xmas Competition. Mrs. Mfinnie Zegers was the capable judge. The crowd enjoyed a, Christmas story and sang Christmas Carols *hile the judging was being donc. The meeting closed witb Cookies and Juive and members of the Sr. Society camne in to view the many en- tries. Prize wi*nners as follows: Gm. sNo. 1 Yenr. Note Book Jr.. 5-10 years 1. Andrea Trafford 2. Wendy DenHollander 3. Jason Knapp 4. Shawn Knapp Cinss No. 2 Homemade Xmas Camd 1. Shawn Knapp 2. Andrea Trafford 3. Jackie Cowan 4. Jason Knapp Ciam No. 3 "Christas Glow" Candie Holder 1. Jason Knapp 2. Kevin Scott 3. Andrea Levac 4. Jackie Cowan Gm. No. 1 Years Note Blook Sn.. 11-16 years. 1. Robin Robinson 2. Shari Lamnonthe Clu. No. 2 Homemade Xmu Card Srs. 1. Robin Robinson 2- Doug Bradley Clama No. 3 "Christmas Glow" Ss.. 1. Doug Bradley 2. Shari Lamonthe 3. Robin Robinson Gm.s No. 4 "Do Your Ownv Thing", 1. Shawn Knapp 2. Andrea Trafford 3. Jackie Cowan 4. Jason Knapp senior. 1. Doug Bradley 2. Robin Robinson Gm. No. 5 "Let'. Use rGourds" 1. Kevin Scott 2. Andrea Trafford 3. Jason Knapp 4. Sbawn Knapp Senior 1. Robin Robinson Clu.s No. 6 "Christmas Parcel", 1. Andrea Trafford 2. Sbawn Knapp 3. Jackie Cowan 4. Jason Knapp Seniors 1. Robin Robinson 2. Doug Bradley Cam No. 7 "'Tree Decora- tions", 1. Kevin Scott 2. Shawn Knapp 3. Andirea Levac 4. Jason Knapp SSeniors 1. Robin Robinson 2. Shari Lamonthe Clama No. 8 "WeIcune Wreth"> 1. Shawn Knapp 2. Andrea Trafford 3. Darcy Vandervelde 4. Peter Cowan Seniors 1. Christopher Vandevelde 2. Shari Lamonthe Dust ln show Jra. Andrea Trafford (Note Book) But ln show Seniors Dong Bradley (Do Your Own Thlng). Property Owners and Tenants Yvonne Traf ford ( right) winner of the top award at the Orono Horticultural Christmas show displays her artistic centre piece to Ann Sam at, Queen's Park (Continued from page 4) munity and Social Services until it. closing in the fali of 1979. The property wbicb once comprised close to 300 acres and contained 31 buildings bas been broken up to some extent since the school clos- ed. 0f the original acreage, some 100 acres of agricultural land have been 'leased to a local farmer, another 100 acres and some of the buildings bave been taken over by the Ontario Housing Corporation, leaving approx- imnately 100 acres and the ma-, jority of the buildings as surplus to be disposed of by MGS. At preDccnt the plan to seli the property is in imbe because the Mlinistry of Com- Scherboop. The centre piece was determnined the best ar- rangement in the show. Trafford also had other in- munity and Social Services may again have need of it. The federal government's new Young Offenders' Act expands the youtb categor y from those under 16 years of age to those under 18. As a result, the province's juvenile correction system wili need tô be enlarged to accommodate young people wbo -are no longer considered aduits under the law. Among the spectrum of services wbich will now need te be provided is security ranging from nimùum to maximum, and it could well be that the Pine Ridge school could play a role bere. As a result, the Ministry of Com- munitY and Social Services bas asked MGS to delay any decision respecting disposal of the property until the end of the year. In the event this property is teresting pieces in the annual show including a Christmas box wrap featuring two white doves made out of Q-Tips. not needed by the province, 1 feel the Town of Newcastle could possibly purchase it with tbe assistance of Ontario Hydro and with some bargaining by tbe NMinistry. The site is truly unique and wilI certainly be of great benefitte the Town in years to come. It i. disappointing that the Ministry has not been more productive and imaginative i dealing witb tbe Town. 1 am disappointed in the inistry for letting'such a beautiful site deteriorate. Finally, good luck to Jack Tressider of the Central On- tario Building Trades Council on bis retirement. And speak- ing of the Training Scbool, 1 am also pleased that tbe Bowmanville Jaycees have been given permission toý use the grounds for a snowmobile race early next year. YU r 1082î' Z Assessment Notice Mailing 0f Assessment Notices A 1982 Assessment Notioe for 1983 mnunicipal and sohool taxes wiII be mailed on or before December 3rd to every property owner and tenant in the following municipalities: Regional Municipality of Durham including the City of Oshawa; the Towns of Ajax, Newcastle, Pickering-,,Whitby; and the Townships of Brook, Scugog anRd Uxbridge. Two information Inserts mailed with your Assessment Notice explain the appeal procedure and provide the imetable of Open Housgs in your area. Open Hou se you may file a formai complaint with Sessionsthe Assessment Review Board. Se son ViII The final date for filing an appeal Answ r Qu stio s iJanuarylth, 1983. Open House sessions have been procedures is provided on the back planned at convenient times and of your Assessment Notice and in locations in your mnunicipality to the Information Inserts. afford you the opportunity to review your assessment with staff of the Residential Regional Assessment Off ice. Properties Assessment staff wilI be pleased to explain the basis of yourIn.Ii*if property assessment and are n uae . authorized to amend ail data With Urea school support, assessment, etc.) F r ad h d on your Notice. F r ad h d You are encouraged to take Foam , 1 advatag of hisservce.A residential property which has Rolis Available been insulated with Urea For R viewFormaldehyde Foamn(U FFI.) The Assessment Roil wiII be reduction to-the residential building available for review at your local portion of the 1982 property municipal off ice during regular assessment., business hours, beginning Those ratepayers whose December 22nd, 1982. residential properies are insulated with UFFI. are urged to attend an If You Wish Assessment Open Hueshd uled in their area or to contact the To AppéalRegional Assessment Office to If you believe you have been confirmn their eligibility for this improperly assessed in any way, assessment reduction. ®Ministry Of lfRevenue Ontario W.H. Parnell, MIMA Assessment Comm issioner Durham Regional Assessment Office 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Telephone: 668-9351 Zenith No. 67140